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more casino rumours

(@Michelle B)
Posts: 22
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Sorry to beat a half -dead in Mississippi we're still hearing rumours about another casino in USVI...what do you hear?

Posted : February 14, 2005 11:29 am
Posts: 1180
Noble Member

A developer has received the initial permits to build a golf course, hotel and casino mid-island on STX. Progress in written about regularly in the local papers.

The developer is now looking for financing. Once that is lined up construction could begin.


Posted : February 14, 2005 1:58 pm
Posts: 2259
Noble Member

Curious as to why this would be a rumour in Mississippi, when it's common knowledge here? It's in the papers and online regularly. Also it's possible they will be building more casinos, as it is the intention of the law creating casinos in St. Croix.

Posted : February 14, 2005 10:32 pm
(@Michelle B)
Posts: 22
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Several of my coworkers have heard rumours here, but they have worked in the islands before... but I haven't seen anything about it in Mississippi papers...the biggest casino news here is the upcoming opening of Hard Rock...besides, don't you know? here the world is flat and if you leave the Gulf you fall into a dark abyss (lol)

Posted : February 15, 2005 8:39 am
Posts: 484
Reputable Member

Not sure why your papers would carry any news about our casino possibilities, since none of the names involved so far are "famous" gambling names or such "institutiions" such as Hard Rock (which we have by the way, but which is moving from it's present location).

Posted : February 15, 2005 11:54 am
Posts: 2259
Noble Member

Paul, the casino in St. Croix's owners are based in Mississippi. Thye came down t open up and train when it first opened. Wish some would come back. The casino has deteriorated into a hell hole. They haven't changed the cloth on the tables in 5 years and the dealers are so slow and angry looking. This is the only casino that I see a team of workers with a tool belt waiting around to fix their hand me down slot machines!They will surely loose all of their existing business as soon as Paul Golden opens his new place!

Posted : February 15, 2005 2:30 pm
(@Michelle B)
Posts: 22
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The present casino in STX is owned by Treasure Bay Casino in Biloxi...they are one of the biggest dumps here, and since new management took over, I can imagine that everything else they touch turns to crap...the people I know who worked in STX said that the place sucks...if its as bad as they say, I wish Paul Golden much luck! Hopefully I won't need to look for a casino job once I get to the islands, but I'd like to have a backup plan!
Please keep me abreast of what's going on with this subject.

Posted : February 16, 2005 10:25 am
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