ProActiv Face Cleanser
Does anyone sell ProActiv on island? If not, does anyone use it and can confirm whether they will ship it here?
Jen: Okay, I am going to get fried for this you REALLY need this brand of face cleanser? I am frequently amazed at folk who move here who seem to need specific products. If you can't deal with soap and water, you should call someone back home and have them send you some.
Go ahead, y'all.
don't know if they sell it but QVC on television will ship to vi no problem---
I am not going to fry you, but I do think that you have taken your 'blunt, but honest' persona too far this time. What a silly post. It is not unusual for people to like/enjoy certain brands. There is nothing strange about that. Your post however, was quite strange. There are no medals given for "doing without". It is no badge of honor to live as deprived as one possibly can. If she wants that particular brand, then what's it to you?
and here I thought I would see a lot of helpful responses. silly me. NO soap and water is not working and neither is the brand of face cleanser that I did use back home which they DO sell here. I suppose the heat has made my face break out and for the last month I have tried diff remedies and products.
ProActiv was recommended. I was simply wondering if they sold it here before I asked a friend back home to buy it and ship it. It would definitely be easier to go to AH Riise or somewhere like that where they carry good skin products.
Check with Jill at AH Riise. She's an expert.
They sell proactive here (Norfolk, VA) at the mall. We are packing our container now to leave this coming Thursday. I would be happy to stock up on some for you. Just tell me which products you need. Jane, people who have acne know that proactive is the only over the counter medication that works if you can get it, why do without?
Sorry Jane,
I meant to say Eastender.
On the commercial Puff daddy and Jessica simpson use it. Is there any way you can get in touch with them?
I'm probably going to stick hoof in mouth but I do understand where East Ender is coming from, and although East Ender's response to Jen's post could be interpreted as snarky, it really did make a point which really should be well taken and in context.
Jen is a very beautiful young lady with much going for her and I hope that she will eventually segue into island life and find her way here. She's already encountered some basic living problems viz a viz previous posts and I think that maybe she didn't do as much research as she might have done, particularly where day to day living is concerned.
Jen, your body has to adjust to a different climate and that goes for your face too.
It takes a while to adjust to a new living environment and a new climate.. I think that maybe you arrived here with a paradisical concept of life in general and noiw you're going , "GULP! YIKES!" when the reality hits.
The people on this forum are good people for the most part and will help you as much as they're able.
Cheers, dear!
ok ok ok.. in all seriousness. I don't think that wanting to clear up bad skin is part of "island life" or not. people down here are the same as anywhere else, so is life. However I have seen that people some thrive on the fact that they have been here long and others have not and may not make it. I do not mean anything specific or on the board. I have seen it in person. People jumping at the bit to say things "bet you didn't plan for that" "not like in the states" "its not what you thought, is it?" and to everyone I reply that it is pretty much what I thought, some better, some worse, but such is life. I don't walk into the weird crappy kmart near havensite and start regretting it all and wishing I was home.
I can say something like "man I wish there was a "Whatever" store down here" and just mean that, "wish it".
I (and most people) don't give up and want to go home. I think most 6 monthers and such are just that, plan to come down for the season. anyway..........
where was I.
Ohh yea, It has yet to be said in this post but I really hate the word "neubie" "newbie" "newbs" etc. As in really hate, it is used so much in life- one person saying in a conversation "hehe... he's just a newbie", ughh it makes me want to shoot myself. It has this intrinsic power trip to it, whether it be used - at a job, a new hobbie, fishing, moving, or most commonly - magic card/ on-line gaming- world of warcraft type crap ( did anyone see that southpark?.... so damn funny) something to the effect of "don't aline your magic skills with him, he's a newb"
so inferior
aren't we all.
back to the bad skin... when I came down my arms broke out, it was weird/bad and sucked. my skin has been getting used to the weather and if you wash good and get a basic astringent and even topical spot cream (I got all from K-mart) you should be fine, that and the being out in the sun has made it all great.
I guess thats it.
