senior ID card STT
Who knows where to get a senior (over 60) ID card in STT? Search couldn't find but I'm sure this has come up before.
Department of Human Services located in the old Knud Hansen Hospital in Hospital Ground next to the Lionel Roberts Stadium. It's an easy process - take photographic ID with you, proof of residency, SS card.
Department of Human Services in the Old Knud Hansen complex. As you walk in the hall way it's the doorway just before you get to the security checkpoint. Just go in there and tell them where you are going. It's easy. $5.
Hey OT we were both typing at the same time!!
Hey OT we were both typing at the same time!!
You know what they say about great minds, Ronnie. 😀
Here's a link to the form you need to fill out if you want to do it in advance. See "Senior Identification" link:
Well, you can tell who all has been there! LOL $3 round trips to St John! Half-price car registration! (tu):@)
Cooking gas discount! Movie tickets discount! They give you a list of the bennies. Every little helps (as the old lady said as she peed into the sea) ...
Sea Chest, Food Center, Doctor's Choice Pharmacy. Never ashamed to ask if they take them. Lots never advertise it or are on their list. I do like the $3 fare to STJ!

Pueblo, Vitran bus, UVI , [the fitness center is an excellent bargain] and Community Motors have all honored the Senior card with discounts for me in addition to the ones mentioned.
Thank you all who replied! I will be taking care of it soon. I'm just a little freaked out that I have made it this far! I did not expect I would!
Hell, in third grade we didn't think we would see the year 2000! We would be too old. 48! Just perspective.
It's the first doorway on the left at the above mentioned building after going in the main entrance of DHS.
I finally went down to get mine on Wed. Been meaning to go get an ID since my birthday in May so thanks for the posting as reminder and the incentive to finally get it done.
The lady in the office who filled out my form and took the pic, (Felicia Creque) could not have been nicer.
I took everything I thought I'd need (2 ID's with pics, my social security card, voter registration card and a WAPA bill) and filled out the form on the link OT provided in advance and took that in. Turns out they don't use that form anymore so don't bother with it. I didn't need 1/2 of what I took with me as ID but you know how things go. If I hadn't had it, I probably would have needed it. Took no time at all and everyone was very nice directing me where to go and getting my ID. All in all, one of the more pleasant experiences from a VI Government service and their personnel so I thank them for making it easy.
I am looking forward to taking advantage of the discounts as a reward for surviving life in the islands to this advanced age!
You said it, Ronnie! Who'd have thought!!:D
I am looking forward to taking advantage of the discounts as a reward for surviving life in the islands to this advanced age!
You said it, Ronnie! Who'd have thought!!:D
Another to add to the discount list is Plaza Extra. A year before I was officially eligible the cashiers were blithely calling out "DISCOUNT" when they'd finished ringing up my purchases and I didn't bother to correct them even though I was a bit miffed - I knew working hard was taking its toll but I didn't think I looked THAT bad (save the comments, those who know me!).
When you call for your next gas tank, Alana, all you need to do is tell them you have a Senior Card and have it at the ready to give them the number which they put on your account record. You do need to remind them when you next call. On vehicle registration you don't have to present the card every year, it's noted on your registration slip.
Welcome to The Old Fart Club!
I use Antilles Gas and St. Thomas Gas is the one on the list.
Will give it a whirl, tho.
Thanks for the Welcome. 😉
I just switched to Antilles (they supply the new place I'm living in) from STT Gas and same deal, no problem.
Good to know! Every little bit helps!

I realize this original topic is 5 years old, anybody know where to go nowadays to obtain your official Senior Card? Tried to get a resident senior’s annual pass at Magen’s Bay Beach yesterday (big savings, $96 instead of $300/yr) and they said I had to have one of these official cards but didn’t know where to get it from. They suggested I “call the Government.” Who, the Dept of Human Services? Suppose I could try that on Monday, just wondered if anybody here has gotten their card lately.
You go to the old hospital building that is "around the field" which means it is near Lionel Roberts stadium. Make the right at the light by court and when you get to fork go right and when you get to next fork go left. Human Services will be on your right across from the graveyard.
Very easy process.

Thx ms411, appreciate the help!
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