Rotorhead, so sorry for what you and your wife had to go thru.
So glad the cops were able to get these guys.
Stay Safe everyone!
Wow, glad you are okay. The crime is ridiculous here. I'm shocked the cops did anything, let alone did it well. I'm about to start working in town again (last place I worked in town closed because business died after our security guard was murdered on the job). I've been talking to people with business on the boardwalk. Cops have basically said they don't have anybody to work there at night, so a bunch of the bars are looking into private security, since people are getting robbed every single night.
Holy cow Rotor!! Sorry you had to go through that. :X So glad you two are OK!!! (tu)
I saw the cops fly past Bluewater last night and was wondering why. If that was for you and they made it out east that fast, that's amazing.
Source article:
How terrifying! Glad you are ok!!!!! So sad.
So sorry you had to go tru this! This is very sad and very scary indeed. Soo glad you are both ok!!!
May I ask you though, Rotorhead, is there anything you could advise us to do that could help us at all, as to prevention, ...? Any advise at all, I would really appreciate it.
Thank you in advance!
So sorry to hear about your terrifying experience Rotor! I am glad to hear that you and your family survived such a traumatic experience. I don't know if I have the right person but I believe my son and I sat next to you on plane ride from Miami several years ago when we flew down to investigate some business opportunities.
Home invasions here on Long Island have become quite prevalent over the past years and was one of several reasons for my wanting to relocate to STX. Perhaps I am simply naive but it is incredulous to believe that violent crimes of this type would even occur on STX. Is the populace that stupid or that desperate to have to engage in criminal activities of this nature? Where can they hide on such a tiny island? Are the island police so inept that the criminal element can feel so emboldened?
It has taken me a number of years to convince my wife to finally agree to buying a place in STX and possibly open a business there, however recent posts relating to crime, the loss of Hovensa, WAPA and gasoline rates have started to give me pause.
This just makes me physically ill. I am so glad you two are physically unharmed! Between how very expensive it's getting to live in the USVIs and the crime that comes way to close to home...Myself and the bf are thinking it's time to make our exit plans. I love it here, but I just can't afford it anymore. And the crime really is a thing. It really is!
Glad you are both safe...............this is some horrible crap............I am glad the cops acted quickly and efficiently........that's awesome. Sad that it happened to begin with...........but, at least this time they got the perps....
I'm at a loss for words. So sad and terrifying!
These criminals are just so brazen. Hope there is some comfort in knowing they didn't get away and are unable to terrorize and harm others.
Thank you, your wife and the police for quick thinking and response to get these guys off the street.
So sorry to hear about your terrifying experience Rotor! I am glad to hear that you and your family survived such a traumatic experience. I don't know if I have the right person but I believe my son and I sat next to you on plane ride from Miami several years ago when we flew down to investigate some business opportunities.
Home invasions here on Long Island have become quite prevalent over the past years and was one of several reasons for my wanting to relocate to STX. Perhaps I am simply naive but it is incredulous to believe that violent crimes of this type would even occur on STX. Is the populace that stupid or that desperate to have to engage in criminal activities of this nature? Where can they hide on such a tiny island? Are the island police so inept that the criminal element can feel so emboldened?
It has taken me a number of years to convince my wife to finally agree to buying a place in STX and possibly open a business there, however recent posts relating to crime, the loss of Hovensa, WAPA and gasoline rates have started to give me pause.
Long Island is 10000000% safer than STT or STX. It's not even close. It's getting to the point now where you really shouldn't be walking anywhere at night, even at restaurants. In 2012, the criminals are just not threatened by the Police or worried about getting caught. Until that mentality changes, the rise in violent crime won't.
Mrs. Rotor deserves high praise for level headed thinking in time of great crisis. I can't even begin to image what those two hours were like for you both. Whatever you did or said was effective. Very pleased to hear the VIPD did their job and did it well. It takes brave men to confront these aminals with automatic weapons (from what I understand). I hope that the injurred officer makes a complete and quick recovery.
Also worth noting, quite a few other home invasions in the territority this year. Two of which resulted in two innocent people murdered in their own homes. As far as I know, no arrests were made in any case. Perhaps last night's horror will uncover leads and provide some resolution for other families.
Take of your selves.
Glad you guys are okay. Sounds horrific. The results being successful hopefully will put others on notice that there are new sheriffs in town that won't take any crap anymore. Kudos on a job well done.
so glad you both are ok. cant imagine how terrifying it must have been.
like picaflores is there anything you would suggest for safety? we have two big dogs and one little and we rely on there barking to alert us.
do you have any dogs?n(sure you do) knowing ms. rotor.
maybe by the police doing their job so successfully that night it will now show other would be invaders they cant mess with us.
I'm so glad you guys weren't injured or killed. May the force be with you.
Too bad the cops didn't kill the third little f**ker.
Maybe Rotor aught to pay a midnight visit to the hospital and finish him off.
We need to shoot more of these animals.
First Rotor, you and your wife are to commended on your level headed reaction to this lethal event.
Being former law enforcement I can tell you that the odds of you coming through this uninjured are very slim, and I hope that is the case.
Secondly we here on the Island need this kind of reaction from the police, it not only ended a lethal threat to you and your wife but ends the threat of retribution from these at least two of these thugs if they ever went to court.
Thirdly it sends a very clear message that if you want to play criminal here you better be prepared to pay the consequences. As callus as it sounds and as final as it was it seem to be the only thing that this current crop of perps understand.
Hope all turns out well for you and your family. (tu)
Two down, a few more to go!
So glad you and your wife are OK!
Definitely glad you and your wife were not killed or injured.
The disappointing thing is one is still alive. He should be strung up at five corners for all to see. An example for the other animals showing the consequences of being a violent criminal.
2 hrs in the house gave police plenty of response time.
I was shocked to read about this incident. I hope you and your wife recover from this trauma.
I seems the police reacted well and did things the right way, they should be congratulated for doing their job. This brings up two points of concern. The first is safety. For years many people, including myself, have said that crime was mostly a problem of drugs in the projects and domestic violence. This and other recent incidents tell us that violent crime in the VI has moved into our homes. More must be done to combat that trend.
The other issue the government must take on is the root cause of violent crime. We need better solutions for prevention. These islands are too small to have the violent crime we have. The police and government know who the bad guys are and should be more proactive in getting guns and drugs off the island.
Once again Rotor, so glad you are here.
Glad you are ok.
Hang in there!
I'm actually kind of curious, do people generally keep their own protection in house, guns specifically? Tasers? Thinking maybe I should bring one of the two with us. Besides be aware, what can people do just as precautions? As a newbie any info would help 🙂
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