moving with 5 year old son
I am starting to look into moving to VI. I am a federal employee and I am thinking of hoping for a transfer. I have a 5 year old son which is critical to making the move or not. Any ideas that might get me started on schools or neighborhoods would be greatly appreciated.

What island?
st croix
that is what I am afraid of. Could you elaborate please
My family moved to St.croix with a 5 year old son back in May 06. We love it here. There are great schols here private schools. Countryday, good hope are two of them. There are dangers here as in any other place you live. I am sure you understand that being a part of a federal company/job. My family was transferred here through our government as well. My son has adjusted well to this environment and he loves his school and teachers here.
Good luck on your decision.
I think that you would be OK with a younger child - whose activities are still centered on and controlled by his/her family - an older pre-teen or teenager would be a different story. There have been many posts on this subject, use the search facility and have a look.
We moved to STX March of 06 so it's been almost a year. Our son was 5 when we moved. He turned 6 last September. I was offered a job here and after a pre-move visit with my wife we decided what the heck and took advantage of the opportunity. We were nervous & uncertain about how it was going to work out. Well, so far knock on wood it's been great. Some days we want to move back but that is normal. If you do move here my advice would be to try and meet some good people who can guide you along the way. If it wasn't for the people who helped us in so many different ways we would not have lasted. Our son attends St. Mary's School in C'sted and he really likes it. He is learning to read and do Math as well many other things. We set up play dates with his friends from school. I take him swimming to different resort pools around STX. He learned to swim here. It all comes down to who you associate with and having a little common sense. The parades down here are fantastic. Firework displays last over an hour. The locals are friendly, open and helpful. It is a difficult place to adjust to but the challenges are well worth it.
This is directed toward Marie, who always posts capital letters and says such negative things...
Marie, it is obvious you are not happy. I'm sorry to hear that and genuinely hope you find some happiness. If you don't like it there, that's fine, you are entitled to that opinion. But please, stop being so negative to people who are trying to get information. Your comments are nothing but discouraging. I understand you have a very negative opinion (I've seen your other posts), but please try to be constructive in what you say instead of shouting (caps) and having nothing positive to add. So many other people had better ways of getting their points across - try to use a little more tact. I mean this in a kind way, regardless of how it is perceived. Besides, life is what you make of it. If the person posting wants to move there with her 5 year old, I say let's support her, offer her helpful information, and let her make up her own mind. Good luck rkuchar!!
That should have been sent to Marie in a private message. We did not all need to see you berating her for her opinion. That was not suitable for general posting

I agree.
My comments to Marie were entirely suitable. I find it odd that you have no problem with her posting rude comments shouting at people, but when I defend the original poster, I'm the person you criticize...interesting. I did say 'please' and also added that I meant it in a kind way.
Just for YOU...since you are so offended...I will PM the person next time. Thanks for putting me in my place. I obviously needed it much more than Marie.
thank you for your responses.
Rkuchar my husband is in federal law enforcement here. Is your job going to be helping pay for your child's education? I know one of my friends pays $7000 for good hope preschool and it only goes up from there. There are only two decent choices for college bound schooling here and those are good hope and country day. STX is ok for a young child but i would not want to raise a preteen or teenager here. Please do a pmv for you decide to come, most stateside agents that come here almost immediately start looking for a transfer out. You can email me at if you have any questions 🙂
Why would you not want to raise a preteen or teenager here?
I ask again. Why would you not move here with a preteen or a teenager.
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