morning all,perfect sleeping weather lately,although the other night at my sponsors house i had to get out a comforter and then i thought i'd have to scrape the frost off the windows the next morning,but the days are close to perfect,i've been helping my friend over at island tribe when she needs the help,cool place,lol i'm trying to get her to take over soaps and scents because that owner is leaving island for kansas,just killing time before work starts,did my AA bootcamp thing and since my sponsor went to the states for 10 days i came back to work.
Trade I would have probably ran and hid in the closet. Rats and centipeds scare me to death.
Thanks Kim. We will all be happy to be back home on the island. JJ is still having his adventures here in the states though not nearly as fun as the island. It was brought to my attention that not everyone enjoys my JJ stories so to be considerate I now keep them to a minimum. He has discovered " Bindi the jungle girl" on discovery kids tv and now wants to go and hang out with her and be JJ the jungle boy. In his words, she is the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. Even though he goes out to play and explore here, finding all sorts of bugs and creatures to build habitats for, he hates wearing so many clothes. I often find him outside freezing after having removed his coat, shirt and shoes. I am waiting for the neighbors to call social services. He scared one neighbor to death because he was stalking her through the bushes as she was walking her dog. He popped out roaring like a lion. She screamed and he told her not to worry because he was a good lion and wouldn't bite her. The other day I went outside and he had planted two flats of pansies in the garden I had just weeded. I asked him what he used to dig the holes and he brought out a cordless drill with an auger attached to the end. He then informed me that you could eat pansies because he saw them in a magazine I had bought on top of someones salad. Even though he is a challenge, I love his imagination, his great love of nature and kindness to all living things. I hate to see him grow up and conform to society to be accepted instead of the wild free spirit that he is.
well Tammy it does'nt really matter who does not like your JJ stories,they are the stories of a young stateside boy growing up down here and all the trials and tribulations he faces,so write away,lol not everyone cares for my stories either but as Trade says "write away",being stuck in town has stifled my stories for a bit,i mean really how many times can i write about manslut or the drunken antics i see all the time,at this point it's all pretty boring,you see the same people day after day drinking the same beer doing the same shots,smoking the same dope and snorting the same coke,and so Tammy keep on writing

keep em coming Tam!

I agree. I'm sure whoever complained is hardly Ernest Hemingway him/herself & so, do we need to take a vote on JJ stories? If so, put me on the side that loves hearing them.
Good Afternoon All,
I am still new to the board and don't know JJ or Tammy, but I am for the stories! How old is JJ?
PS 36 and raining in SJ...... 🙁

Quite honestly, I LIVE for the daily stories. It's kind of like my soap opera fix for the day - island style. Even if only have a few minutes to check the postings, this is the one that I always check. No matter what is going on in my day, I always end up smiling when I'm finished reading.
I say, "Keep the stories coming!!!!"
Thanks everyone. I don't know if you should encourage me or not. lol.
JJ is 5 years old Mike. We hope to meet you soon.
JJ and I went to Super Walmart this afternoon to finish up some last minute Christmas shopping. I was plesantly surprised to see that it wasn't packed and we didn't have to wait in line to check out. I don't know if the lack of shoppers is due to the economy or it is because it isn't government or military payday. There was however a lot of cars trying to get out of the parking lot. We had been waiting quite a while for our turn to pull out of our row of parking when a nice lady let me through. As I was pulling out a man in a truck starting honking his horn and trying to stop me from pulling in front of him. He started yelling at me and calling me the most foul names you can think of. Please know that I did not cut him off or anything. JJ said "mommy that man is saying some really bad words". I rolled up my window as JJ was getting a bit tearful. I tried to make light of it by telling JJ he must be having a very bad day. The man continued for about 5 minutes as the traffic wasn't moving and he kept getting as close to our car as he possibly could without hitting us. As one lane became two he pulled up beside us and rolled down his window to continue to yell at me. I told JJ to look at the man and smile and wave. I rolled down my window and yelled thank you for letting us in. Have a wonderful day. He looked at JJ and I for a moment with his mouth hanging open then he rolled up his window and drove off. JJ looked at me and said, "I think he is having a better day now but I think he needs someone to put soap in his mouth". 🙂

