Peace Officer Statu...
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Peace Officer Status

Posts: 1914
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Posts: 12366
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can't remember which senator, but one of them said they would be affraid for the children if it passed and hanson voted no as did nelson, cant remember the other two

Sen. James, Sen. Hansen, Sen. Nelson, Sen. Richards, Sen. Sprauve, Sen. Williams and Sen. Millin-Young, voted against the Peace Officer Status Bill,

Posted : September 20, 2012 2:55 pm
Posts: 12366
Illustrious Member

Just had a chance to watch the video! OMG! These are our elected Senators.
Can it get any more depressing than having these men and women representing us?

A friend sent me a picture of the front page of the Daily News this morning re: our Senators discussing Hovensa.
Just when one thinks they cannot possibly do any worse, you read Senate President Ronald Russell's comment and you just have to go take a tranquilizer or you know your head will just explode.

Posted : September 20, 2012 3:26 pm
Posts: 1018
Noble Member

Thanks, Sky for posting the video itself.
I didn't know how to, so I just posted the link to the video in my previous post.

Posted : September 20, 2012 4:16 pm
Posts: 296
Reputable Member

Did one of these clowns really say --"if someone puts a knife to your neck it's a local matter"............lawd save us from these fools.

Posted : September 20, 2012 5:49 pm
Posts: 842
Prominent Member

Watch the video. In the spirit of truth and full disclosure, so as not to mis-represent our STT senetor, the actual quote is:

"If someone take out a knife,
a knife to your neck,
as serious that is for you,
that's a local matter.

That's what we dealing with.

And if a federal agent intervene in that matter,
the liability is what,
is could have
comes to question."

End quote

(i have write this down somewhere and use it again. )

.Regardless. I count this vote as a victory and the first of many steps towards stopping the violence. Hurrrah!

Posted : September 20, 2012 5:57 pm
Posts: 2940
Famed Member

Thats the level of representation we have here.

But a lot of people seem to think that is okay.

No wonder this place is such a mess.

Posted : September 21, 2012 12:18 pm
Posts: 12366
Illustrious Member

Thats the level of representation we have here.

But a lot of people seem to think that is okay.

No wonder this place is such a mess.

I have to agree. It boggles the mind.

Posted : September 21, 2012 12:32 pm
Posts: 1914
Noble Member

From the Senate President....."Afta a bit of confusion, debate, and whateva" 🙁

From Chunky "No federal person want to side with no local":S

Posted : September 21, 2012 12:38 pm
Posts: 285
Reputable Member

Thank God I don't have speakers attached to my work computer, if I'd have heard this crap actually said out loud I don't think I could have resisted headbutting the monitor.

And besides the straight up idiocy, do we have one senator that can string 4 words together without making a grammatical mistake? Perhaps Chucky should have bought degrees from a better school.

Posted : September 21, 2012 1:02 pm
Posts: 6523
Illustrious Member

From the Senate President....."Afta a bit of confusion, debate, and whateva" 🙁

From Chunky "No federal person want to side with no local":S

Speaking of Chucky I find it ironic that, in the ongoing effort to prevent her seeking to retain her position in the Senate, Adelbert Bryan is very much in the forefront of the movement. I don't disagree with the rationale by any stretch but given Bert's colorful history steeped in allegations of criminal wrongdoings, his association is really pretty funny in a bizarre way. In my opinion his angst stems more from the fact that Chucky's reputation as a loud-mouthed and ignorant bigot is starting to surpass his own rather than the meat of the issue.

Posted : September 21, 2012 1:04 pm
Posts: 8871
Illustrious Member

lol, oldtart

Posted : September 21, 2012 5:58 pm
Posts: 453
Honorable Member

maybe,just maybe,the continuous exposure of these illiterate,corrupt, and immoral clowns "might" make a difference in the next election. personally i am praying ,because if this election doesn't oust the the theives and current powers that be, this island will become a very SCARY place to live.this is the fist time in 10 years of living here and prior to that vacationing here, i have ever felt that way. to the day i die{just my opinion ,no proof}..i will always question the intetgr

ity of the election that elected,chucky and r. russell. we all need to register to vote and spread our opinions to everyone we can!!! if this election doesn't at least begin some positive change this island is doomed until the feds take control!! there is no rational reason for this downturn on stx,except the "powers that be, will do anything{including murder} to keep that power within their families.take a look at what some other islands have accomplished by sustainable and legal progress.

Posted : September 23, 2012 1:23 am
Posts: 340
Reputable Member

The government here really love to pick and choose what help they get from the feds. I dont hear them fight this much about the feds giving them 50 million a year in food stamp money. Gees you think the fact that 25 percent of the people not being able to feed themsleves would be a "local matter" also.

