The Daily News Article
What's up with the UVI being called the deadlist place in the nation? That's what was reported in the Daily News, following an article about a shooting in St.Croix. We are planning a visit to St.Croix in Sept. with reason of transfering from our job at the Airport to there expecting to live in a quiet, safe and beautiful enviornment are we just dreaming ? Maybe I'd be better off not reading the newspaper?
We have an astoundingly high murder rate per capita. But don't worry - you are safe (usually) if you use common sense and don't like to hang out in bars at 2AM. Its just the drug gang kids shooting each other.
Know your surroundings and don't move into a neighbor hood you are not welcome in. I only visit ST Croix at this time,can't move yet. I have never had one bit of trouble. If the area looks bad you should consider getting out of it.
There seems to be very little random violent crime in the USVI from what I can tell. If you aren't hanging out in bad areas/bars late at night or engaging in 'conversation' with drug dealers/users the incidents of violent crime feel (that's qualitative not quantitative as I don't have numbers on truly random violent crime) very comparable to the US to me.
What I don't seem to hear people mention is what I perceive to be a high suicide rate...
We actually have plenty of burglaries.
We have a ton of burglaries and robberies, daytime and nighttime. You people keep thinking this stuff only happens very late at night and its simply not true, plenty happens in the daytime and the evening when you're out to dinner. What time was it when Peter was shot or when they idiot killed himself trying to rob Annaley Farms (which is basically a grocery store!). It just seems like it gets worse every year. Any safety you feel because you don't hang out with drug dealers or don't stay out till 2am is a big illusion.
Peter was shot at about 11:30 or 11:45 PM if i recall correctly - but please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about the time.
Annaly farms is not really a grocery store - its a retailer of local meats and certain frozen food items - fairly isolated spot out west towards Carambola.
Crime on the island has been this way for some time.
Just a fact of life at this point.
I guess "us people" will just go on living with our "illusions"
Next on my list, a gate and a gun. LOL
Regards -
Most people go to dinner here later then stateside. So people go to dinner between 7 and 9. Dinner here takes about 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Nothing is fast here. So you can easily be wrapping about around 11pm. Pickled Greek is in no way shape or form a bar type place, its a nice cute restaurant.
Annaley farms is not exactly a grocery store, but it has meats as well as vegetables and other odds and ends. Its a place many of us go to get a good deal.
I have NO idea why you felt the need to needlessly nick pick either of those examples. Those are both extremely normal places and the point since you missed it is there are no safe places on island anymore. People need to stop believing the myth that the bad guys are only hanging out late downtown or attacking drug users. Or my favorite if you go out late at night you somehow deserve being robbed or hurt. Its always fun to blame the victim instead of being angry that we're not safe.
But what really makes me mad is the cops usually know who the scum is. I just can't believe the young punks are so smart the cops can't find a way to catch them in the act. There's so much wrong here sometimes it makes me want to scream sometimes.
Dear Betty -
I feel the need to be factually correct. A fact is a fact.
I would never blame the victim. People eat when they want to. I'm not on the early bird special myself just yet but I hope it make it to that ripe old age. I'm just pointing out that as the hour gets later the risk factor goes up for anyone going out to any establishment. So take that into account when going out. It is just a fact of life. Sad as it is.
Regarding Annaly farms - the point is that its not plaza extra in sunny isle. I have thankfully not read anything about a mid day robbery theere and i hope i never do. I believe a more crowded shopping plaza in a busier location is less of a target. Plus, the owners of plaza sat on the roof after Hugo with rifles - they were never looted. People remember that and don't screw around with them.
Regards - and happy eating.
The crime rate in STT and STX 10 times the main land rate in the worst areas. The murder rate per person is only 20 times the worst city in the main land.
Now agree that nothing good happens after 11 or 12 at night. There are places that you don't want to be at unless you are doing drugs or looking from some trouble. And there are numerous day time problems.
But it all about balance. I would not live anywhere but here. If the government does not do more about this problem no one will come. The crime rate will go up and up.