That's another good thing about living here. People usually let you into traffic without all that drama. Amazing that a 5 year old has more sense than that goofy driver.
Is there anything worse than a Wal-Mart parking lot?
It is funny to watch an offender's expression when you fail to take offense. Do this at the gate agents desk in airports when people try to butt into the front of line to ask "a quick question". Say "go right ahead, I see you are in are in a bigger rush than me" . . . they always then realize we are all going to the same place at the same time but insist they get waited on first . . . it always cracks up the gate agent.
Was in NYC this week . . . NYC at Christmas with snow falling . . . almost as perfect as 80 degree weather in the islands 😉 . . . it was pretty and appropriate.
I love NYC at Christmas.
Good Day All,
Well DougtammyJJ, I don't think our PMV will be for about 18 months or so......:-(
Had my company XMAS party last night in Philly at the Bellvue and all I can say is "WOW" very nice event. I am glad the economy did not effect the party. work for a Japanese car manufacturer and we may be the only OEM that has equal sales year to date as last year! My wife and I had a great time and I even danced with her for like 40 min! (first time in about 10 years I bet) The kids slept at a friend house, so it was great not having to rush home!
As a kid I worked in the malls here in NJ and hated the rudeness of people in the parking lot, the stores on line. It only takes one good deed though to make up for it! I am a people watcher and you get some great watching during this time of year in the mall!
Well like I said, the kids are out and the sun is just coming up here (it is 30 out today) the dogs are fed, back to bed with the love of my life!
Have a great day everyone and tell JJ to keep on chillin!
Got a new 1 mil wet suit so hubby and me will go diving today. First time since just after Omar when we had to replace our mooring that got sucked up by a friends boat that had to leave in a hurry. Boat survived when mooring just dragged him slowly to the King Christian Hotel. But mooring had to be carried over and placed back. Hubby and I were down drudging up the hole to place it back in when we had a 3-4 foot barracuda come visit. I think he was the one everyone calls Big Daddy over at Hotel on the Cay. I tried shooing him away with the shovel I had in my hand but, duh, shovel/shiny....he was now very interested. We went up 14 feet to the surface and dropped the shovel. He shot at it and then swam off. They are just blind creatures that are interested in anything shiny and he thought that was a fish. Moral, don't go swimming with a shiny shovel. 🙂
I am so ready to come home. It was 13 degrees this morning with the wind chill and we are in the south. Global warming I guess. Next ice age probably.
Where is cruzkandy? She hasn't posted for the longest time.
trw, have you gotten a package from me yet?
Lizard how is Anna doing?
Trade how are you doing?
Linda J, I want to meet you.
Good night all.

Not too bad, Tam. It won't be long before you're back.
Tam--thanks for the JJ stories. His adventures always put a smile on my face. Sorry for the cold weather. I'm going to pick my parents up in Michigan on January 6th and I understand it is really cold and snowy. My mom said she'd bring my winter coat and boots to the airport. I am then bringing them back for a month. I hope they stay longer, can't imagine wanting to go back to Northern Michigan in the winter.
On another note, I was so proud of myself for getting all my Christmas cards out the door before Christmas (okay, I sent them today). I was on such a roll that I did my shopping for Christmas Eve dinner today and got it all done. About three hours after I got home, my husband said "how long do we need to cook the meat for tomorrow?" I couldn't find the roast -- a 3 bone standing rib roast--not a small item. It wasn't in the refridg, wasn't in the car, wasn't anywhere between the car and the apartment. I called the store and they didn't have it ("hello, I'm your stupid customer who lost her meat.") Sigh, I've got guests coming tomorrow. Fortunately, I was able to order another for tomorrow. I'm making my husband pick it up!
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season! Remember, it's about the people, not the meat:@)

