You gotta love the org. Sliders from Whitecastle!
You know, don't you, that you can get them, in the freezer section, at CUL, Plaza, Marina Market and Food Center. Maybe other places as well. My problem is I can't stop with 2. I eat the entire box!!
the white castle on broadway and lyndale in north (ghetto) minneapolis was always a great place for me to stop on my way to work sunday mornings at 5am,lol had to soak up saturday nights booze before work
lol the singing corpse just talked my ear off for like 20 minutes i did'nt have to say a word he just went on and on,coke is a wonderful thing sometimes,i just have to sit,smile nod in the right places and listen

Don't nuke the frozen White Castles. Follow the directions on the box & steam them on a broiler pan with some water in the bottom & cover the burgers tightly with foil. They taste just like at White Castle that way.
when i worked at the galleon,the frozen white castle burgers were our staff meal at times,lol
Anybody from the south? Remember Krystal! Same as WhiteCastle, but I think, better.

I think Krystal's is soooooo much better....BUT Melissa being from St. Louis disagrees and is all for White Castles.
well finally someone from the DLCA told these lazy,greedy cab drivers to SHUT UP,god they are like parasites,i encourage everyone to rent a car,i waited on a couple staying at carambola yesterday and the driver wanted to screw them out of 35 bucks to bring them into town,and they told him no thanks we'll rent a car and they did. You can read the whining,crying,gnashing of teeth and it's not fair in the avis today, and then you can the oh shut up letter as well.
so i had 3 people in for b'fast yesterday 2 of them lived here one was visiting,the visitor was amazed that it was ok to walk the streets with a beer or a cocktail,lol and then i told him it was ok to drink and drive as long as you had your seatbelt on and you were'nt being stupid,that the cops over here basically turn their heads,lol well i've seen them do it as well,i have a lady 3 or 4 times a week that pulls up in her SUV and yells out for me to bring her 2 coronas(drive up service),so anyway as they were leaving i told his friends to take him to benticks and buy him a heineken and then go over to the gov parking lot and let him drink and drive around in the parking lot for a little bit,oh don't yell at me i know i know
got my card in less than 10 minutes this morning,so i'm good for a year
LOL, when I was driving our guests around the island the other day I handed them each a Corona and they looked astounded. I assured them it was OK . .. they were not even driving . .. they drank the beers but still kept them out of sight and said how guilty they when we passed a police car.
I can remember Kelly (from OTW and Beach Bar) and I talking about the open liquor rule and she told me that when she first moved to STX she was driving her car and a police office pulled her over. She had a beer in her hand and thought, well here I go to jail for drinking and driving.... he told her that the back tire was almost flat and that she needed to get it fixed right away... then he said to her "You know, if you put a straw in your beer, then you could drink it and you could see where you were going". She told me that that's when she knew she had picked the right place to rest her soul....
ah great story charlotte,peter tells one as well,they were driving with another jeep and they pulled over to dance because a good song came on and then they got back in 2 drive away and the cops blasted them with the sirens and lites before they'd even pulled away so they got out and the cop told them they'd left a beer on the roof of the car.
well the health dept guy(not the midget with the gun ) came today and busted our 2 cooks for not having current health cards,lol they each are getting hit with a 75 buck fine,actually the business got a 150 fine but the owner is passing it onto them,so kids live and learn,i totally lucked out,he's hit 2 other places down here pretty hard as well
heard they had cheap eats at sharky's so off i went,lol poor white trash food,baked ziti,all pasta with just enough sauce to make it red,lots of carbs and starch to fill you up,then i walked over to no bones and had cherry pie ala mode,really cloudy and breezy now downtown looks like rain all night,my landlady drove by the cafe today and yelled out that she ordered my new appliances today,TODAY? woman are you insane or just crazy,well i'm not paying rent until i get appliances and a rent credit for eating out everyday and thats that.
well last week my unofficial lawyer (alkon) told me to write out all the details of the ex and my life together to furthur emphasize the shared ownership of everything over the last 16 years,he said to do this because of the gray area with the charges involved,well i did'nt want to deal with it so i put it off and put it off,he yold me to do it because my lawyer is just too busy and i need to help represent myself,i know i know,he said the squeeky wheel gets the oil and attention and LOL he finally yelled at me to do it,so i just did it andf it took only 10 pages of paper in longhand,god i feel like i just gave myself an emotional and mental enema(no mess thank god),christ i feel like a tattletail running to teacher to defend myself,look i know i had to do this but i did it against my will but it's done now and i'll mail it in the morning to my lawyer and let the chips fall where they may
oh and i ate a big ol plate of calamari at rumrunners while i did it so at least my appetite has'nt been affected hahaha
Geeze...TRW digesting your eating exploits reminds me of reading a Robert Parker Spencer novel--Spencer seems to eat and drink coffee all the time and never gets heavy or have heartburn!
lol i'm pretty good at not gaining weight,like right now my short pants and jeans are all kinda loose,i think it's cause i don't have a tv to lay in front of and i walk alot,who knows,but i'm back to the bad habit of drinking coffee and ice tea all day long so i already know the lady that throws acid on my face and then sandblasts it will yell at me because under the light she uses your skin shows up gray if you drink alot of caffeine,so far today i've had cheese and crackers,half a tuna sandwich,a bowl of granola with brown sugar and milk and a pattymelt and fries,a pot of coffee and a pitcher of ice tea and a pack of smokes,my day started at 6:30am,hahaha
so yesterday i may have been alittle well ok alot less than gracious with the health dept guy,he comes barreling into the place,does'nt say good morning to anyone or anything at all starts demanding this and demanding that and just was generally rude,so i told him off in my best TRW fashion and he starts yelling back so i yell louder and told him dude you're just a thug in tacky clothing,what he did'nt know is that he pulled his crap in front of one of our more bloodthirsty lawyers that was in for morning coffee,i kept telling the dude the owner was on his way and he kept yelling at me to get this and that and i kept telling him no and pissing him off even more lol and the lawyer is just taking it all in,lol you could see the wheels turning,now i've seen this type of behaviour everywhere i've lived, you give a guy with little or no education a grace and favor job with a small bit of power and it goes to their heads and they turn into petty tyrants,so he left and came back this morning to make sure the cooks had health cards and when he walked in i saw how big his gut was and thought jeez dude i bet you look like a volkswagon when you're laying naked on your back and then i started to laugh and everyone was looking at me so i had to leave and go sit in one of the law offices around the corner until he left
well there's an interesting bit of bleeding heart drivel in todays avis,some woman is whining about the BAD PROBLEM CAUSING GANG MEMBERS PRISONERS THAT ARE SUCH TROUBLE MAKERS HERE THAT THEY HAD TO BE SHIPPED TO THE STATES,and then something about the prison rastas are being discriminated against,oh please what about the victims
well my last gay nerve has finally been stepped on and i'm more than irritated today,i got appliances yesterday but the kitchen now needs to be rewired and the gas needs something,my mood could be described as "needing to rip someones head off and sh@t down their neck,"oh well as Trade says,"it may be paradise but it's not heaven" godda@n dumb stupid people
Ahhhhhhhhhhh the joys of moving & the *ahem* little things that work nerves like a cheese grater!
Count to ten & remember you have a dry safe place to lay your head every night...........and ask for a rental adjustment...........keep counting!
and i'm still trying to figure out america's fascination with a dumb jock,a dead hooker,and a dead gigolo,i've been trying to figure it out now for 13 years and well i can't
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