Tai Chi
Is there a Tai Chi teacher on STT?
Yes, he teaches private lessons, I've seen him on the golf course at UVI on sat mornings, he has brownish/blond locks and in his late 30's? Sorry that's all the info I know.
So you see him doing Tai Chi on the golf course on saturday morning or you see him playing golf?
I actually just saw him. He is there every Sat. AM practicing tai chi with others (not golfing). I think he's also a barker for one of the jewelry stores on Main Street. You can't miss him. He has long brown/blond locks (dreadlocks) and usually wears a pointy, large leather hat. Sorry, don't know his name.
Yea I think I have seen him barking... Thanks!
Can Can Sekou is his name.
I thought it was Kan Kan?
Ok Kan Kan. Sounds like Can Can to me! Thought that was something girls wear under their dress?
Ah, this is one of the things I love about living here. It is such a small community that we can all identify the same person out of over 50,000 residents!
Gotta love it as it compares to the anonymity of SF or NYC.
By the way, Ronnie, the Can Can is a high-kicking dance that originated out of Paris and was made famous at the legendary Moulin Rouge. It is usually performed by women wearing petticoats undre their skirts.
Weren't those petticoats called can cans?
Hello Ronnie,
Petticoat is 'jupon' in the French dictionary. Which is the word used for a slip in Creole.
In Creole, a traditional petticoat is called a can-can but its not pronoucned like 'can' is in English. Perhaps its a 'slang' for the word and also used in French, just not in the dictionary.
Onika: I thought that the reason the dance was so hot was that they DIDN'T wear anything under those dresses!
According to the below site, "can can" means tittle-tattle or scandal (thus being an appropriate moniker for a scandalous dance). However, in doing some quick reserach there are also some academics who theorize that the can-can developed out of North Africa. I think I'll do more reserach on this issue and get back to you guys. It is actually quite fascinating!
Onika, if Mr. Sekou only knew. See if you can find out about Kan Kan as well?
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