Traffic Pet Peeves (St. Croix)
Mister 15 MPH...this is the guy who pulls out in front of you from a side street. You are doing 40 MPH. He immediately slows you down to 15 MPH, and he is going wherever you are going.
Mister Backhoe...he decides that 8:00 am on the first Monday of the school year is the best time to take his backhoe for a spin. He backs up traffic all the way from Glynn gas station to Five Corners. I was stationed in Germany with the US Army. If a slow-moving vehicle had three or more vehicles behind it, the driver was required by law to pull over and let traffic pass.
Mister Accident...he will tie up traffic forever while he waits for the traffic cop to come and inspect the barely-noticeable scratch his vehicle sustained while he was pulling out from a side street in front of somebody else in order to slow them down to 15 MPH. Hellooooo....if you hit someone from behind, you are WRONG...pull off the road and let traffic go. If you pull out from a side street and get hit, you are WRONG...priority road has...well...priority, so please pull your car off the road and tell the cop that you were WRONG. Head-on collision, well you are WRONG because you attempted to pass Mr. 15 MPH when the yellow lines are plainly solid...pull off the road, tell the cop you were WRONG, and allow us to go about our business.
Mister 'Let everybody into traffic'...listen, if you, for example, make a right turn at the traffic light by Pueblo in Golden Rock, DO NOT STOP TO LET TRAFFIC COMING FROM FIVE CORNERS DIRECTION GO INTO THE PUEBLO PARKING LOT. You have just prevented everybody behind you from getting through the green light. If you just drove through a GREEN light at the notorious Sunny Isle intersection, do not stop to let traffic into and out of Sunny are backing up the traffic that is behind you, and the light at Sion Farm will turn to RED, and we will have a huge pile-up where nobody goes anywhere.
Mister 9,000 watt car stereo...get a life. We don't want to hear your crappy taste in music while we are pulling out of side streets and letting people into trafiic.
Mister 9,000 watt car stereo...get a life. We don't want to hear your crappy taste in music while we are pulling out of side streets and letting people into trafiic.
This drives me crazy; it actually vibrates my office building.
(tu) I'm with you, Native Son!
Oh, and how about ...Mr. "What's a turn signal?"
you guys are so right
Crotch rockets! Those guys are gonna kill someone...

Taxis discharging passengers in the middle of the street. Pull over you idiots!
People stopping in the middle of the street to talk to friends. This happens frequently on King and Company streets in Christiansted.
don't forget Mr. " taillights? we don need no stinkin' taillights"

You guys are scaring another newbie on the island. I thought this was island time, not New York time. Doesn't everybody sing that song: "Don't worry, be happy"....?
PS, Supposed to get a car tomorrow so WATCH OUT!!!!
You will be fine Novanut. I sing that song all the time. Hope you get a great island car. 🙂
I have been thinking I need a blinker to indicate "I really am going straight" because otherwise people just think I might have forgotten to indicate that I am turning. 🙂
My peeve is the guy/gal that thinks it's ok to be in my lane on a winding road and then just "pull" left at the very last moment. I believe I heard one of them singing that song as I nearly hit the ditch.:-o
Unfortunately VI law requires you to stay put until the police get there to determine what happened in the accident. The law needs to be gone as well as a few others.
Do they run stop signs and red lights over there as much as they do here in STT?
Do they stop then proceed with caution on a left turn on red? Not here. They just drive through.
Same here Ronnie.
Stop signs are also simply suggestions...
You guys are scaring another newbie on the island. I thought this was island time, not New York time. Doesn't everybody sing that song: "Don't worry, be happy"....?
PS, Supposed to get a car tomorrow so WATCH OUT!!!!
LOL !! Don't be scared, it's all in good fun...not too many places on the mainland let you into traffic like we do here. We have very courteous drivers.
Just this morning, Mister 15 MPH let me into traffic with a smile and a honk of his horn.
BTW, sometimes visiting friends still ask me about the "Positive is How I Live" stickers...they think it is a reference to HIV/AIDS
LOL !!
No one knows what a four way stop here is or that a stop sign means stop, but honestly haven't seen anyone run red lights here.
Something I do see in St Croix when over there are many more traffic stops than over here. The traffic police seem to be doing their jobs. Not here. You can run a stop ligt in front of a cop and nothing will happen, with the exception of one cop maybe.
The traffic stops you see are just for cell phone or seat belt tickets.
No one knows what a four way stop here is or that a stop sign means stop, but honestly haven't seen anyone run red lights here.
There are some red lights where you have to exercise due caution...for example, the traffic light where, if driving west, you can turn right and go to Patrick Sweeney where they do vehicle registration or turn left and go into the William Roebuck Industrial Park (Air National Guard is there too).
People routinely barrel through that intersection when the light is red. If you are coming from vehicle registration or from the Industrial Park, you should wait a few seconds after your light turns green before you proceed, or run the risk of getting hit by a cement truck doing 75 MPH. I say this from multiple experiences.
Watch the light at Sunny Isle too. I've seen big dump trucks fly through red lights there. When the power and traffic lights are out, HOLY $%&! It's a free-for-all!
Narrow places...a real problem. Yielding doesn't seem to be in the vocabulary.

Not a traffic problem but a pedestrian problem that you probably have on STX is the idiots walking & talking on cell phones who walk right in front of moving traffic & not in a crosswalk, either. Drives me batty.
I still find the drivers here more courteous than in AZ. Yes they do some things that drive you nuts but try getting anyone in AZ to let you in or turn in traffic.
It always takes me at least a week to get back to the agressive f#*€ ¥%u attitude when driving in the states.

I've been trying to promote light flashing as an alternative to the beep, beep communication. I think it's viable and works well as when the AC and Music is on you don't get much audio feedback outside the car. I think it's catching on a bit. The peace sign as a thank you is cool.
OMG the pedistrian thing is bad downtown. People just don't pay attention to the cars. I'll be in the middle of a pull out and some numb nuts will just start walking behind me. So I usually drive like an old lady downtown. LOL...I actually had a bike pull right in front of me and cut me off today. He's lucky he didn't go splat. Don't know what he was thinking.
Light flashing isn't as effective as the beep method as some of us are stuck with DRL's (daytime running lights). In the case of my old Suzi it's quite dangerous as the DRL's cut out when you put on the hand brake. Not so smart of a feature in a manual (stick-shift) as people may confuse my desire not to roll backwards on a hill with a light flash signal to cut across.
Funny though, I was following Mr(s) 15mph two nights ago heading east from Christiansted. (S)He was driving a truck and busy playing with his/her cell phone. You could plainly see the glow of the screen while busy either texting one handed or searching the contact list - while swerving all over the road. That kind of ticks me off. "... honestly officer, I wasn't drunk, just texting."
Personally I like driving here. Most people are very courteous. Cell phones outlawed (unless hands free), and having a refreshing beverage is a-ok!
Oh and if your driving slow and see a little old red Suzi coming at speed - please just get out of the way. 😎
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