You already know you can't fix them; only love them without enabling. Living through a loved one becoming clean and sober of cocaine, weed, e, and alcohol right now. September made one year clean. It has been very challenging, but we are making it! My prayers are with you.

What do you need my help with?
Today JJ cleaned the entire bathroom. With his tooth brush. He was so proud of himself.
Can you bring him to my house when you get back on island?

Are you running a boot came, Tammi? 😮
computer stuff(laptop)real player issues and i can't figure it out,i just read "last night at the lobster" by stewart o'nan,and tammy the buffet book was good i read it about a day and i'm reading a "hamilton bio" that is really excellant but very slow reading,the first 100 pages or so are about his life here before he went to new york,i've figured out the 2 houses he lived in with his mother and brother and the store he clerked at and where his mother is buried.,the bookstore over at gallows bay has a very active book club for anyone interested,talk to asha at undercover books,i have not started the book of joby yet tammy,project for tomorrow,better mood now,my sponsor is back from vacation,i think i might be caretaking for a 78 yr old woman one night and weekend day,still in the thinking stage,i know her family here and i'm starting to get to know her and we seem to get along,anyway i want to learn her stories from growing up here back in the 30's ect...
No boot camp Trade. He heard me complaining about the bathroom being clean and he wanted a Popsicle so with his logical mind he thought he would impress me with cleaning the bathroom and get a Popsicle. JJ is a cross between Dennis the Menace and Timmy on the old Lassie shows. Having older parents and 5 adult siblings his vocabulary is quite interesting. Lately in the mornings when he wakes up he has been complaining that his back hurts and he needs a massage as he walks to the bathroom like a crippled old man.
Trw, I enjoyed the Buffet book as well. It was a fun read. The Book Of Joby is very good. I had a hard time putting it down.
Happy New Years Eve or Old Years Day everyone.
Good Day All,
It has been a Wii fest here since XMAS! Santa brought the boys a Wii and a few games, and brought my wife a Wii fit. We all have been trying to better the other in Wii sports! I have started a new "workout" program. I wake up at 5:30 before everyone and do 30 min in the Fit. Nothing like waking up early and having a game tell you how unbalanced you are!
I read the thread about the whale sightings to my boys (Ages 9 and 6) and they want to move now! They think it would be cool to see whales from your house, even with binoculars. Well off to Sam's Club, then the dog park, then a nap I hope!
Happy New Year everyone!!!!!
I still haven't been able to find the Wii fit. Maybe I can order it online. I am determined to shed some pounds before I return to the island.
Boy, I'd love to have JJ come to my house. What kind of popsicles does he like? My nephew, when he was younger, used to play a version of David Letterman's "will it float?" with the toilet. I think his toothbrush ended up in there--he didn't do anything productive like cleaning.
My sister and her family got a Wii for Christmas. She is in her early 40s, but the fitness test said she had the body of a 70 year old! I think she needs to retake the test. She said they all have "Wii arm" now.
I too have some "Wiinjuries" My shoulder hurts from baseball. You have to take what the Wii says with a grain of salt I think. My 9 year old hit a baseball 619 ft, yeah right! LOL
kendricks has 180 in ressies,bacchus has 110,dashi booked,zebos booked,downtown is going to be hopping tonight at the nice places,the gov paid it's employees today instead of tomorrow,we were packed for b'fast and lunch today,lol we even have ressies at the cafe for the early night regulars and i can tell you i'd much rather be here than at some of the other places,i'm over high maitenence people for awhile,i'll be home in bed by 9:30
just turned down free tickets to hang with jordan and vivica fox at cheney bay,lol thanks but no thanks.
Just ordered my Wii Fit on line. Yea!! It is supposed to be here in 3 days. We will see. Ok, new and impoved Tammy coming back to STX.
Trw, your mail box is full again.
Hey Tammi,
Did you get your Wii Fit yet? It is a lot of fun!

Well this morning's Jouvert with Stanley and the 10 Sleepless nights marked the end of the festival. It was a great tramp though, we had a great time. All in All it was an Excellent Crucian Xmas festival....lots of food, rum, great music, rum, bands from other islands, rum just an overall great time!
I am so sorry that we missed it. Next year for sure.
My Wii Fit arrived this morning. I will let you know how it goes.
JJ and I in line at Walmart.
JJ says in a loud voice, "Mommy why is your neck all rubbery and wrinkly?" Ah, he keeps me humble.
Tammy, just remember, kids don't always tell the

Does JJ still have hair or did you snatch him baldheaded? :@)
Nah Trade, he still has that thick beautiful red hair. I just laughed with all the other people in line with us. How can I be angry or embarrassed at a child who tells me every day that I am the bestest mom in the whole world. Of course I looked in the mirror as soon as I got home. He is right. Wrinkled and rubbery. Sigh.
Maybe my Wii Fit will have neck exercises.

At least he said it to you instead of a crankly lady in the line. 🙂

maturing is ok but getting old sucks.
Thank God for turtleneck sweaters!
Where are you Trw?
We had a warm day here yesterday in Virginia but payed for it with severe winds. Our shed was picked up and thrown into the water with all its contents and our fishing boat was lifted off its trailer. It came to rest about 15ft away. Hubby was on an airplane getting read to land. They had to abort their landing. Many of the passengers getting off the plane were clutching barf bags. My older son was one of those. Today will be spent trying to fish lawn furniture out of the water if I can find them. I can't relate this to living in STX today other than I wish I was back on St. Croix. Fishing lawn furniture out of the warm Caribbean would be preferable to fishing them out of the frigid Chesapeake Bay.
We received the sad news yesterday that another one of our rotties has cancer. We cannot save him. I have to say that Casey Kanton was wonderfully compassionate and comforting as he broke this horrible news to us over the phone. I am very thankful to him for taking care of our pet and making his last days comfortable. I am also thankful for my wonderful daughter who is handling this on her own. This is the daughter who has brought home stray animals and people all her life. We never knew what to expect when she came home.
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