Holiday Greetings. Today an easy day at work , a few emails and some paper work then take the crew out to lunch, let them go early and then enjoy a quiet night. I hope it's not to windy or cloudy so we can see the sliver moon and the guiding star. Tommorrow Christmas morning with my son and the grand kids, fun!, play for a while and dinner @ 3. I'm so fortunate to have so many family on island. It makes the whole thing real. and perhaps a swim at Cramer or Grapetree depending on the wind.
Be Safe, One Love
We are having a Christmas party for our employees today and then home to wrap some presents, watch Christmas vacation, read JJ some Christmas books then hopefully I can get him to bed early so Santa can come. Tomorrow, my adult children and my new grandson will come over to celebrate.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas.
Good Morning All,
Very Light day at work. There are rumors we are leaving at 2 PM (Instead of 5 PM) Yeah! Then go home and PU the boys, maybe an hour at the dog park, dinner and get the boys to bed so Santa soon come! It was 17' here on Monday and Tuesday and now it may rain because it is 40'! I would love a white XMAS if I am not on Island!
Have a great Holiday everyone!
Just want to wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!!!!
My goodness, how hard is it for people to just not read whatever stories they don't want to read?
Keep 'em coming! The world would be a better place if more people thought/acted like a 5 year old sometimes!
hey everyone,i've been avoiding the computer for awhile,yearasta i need your help,i spent the day at cane bay on xmas but i had to go by the house to drop off the wapa bill so the other half could pay it and it was fairly obvious that he's reached the paranoid stage in his crack addiction,lol the windows were all covered with sheets and he was sleeping on the couch,so me being the great TRW barged in the back door full of xmas cheer pretending not to see anything (the crack can on the floor) and the dogs all started barking so he woke up and i'm just chatting away because i drank too much coffee and he looks like hell and i'm just wanting to run back down to the beach because this is the love of my life and i can't fuc@ing help him,so i sit on the couch and just rattle on about nothing and go through my mail and he just watches me and wishes i'd just go away so he can go back to sleep because everything is just fine when you're sleeping and well me being me asks him "so are you staying away from the drugs"and he actually told me the truth he said no and so i prattle on about how it's hard at first to quit but then it gets easier and how i finally for the first time in 8 years i have people i consider to be great friends and i'm not lonely anymore and all the time i'm saying this i'm thinking "you are so fullofshit"this is the hardest thing you've ever done this is truly hardshit to do,life is not a bowl of cherries,it's hard and it hurts alot of the time and all i want is my life back the way it was before cocaine and all the destruction i wrought,you know i go to alot of meetings sometimes 3 a day just looking to ease the pain,hoping for some kind of salvation and i can't get past the fact that i destroyed a perfectly good relationship and 2 people in the process,god my mother must be rolling in her grave,i was not raised to be an addict and i curse the sperm donor for passing that gene on to me and myself for being to weak to recognize it early on,lol i was reading the big book at work one day and a regular customer asked me what i was reading so i showed him and he looked all suprised and said "but you don't look like an alcoholic" and i just thought ohgofuckyourself you idiot. i want this all to go away but the harsh reality of it is that it will always be with me,i have to go to meetings because if i don't the guilt and the pain will take over and i'll end up doing a "leaving las vegas" thing and there are days that i wonder if thats not such a bad thing i mean really at this point i'm merely existing not living,and no i do not believe in suicide so don't go there,i think if you kill yourself you don't get to come back again,but i know it will get better i see it at my meetings,i see people with a few years or alot of years and they seem alright but they still go to alot of meetings 20 years sober and they still attend 3,4,5 times a week,that tells me it's a way of life,but i struggle and on a daily basis with the guilt,i look at the other half and wonder how do i fix this.
it would be so easy for me to claim "victimhood" but i refuse to do that,i absolutley(sp)hate my spermdonor and i always will, the man was weak and a coward and he's on wife number 5 and i just hate him,you have no idea what it was like watching him sit in his recliner and spout pompously on world afairs and how all brown people are inferior to whites except for people from india and how jews are bad,i mean really whogivesashit now i'm probally dealing with danger but here are some drug dealers phone numbers, 340 XXX XXXX,340 XXX XXXX, 340 XXX XXXX. (Edited: numbers removed)

i look at the other half and wonder how do i fix this.
You don't. You can only try to fix yourself, which you know. Life is so damned daily, isn't it? And that's all you have to get through is each day as it comes & some suck & some are great & some are in between. However, temporary oblivion is always temporary. Reality eventually raises its ugly head & you'd be in worse shape than your ex. Care to be in his shoes? I doubt it. Look how far you've come. You can hate the sperm donor all you want but that doesn't hurt him a bit but sure eats you up & he can no more help bad genes than you can. Nobody can pick their parents.
Hang in there trw!!!
Ph #'s BAD move! Watch your back now too.
Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. Hope the #'s are bogus.
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