LOL, my first post was in response to Rotor, You're response to my response to rotor (said I missed the point or the joke) This is a problem with an open thread. My second response was to your response on various topic's VA/FHA, Student Loans IE. So After this new statement of clarification of my last two posts , I hope it will help you. My First Response was not in response the "DUN's Joke". So here again is my position. The poor are not the only contributing factors in our Failing Economy, there are other Major Key Player's as I had mentioned, Banking, Auto etc. The poor always seem to get blamed for the the entire cause of our Failing Economy. AS our economy struggles there will be a whole new group of once middle class that will join the ranks of "POOR". Health reform is a start to stop this slippery slope downward. I said "a start"!
Ahhh now I get you. While I think there should be drug testing for welfare. I don't in any way blame the poor for the failing economy. We all have to take responsiblity for that. And by that I don't just mean the poor, middle class, or rich but all of us together. We all have responsiblity for our own lives. And not just America before that fake German guy chimes in. 😉
HaHa Betty I agree!
Ahhh now I get you. While I think there should be drug testing for welfare. I don't in any way blame the poor for the failing economy. We all have to take responsiblity for that. And by that I don't just mean the poor, middle class, or rich but all of us together. We all have responsiblity for our own lives. And not just America before that fake German guy chimes in. 😉
I think that "fake German guy" got banned but if he isn't, I wouldn't go tempting fate; he has gotten 3 threads completely deleted so far...
Our Government would never institute a policy like that because it would end up costing more rehabilitating the bottom dregs of our society that welfare ever would. Welfare in terms of our GDP constitutes a very small percentage. If we want to decrease our taxes and our Government spending, we need to control how much we spend in Defense which currently counts for 37% of our GDP. I say this as a Libertarian where I don't believe in any Big Government programs.
why can't the gov get a very right wing think tank and a very left wing think tank come up with a proposal from each and then find common ground and do something,by letting common citizens get involved nothing will ever get done because the common citizen for the most part does not think about the big picture
Given the way things are going I am surprised that someone hasn't suggested solving our economic problems by just making everything free! That would fix all our problems. Free housing, free food, free health care, free transportation, everything free. After all we are the greatest nation on the planet and all of our citizens deserve everything no matter what lifestyle they choose to live.
You don't like to work? No problem, we have earned income tax credits to go with that free housing and free food. We should all take advantage of this. No one should have to work, the government has a program for everyone right? If we need money to pay for these programs the government can just print more right?
A friend just sent me this.
Dear Sirs,
It is now official: You are morons.
The U.S. Post Service was established in 1775 - you have had 234 years to get it right; it is fiscally broke.
Social Security was established in 1935 - you have had 74 years to get it right; it is fiscally broke.
Fannie Mae was established in 1938 - you have had 71 years to get it right; it is fiscally broke..
War on Poverty started in 1964 - you have had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the poor"; it hasn't worked.
Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965 - you've had 44 years to get it right; they're fiscally broke
Freddie Mac was established in 1970 - you have had 39 years to get it right; it is fiscally broke
Trillions of dollars in the massive political payoff called the TARP bill of 2009 shows NO sign of working.
And finally to set a new record:
"Cash for Clunkers" was established in 2009 and went broke in 2009!
So with a perfect 100% failure rate and a record that proves that "services" you shove down our throats are failing faster and faster, you want Americans to believe you can be trusted with a government-run health care system? 15% of our economy? Are you crazy?
Truly, the inmates are running the asylum! (And what does this say about voters who put such pond scum in office...hmmm? Maybe we need to let others in on this brilliant record before 2010 and just vote against incumbents.)
So once again... it's official, you are ALL morons, I don't care what your political leanings are.
Best regards,
Ed Drew
25 Tipton Road
In the defense of the USPS, up until the invention of the e-mail, they were actually doing quite well; like a business they need to retract to what is appropriate. To bad it isn't a private business and given the state of the economy, the necessary retraction to put them in the black will never happen.
jeez rotor,calm down dude:-) all the politicians agree that something needs to happen,it's your neighbor that now pays more for insurance than she does for rent, did she get a raise,nope just a bill, i hear all you people bitching about obamacare but not one word about the fact that her monthly ins premiums are more than her rent, you live on beeston hill and you know what the hell the rents are like there how the fuckk is she supposed to live when she has to pay over 700 a month in ins premiums,tell me that, you know not everyone was really smart and went to work for a company that paid them millions, you areone of the fortunate smart ones,you had the brains,logic and math skills not everyone does.
The USPS has a lot of handycaps and a few advantages. They are forced to provide service to all parts of the country at fixed prices. We pay the same to mail a letter here as in New York City. A fixed rate Priority Mailer works here just like in New York City. The costs of providing the service varies widely. UPS and FedEx have a whole different rate structure down here versus the states.
My father was 40 years with USPS and retired as Postmaster of Ft Lauderdale FL. He always complained about Buster Brown hand picking the profitable markets while leaving everything else for the USPS.
On the plus side, USPS has a legal monopoly on First Class Letters. It is illegal for you to stick a letter in with your UPS package and send it. Now no one enforces this but it is illegal.