Lets hope something changes. But it must be a BIG change. But I have no hope that anything will. We will spend weeks and weeks debating if we can make automatic guns illegal but we let people off with illegal hand guns. Go figure!
Dear Betty -
I feel the need to be factually correct. A fact is a fact.
I would never blame the victim. People eat when they want to. I'm not on the early bird special myself just yet but I hope it make it to that ripe old age. I'm just pointing out that as the hour gets later the risk factor goes up for anyone going out to any establishment. So take that into account when going out. It is just a fact of life. Sad as it is.
Regarding Annaly farms - the point is that its not plaza extra in sunny isle. I have thankfully not read anything about a mid day robbery theere and i hope i never do. I believe a more crowded shopping plaza in a busier location is less of a target. Plus, the owners of plaza sat on the roof after Hugo with rifles - they were never looted. People remember that and don't screw around with them.
Regards - and happy eating.
I remember hearing about the Plaza owners after the hurricane time & time again,for years, it must be true!
If I could, I do the same dam thing!
Though, I did hear they were LOOTED!
It`s my understanding, Chuckie Hanson(with her fake internet law degree), allowed the public to take what they wanted from Plaza....anyone remember this!
It was actually Sunshine coincidentally out of business. I believe the gov never paid from them either saying Chuckie did not have the authorization to offer free food.

As I recall, Chuckie & the owner of the market made up bags of food for her people (voters) in STX after Marilyn. I'm sure the owner was assured the gov't would pay for the food. That was on STX & most of the damage was on STT but that wouldn't stop Chuckie from buying a vote at another's expense.
The rumor is that Chucky will run on a ticket with Adlebrain for Gov/Lt. Gov.... and the circus rolls on...
A piece of glass fell and cut the robber at Annaly and he died?? Is that true?
Maybe it was a butcher knife. It is a meat market:@)
The Chuckie incident was after Marilyn. She asked for $750,000 worth of food to give to the starving masses. The "central government" refused to pay, and the poor business owner was left holding the (empty) bag. I don't remember that her fake degree was law, I think it was B.S. (;))
From what I was told it didn't quite 'fall.' The shooter either directly shot or ricocheted (sp.) a bullet into the overhead light fixture and a piece of glass was ejected from the fixture at high speed/force by the bullet. It hit another one of the robbers in the neck (not the one who fired the gun.) Only in STX...
A piece of glass fell and cut the robber at Annaly and he died?? Is that true?
Maybe it was a butcher knife. It is a meat market:@)
Justice served, one down two to go!
If it was someone else who fired and they catch him, it should be murder.
The Chuckie incident was after Marilyn. She asked for $750,000 worth of food to give to the starving masses. The "central government" refused to pay, and the poor business owner was left holding the (empty) bag. I don't remember that her fake degree was law, I think it was B.S. (;))
I suspect The degree being BS wasn`t Bachelor of Science?
Well, we have to say she was certainly studying political science here by giving "free" food to "voters"!
Yes, Chuckie & Aldelbrain, is the next election during the status referendum?
I already have a slogan!
Chuckie billed the feds for the 750K with no supporting documentation. It is one of those fleece FEMA things. The actual documents are out there - may be on the website "the johnny cake files" which is hilarious by the way. Sunshine went under due to a fire - some claim it was "insurance" related. Kmart was looted, most places were looted. But Plaza never was, In fact, the National Guard that was called in after hugo had to nicely request the Plaza owners get off the roof and put the rifles down. No one screws with the plaza guys - seriously.
And here is the Sunshine market information for all who care:
God I love the power of the internet. These politicians can't hide anymore!
foodie: I don't think she billed the feds, I think she went in and said, "Give me this stuff, the government will pay you." She did it (probably) without authorization. My gosh, it was an EMERGENCY! No one wanted those MREs! 😉
You are right - I just reread the item in the link I posted. Canned tuna a soffrito! And lots of it!
And here is the Sunshine market information for all who care:
God I love the power of the internet. These politicians can't hide anymore!
Wow, awesome!
Good ole Chuckie keeping her er, um, constituents happy!
Chuckie & Bert for prez & VP!
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