Sports or Martial Arts for Kids?
Hi everyone. We are new to the island and I am looking for some sort of non-school activity for my 6 year old son. He was involved in Jiu Jitzu and baseball back in the states, but I would be interested in other options too. Can anyone make some suggestions? I looked for martial arts in the phone book, but no luck. I heard there maybe some soccer or flag football, but school officials don't have any workable information. In short, I'm looking for an activity for him to make friends outside of school, and have some fun. I'm hoping this will help him adjust easier. Since he is an only child he is missing his old friends.
Which island?
Oops sorry. STT
This might help!
IAA Flag Football
Dwayne "Juice" Maduro
340 643-7777
The Advanced Soccer Academy
340 998-8701
American Legion Flagg Football ------- Tennis Instruction Program
Paul Devine --------------------------------- Don Dewilde
340 998-1925 ------- 340-773-3036 this is stx but might know someone stt
New Vibes Soccer
Trevor 340 344-7764 or
Carol 340-643-5837
Magens Bay Learn to Swim Program
Beginner through Advanced
Gayle 340 643-6319
Deb 340 998-9227

Don't forget Scouts.
He's only six you have to be eight for scouts.

For cub scouts???
Yes eight for cub scouts, eleven for Boy scouts, and fourteen for explorer.

Oh, I thought they started earlier than that.
They can start in the frist grade and are called Tiger Cubs. Each boy has to have an adult "partner".
I stand corrected, I forgot about Tiger cubs.
They can start younger, Sorry!
The only reason I know is that my annoying boss spends his days on the phone coordinating his Tiger Cub Pack meetings and planning their outings, etc!
Thanks everyone. I'm going to check some of these things out. Anymore ideas don't hesitate to add them.
AYSO soccer. I don't have any of the particulars but I know games will be starting up first weekend in October. They have age groups from 6 -17. Practice 1-2 times a week depending on the coach and games every Sat. until late May.

Here is another idea. Antilles after school programs allow non-Antilles students to attend. They have many offerings including martial arts. Just give them a call for the schedule.
Antilles recently posted their after-class offerings in the Daily News.
Call Jackie Nelthropp for the breakdown.
Thanks to everyone for the information. I greatly appreciate the help!
Today's Daily News (approx. 3 or 4 pages in) has an ad from Antilles. The class offering are pretty varied and include martial arts. Starts Sept. 17th. Unfortumately, I don't have the paper with me at the moment so I can't give you Jackie's number.

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