TRW, I am not saying that something doesn't need to be done. I am a libertarian and do no feel that government solutions are necessarily the best. It always amuses me when the government goes after a monopoly, like Microsoft. They should look at themselves. I would elect to go with the smaller version of government rather than the gigantic one we have today. Where is the oversight? Most government programs fail and cause more problems than they were designed to fix.
From the doctors that I have talked to the biggest factors affecting health care costs in the US are Malpractice litigation and the cost of pharmaceuticals. Why does the same drug cost three times more here than in Canada?
profit,she told me that she called the pharmacies here on island for the same drug and pretended she did not have insurance and was given prices ranging from 90 bucks to 13 bucks, she then called the lab to find out what her bloodwork cost on a 3 month basis and was told with out ins it was like an average of 80 bucks but they bill the ins companies 250 to 300, so to me it's not malpractice it's just plain fukking greed, she told me this today if you want confirmation you know where she lives
you know rotor i know you're not a believer and i never was but one day my god spoke to me and told me i could have redemption and if i tried to redeem myself i would achieve that goal, yes everynow and then i hear voices telling me to do what is right, am i crazy? not at all,i'm one of the biggestbitchnagcomplainersonthis board but i believe in the voice i hear and i don't think it's my conscience talking,i really do believe it's god whispering in my ear
ok well betty has me beat but you know whati mean
i also believe that i'm more faithfull to gods creed than alot of the "christians"on this board my god just tells me to love and help, not dictate peoples lives, the jesus guy is nowhere in the equation, and yeah i get bitter and lash out at it alot of the time but in the longrun i knowit's right so i say what i have to say and then deal with it,really whats 50 or 100 years in the face of eternity
trw How about this for egregious fed regs?
I wanna know what my thyroid and cholesterol levels are to plug into my spread sheet and see what changes in diet are beneficial and what is not.
So I trot down to the local med lab and say I want these tests and I have my checkbook with me.
Guess what they would love to take my insurance hassle free money but it' ILLEGAL and they can go to jail if they were to accommodate me. OMG they would be aiding my legal attempt to practice medicine ..... on myself.
Why is it illegal to allow me knowledge of the state of my health?
Wanna bet if you follow the money these regs are in place to protect someone's profits and the He#@ with my health.
It's called monopoly and restraint of trade. This is one reason why health care costs are so high.
Remove the BS from health care and let the markets work. I have previously stated I admit some regs will be required because human greed and stupidity are just too strong for a purely libertarian form of gov but is certainly an ideal worthy of pursuit and adding even More regulation is like throwing more gasoline on the fire to put it out.....
yeah so the fuckwhat like i said let the right and left do their think tank things and find common ground,it's the right thing to do
lol li find interesting that when i say what i really do belive no one says a word but when i talk theshit everyone has alot to say lol so that tells me that people are really uncomfortable with the truth,even if it's my percieved truth
I think that "fake German guy" got banned but if he isn't, I wouldn't go tempting fate; he has gotten 3 threads completely deleted so far...
Did I miss something? Which threads were deleted and why do you think that it was somehow Dan's fault?
Many people have wondered aloud why tort reform isn't part of the bill. Here's your answer, and it shouldn't come as a surprise. Excerpt from
Admission of that power-politics reality was the most significant occurrence in a very odd town-hall meeting Tuesday night held by Virginia Democratic Rep. James P. Moran. It is now clearer than ever that plaintiffs' lawyers collectively are the political powerhouse running the health care show.
A constituent at the meeting, quite reasonably, asked Mr. Moran the following question: "There is $200 billion of savings over 10 years if you have [lawsuit] reform, and nobody loses but the lawyers. Why isn't [lawsuit] reform in the bill?"
On this question, as on more than half of those asked by the audience, Mr. Moran deferred to his guest, former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, to provide a response. Mr. Dean's answer was candid: "When you go to pass an enormous bill like that, the more stuff you put in it, the more enemies you make. The reason that tort reform is not in the bill is because the people who wrote it did not want to take on the trial lawyers in addition to everybody else they were taking on, and that is the plain and simple truth.... This bill has enough enemies. The more groups you take on, the more enemies you make.
I think that "fake German guy" got banned but if he isn't, I wouldn't go tempting fate; he has gotten 3 threads completely deleted so far...
Did I miss something? Which threads were deleted and why do you think that it was somehow Dan's fault?
From what I saw, he was posting stuff from his point of view. There were some people that automatically assumed that because he isn't from here that he was attacking the United States whenever he would try to post an opinion. Then Islander would have to delete it because it because there would be 10-20 posts attacking him. Apparently you must be an American to have any opinion about America to post on here.
I know him and he is the one that told me about this website; he has been kindly [sic] asked to not post here so he isn't going to anymore. That should make some [cold-blooded] contributors on here quite happy.
Wow, I'm sorry to hear that.
You obviously didn't see ALL that he posted or the way he worded it.
his choice
Extremely Foul/vulgar language "His Choice" Don't think so. Since when do you have to go to the toilet to make a statement? That's why the threads were deleted " not the topic", nor the argument.
I am corrected.
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