WAPA Proposed Increase in Rates
In the STX Source, proposed rate increase by WAPA:
* $0.254733 to $0.390792 per kilowatt/hour (53% increase)
* $7.58 per 1,000 gallons to $14.90. (97% increase)
"The commission is concerned about the effect of the escalating rates for water and power on the public and the Virgin Islands' economy," says a public statement issued by the PSC. " That's an understatement. This has got to cause a tidal wave of inflation. Does WAPA typically ask for more than it knows the commission will approve?
I'm going to have to think twice about running my coffee maker in the morning (when I arrive on the island in three weeks)

This is totally crazy. The government offices and buildings should be treated like everyone else and have their power cut if they don't pay.
They are millions in arrears but they should at least pay their current monthly bill instead of buying gas for all the V8 Suv's.
What's happening is we are paying for us and them to.
The PUC should deny the request unless the Govt. starts paying. Period. Ive been obsessive about turning things off and unplugging, I'll see if it's been worth it soon.

Who currently pays $0.254733? I pay $.36 or $.37 now.
Wondering the same thing...
Thats just the LEAC that sugarlander is referring to.
See here: http://www.onepaper.com/stcroixvi/?v=d&i=&s=News:Local&p=1212898298
That would put WAPA electric rates @ almost 50cents/kWh!! Wow. That has got to be in the top % of most expensive electricity on the planet.
Solar Power IS the answer... Solar electric system payback rates go down everytime they raise rates....
Ill be coming back to STX on June 18. I have been invited on a radio show and we will be meeting alot more people to discuss solar power!! The USVI is facing energy costs that are criminal. Ideas and plans are now being developed to get systems in EVERYONES hands, not just the wealthy. Stay tuned..
Cory K
I just checked my wife's WAPA bill and it is .25473 COMM + .102895 CONS CHG + .001950 PILOT SUR + .002000 RHB SURCHG. So it comes to about .37 KWH. This is for a business. It' sounds like just the base rate is going up but that's not exactly clear. If it is just the base rate going up then that's only a 33% increase, not 53%. What a relief... (tongue in cheek)
They proposed both the base rate and the LEAC increased. The LEAC part goes straight to purchasing oil and the base rate is for WAPA business costs, maintenance etc.
Looking for a boat!! Much cheaper than wapa!! 🙂
This is an interesting comment on the WAPA increase: http://www.onepaper.com/stthomasvi/?v=d&i=&s=Commentary:Open+Forum&p=1212898333
Hey Cory...You are getting really annoying.
We all know that WAPA has problems here. We know that we are captives of WAPA and they are captives of big oil. We all know we pay too much for our electricity, but I get tired of hearing how you are going to save us all.
Yes, there are some alternate sources that might save a few bucks for a really committed person.
No, I would never buy what you are selling. You sound like to a missionary who is coming to the islands to save the poor natives.
Go away.
Hey Cory...You are getting really annoying.
We all know that WAPA has problems here. We know that we are captives of WAPA and they are captives of big oil. We all know we pay too much for our electricity, but I get tired of hearing how you are going to save us all.
Yes, there are some alternate sources that might save a few bucks for a really committed person.
No, I would never buy what you are selling. You sound like to a missionary who is coming to the islands to save the poor natives.
Go away.
Hey Ms Information...I am a missionary...a solar electric system missionary. I truly feel like i am coming to help people. Why does me talking about and promoting the use of solar energy offending you? If i lived on STX for the last 20 years? THEN would it be ok if i was talking about solar power? What if my name was Beech Higby or Stanley Selengut? You sound bitter AND with a hefty WAPA bill. If you want to talk about solar with me, give me your real name and phone number so we can get together when i arrive! I cant wait! You could have sent me a private message, but no... you had to come here publicly and tell me to "Go away". Go back to your lair and come out when you have something nice to say.
We are saying the same thing to you that we say to everyone. We ask people to come down and live here for a while before telling us what we're doing wrong and how you are going to "save" us. Have you thought that, if it were so simple or easy, that it would have been done already? Your posts seem to dismiss all concerns out of hand - the initial cost, the use of our roofs to collect water, the cost of battery replacement, the difficulty of service under warranty, the danger of hurricanes.
Maybe your ideas are the best things since sliced bread. If so, the hard sell won't be necessary.
I hope you will find what you're looking for on STX. Only time will tell. I've only been here for 5 years, but I can tell you that acting like a missionary preaching to the natives will not get you very far with the local population
In the meantime, you don't seem interested in the general conversation/information this board provides. Almost every post has something to do with your livelyhood. Try to broaden your interests, enjoy your time on STX. Enjoy what the island has to offer.
And, if we meet in a bar, please respect the fact that may not want to talk about solar energy. Let's just talk about the wonderful weather or the new play being produced at the Carribean Community Theater or the show at Island Center.
I think the problem is that you give the impression that you are the first person ever to even consider solar energy and the only person who knows anything about it. It's as if you have just discovered it. Well, I can assure you that the topic has been discussed, considered, studied, explained and used for years. The concept is not new. We get it. Now, do you?
yep im done, will say nothing more about it. Im sorry if i offended anyone. Ill give you all a real report in 6 months.

I know a local person or two who is using solar power. Cost to implement is currently rather high, but they are quite satisfied with the result of their sacrifice. I think that as time goes by more and more people will incorporate it, and then be able to go "off the grid" completely. This conversion is in its nascent stages, but indeed solar (and wind) power are in use by some here already.
The V.I. Energy Office has a web site outlining its many initiatives, including indoctrinating young people in ways to use alternative sources of energy. http://www.vienergy.org/. The V.I. Housing Authority currently boasts a solar model home, and it's only a matter of patience before cost effectiveness makes solar available to more persons living in the U.S. Virgin Islands...
No offense taken Cory. We are planning on solar for our house very soon.

How much could one expect to pay for a 600 sq ft efficiency for electricity? Just a ball-park figure...
The average VI residential customer uses 500kwhs per month. The variable for any home is,type of water heater and stove. (Gas or electric) , if you have a washer and dryer and finally if you run AC.

Thanks Jim.
Who would have thought so far from the mainland these small islands would be such slaves to the oil trade.

Did you think we get around on donkeys & beat our laundry on a rock? 😀
Just remember that 98% of what you will buy has to be shipped here from somewhere and since the biggest island in USVI has about 50,000 people you won't get the economies of scale that even a mid-sized city in the U.S. would have.
Considering most things have to use more gas to get here and the whole power infrastruture is based on burning oil it's amazing that gas prices are still cheaper here than in the U.S.
Thanks Jim.
Who would have thought so far from the mainland these small islands would be such slaves to the oil trade.

We are not captives of Big Oil. That's the biggest oil myth. We are captives of Congress. We have enough oil in America in proven reserves to be totally independent. We are just not allowed to get it. Call any representative you like. People say call your own. No! Call all of them. Congress is failing. We are sitting on all the oil we need to get us through the next 20 years while we transition to new technology.
I'm for the Drill here. Drill now. movement and I drive a Toyota Prius. We're not all tree huggers and Congress should pay for the price of gas! Look up anyone you want to call or email here. Forget about being from there...
House: https://forms.house.gov/wyr/welcome.shtml
Senate: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm

It sounds like residents of the USVI are getting hit harder with oil prices than I am in Tampa currently. $250/mo for electricity on a small apt is insane. I pay like $85/mo right now on a 850sq ft apt with AC set on 78. Washer/dryer, dishwasher, aquarium... And from the sound of it I'll be paying twice or more in a smaller place there.

Welcome to the Caribbean! When you rent down here, make sure it's a place that gets good breezes. I've never had A/C here.
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