Posted : September 23, 2012 11:37 am
Posts: 12366
Illustrious Member

They want the Federal money just not the federal oversight that comes with it.
Why would they when it's a free for all when it comes to spending the money.
The attitude is "we don't want no stateside people coming here telling we what to do or how to do it."
They might have to clean up their act.
Seriously, where would we be without federal aid?

I am very disheartened to hear that the Interior Dept. is going to close the OIG office in the VI.
Just when we need it the most to keep our Government officials in line and know how our money is being misspent, mismanaged, misappropriated, wasted and stolen! BUMMER!


Posted : September 23, 2012 2:29 pm
Posts: 340
Reputable Member

I was always taught to not bite the hand that feeds me lol. I am sure if the feds said "instead of sending agents down there we are going to just send 10 million for you guys to use to help fight crime and whateva" they would be all over it lol. Then they could figure out local solutions to local problems. What a joke that would be.

Posted : September 23, 2012 3:25 pm
Posts: 201
Estimable Member

Don't forget about these clowns when you're casting your vote tomorrow!!

I know who I'm NOT voting for.

Posted : November 5, 2012 10:22 pm
Posts: 424
Reputable Member

*-)how's that Peace officer status been working for you all so far? Seems like the same old crime to me......

Posted : November 5, 2012 11:24 pm
Posts: 201
Estimable Member

*-)how's that Peace officer status been working for you all so far? Seems like the same old crime to me......

Been working TREMENDOUSLY!!!

Not sure if you've been downtown Christiansted or not but shops are open late and business is booming!! I've heard good things about downtown St. Thomas as well!!

Posted : November 7, 2012 2:22 am
Posts: 424
Reputable Member

*-)how's that Peace officer status been working for you all so far? Seems like the same old crime to me......

Been working TREMENDOUSLY!!!

Not sure if you've been downtown Christiansted or not but shops are open late and business is booming!! I've heard good things about downtown St. Thomas as well!!

really?! I have not hear that at all, but I've hear about robberies and shootings.

But looking at tonight's election results, this peace officer thing sure has worked out great for Sanes......and maybe Judi Fricks, not sure if she was championing this cause also

Posted : November 7, 2012 3:11 am
Posts: 201
Estimable Member

Cruz.....not sure where you're going with your statements, but

maybe you haven't been paying attention to what's been happening in the VI. C'sted was packed tonight and has been lately because of reduced crime!!

I only hope that st. Thomas is seeing the same results!

Posted : November 7, 2012 5:48 am
Posts: 8871
Illustrious Member

Uttica, are there extra police downtown now. I have been wanting to go down for the next Jump Up and was hoping it would actually be a safe event-near the Seaplanes and that area, especially for parking

Posted : November 7, 2012 4:36 pm
Posts: 42
Eminent Member

*-)how's that Peace officer status been working for you all so far? Seems like the same old crime to me......

Been working TREMENDOUSLY!!!

Not sure if you've been downtown Christiansted or not but shops are open late and business is booming!! I've heard good things about downtown St. Thomas as well!!

really?! I have not hear that at all, but I've hear about robberies and shootings.

But looking at tonight's election results, this peace officer thing sure has worked out great for Sanes......and maybe Judi Fricks, not sure if she was championing this cause also

The Peace Officer law has not been enacted to date. While the PO bill was signed into law, it can't be enacted until the Attorney General creates and conducts a "cultural sensativity" course for the federal officers. There are also other conditions stipulated in the bill that have to be in place before enforcement. This is not to say that the VIPD is not stepping up its patrol. They are more visible now in the streets, as I noticed.

Posted : November 7, 2012 10:32 pm
Posts: 842
Prominent Member

They want the Federal money just not the federal oversight that comes with it.
Why would they when it's a free for all when it comes to spending the money.
The attitude is "we don't want no stateside people coming here telling we what to do or how to do it."
They might have to clean up their act.
Seriously, where would we be without federal aid?

I wonder what the feds think about VIPD/DPNR/BlueLightening stealing federal Homeland Security money to provide protection and logisitcal support for drug cartels?

Posted : June 1, 2013 4:25 pm
Posts: 1037
Noble Member

*-)how's that Peace officer status been working for you all so far? Seems like the same old crime to me......

Been working TREMENDOUSLY!!!

Not sure if you've been downtown Christiansted or not but shops are open late and business is booming!! I've heard good things about downtown St. Thomas as well!!

haha, Oh Man was this old post fun to read. Between Nov and now, I've known probably 20 friends who have been jumped and robbed or had a gun in their face and that's just friends. All in Csted too and all by the boardwalk. Crime is awful in that town. I know season is over now, but it's deader than dead down there too from what I hear. I shouldn't laugh, because this is a major problem, but I certainly wouldn't pretend anything has been done to change it. At least they have those new lights on the boardwalk.

We need a police force, that is from off island and the courts to back them up.

Posted : June 1, 2013 4:40 pm
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