To address your original post. Yes, you can order proactiv to the island and if it is your first purchase they will send the shipment priority mail and it will get to island fast. However, to order proactiv you get a subscription so you are charged and shipped every two months. The problem is that the shipments are sent regular mail (not priority) and you don't get your shipments on time. I lived on island two years and never found anything over the counter that worked as well as proactiv, but would run out before the next shipment arrived. Proactiv wouldn't send the other shipments priority mail, so I canceled. I have since moved back to the states and my skin has gone back to normal -meaning good. The island humidity and heat took a toll on my skin and I never did find a way to fix it (other than moving back stateside). The only advice I have is to wash your face often - don't use toner (it actually makes your skin produce more oil by drying it out) - and use a moisturizer with spf 15 after washing. This works, but I found I had to wash and moisturize every time I would perspire which sometimes was like 10 times a day and I couldn't keep up with it. We didn't have air conditioning which would have helped. I am sure this is more than everyone else wanted to hear, but it was a major issue for me on island.
I have since found that Clearasil sells a three product package similar to Proactiv that works for me now, but I don't know about it on island. Good luck on this and the whole island experience.
Until you can find the ProActive, you might want to check out Soaps and Scents dowtown C'sted. She makes all her own products with natural ingredients. She has 3 face soaps ; one for oily skin, one for combo and one for dry skin. When I first moved here my face was breaking out like it never did before. Until my skin adjusted to the climate, I used her soap for oily skin and it helped tremendously. My husband used it, also. Now that my skin is back to normal, I switched to her oatmeal soap for combo skin. The other great thing about her products is that they are very affordable. I think the face soap is around $5-$7.
I tried already 🙁
No way, STT Resident. I knew what to expect. I had a PMV and did TONS of research. Not to mention the board was extremely helpful and the other office of the company I work with is here so I have a few mentors as well.
Nothing that has happened to me so far has came out of left field or been completely unexpected. It was merely a post to find out if I needed to order it or if I could pick it up on island. In fact, I found out they sell at it the Wyndham.
Seems everyone is quick to jump on people and label them as wanting to come here thinking it would be paradise found. Not everyone comes here because they have a whimisical idea of the VI. I had very realistic expectations and have no problem adjusting to the change. I came here largely for professional reasons and as a personal adventure.
I appreciate everyone's advice so far. Seems I must have struck a nerve on this post with a few people quick to jump to the wrong conclusions of my attitude and the nature of my inquiry.
Thank you for your kindness! I have actually located it in the Wyndham Sugar Bay. I appreciate your help! Have a safe trip 🙂
Thank you! I appreciate the helpful post and I will check that place out as well! It sounds like a neat shop to visit regardless of skin problems!
Hey Jen! I've always suffered from breakouts and the ProActiv face wash really worked well for me. However, you get sucked into a schedule of having to buy a package with a toner etc and then they send it to you every 2 months. You end up paying for more than you need.
The secret behind ProActiv is a low dose of Benzoyl Peroxide, I think 2%, along with non-oily moisturizers. I've found the same mix in a Neutrogena product. It's called Clean Pore Cleanser/Mask. Here's the link:
I then use simple aloe gel to moisturize. This combo works really well and keeps my face clear and clean.
Clean Pore Cleanser/Mask is readily available at all the CVS/Walgreens/Brooks around here so you might be able to find it down there.
I understand the impact of not being happy with the condition of the skin on your face. Eventually, your skin might adjust to the new climate but you shouldn't be unhappy while that is happening. Island life be damned!
FYI, I do not work for or own stocks in Neutrogena. I just have sensitive skin that breaks out.
Good luck!
I also use the Neutrogena Spot-On treatment (or soemthing like that) if I do have a blemish or two!
I believe the product that she is referring to is available at K-Mart. I was just there today and saw a product with 3 different cleansers and said "compare to ProActive." It still high compared to the price at home, but ProActive is pretty pricey. If you haven't been using ProActive before, I would try this and see if it helps. I'm 32 and still have pimples, but so far it hasn't been too bad here (knock on wood). Good luck!
My future wife uses it and here's what we did. We signed up with a UPS store in the states and they forward it to's that easy!
I have used the product for almost 10 years and would not be without it. 7 of those years I used itin the VI. They will ship it to you. The website is and QVC used to ship it. After 911 don't know if they will still ship it to VI. Product is great and I am over the acne age but it is also good for the complexion and has sun screen.
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