Where is Old Tart?
She hasn't posted in a few days, and I miss her. Hope all is well.
I'm also concerned.
I love Old Tart and hope she is okay too.
Ok, now I'm getting worried about OT. Alana, Ronnie, have you guys heard anything?
Okay, called OT to check in on how she's doing.
Her spirit is good.
Computer is down and anyone willing to donate a used one would make her day. She uses a Mac desk top. Dead screen. Doesn't have enuff $$ to replace after her back surgery.
Thanks for checking, Alana. Glad to hear she's OK.
she just needs monitor? I'll look around
Call her or PM me.
I have her number. I'll call her in morning.
Thanks for checking on her Alana.
Glad she is ok. Hopefully we can get her back online soon! Thank you for checking on her.
My Mac laptop goes black and nothing will work at all but there is a fix - find out if all was good one minute and then just a black screen the next ? If so here is the link to fix but I have no idea if this is just for Macbook Pro and will work on a desktop (or even if this is her problem)..

If she has a smart or newer TV, hook the video output cable to the TV.
Was Old Tart ever able to get back online? I don't know her but love reading her posts. I have an extra laptop that I wish wasn't all the way over here in Florida....Shannon
Mail it. I'll get her address for you!
Its not a Mac, I see that is what she had. If you know how to contact her maybe you could ask if she would want that before I spend $ to send it. Otherwise I would be happy to. I'll plug it in and see what I have on there.
PM me what it is and I'll call and relay info.
Try to be specific as you can.
OT doesn't have a cell phone, either, so if you want (and with her permission) I can give you her land line number and you can discuss, directly with her which would be better.
Sure- See if she is OK with a phone call and we can do that. It is a Sony Vaio with a Windows operating system but I have to fire it up to remember which version.
I hate Windows 8.
Vista was much easier and user friendly, which my computer tech helper laughs at me about.
Let me know and I'll pass your contact on to OT and you can discuss.
I'm baaaack as of 15 minutes ago. 😀 Found a WONDERFUL Mac guy here on STT who found me a refurbished Mac stateside, exactly the same as that which I had and came over today with it and transferred everything, did a great update and got me all sorted out. If anyone on STT or STJ is looking for a "real deal" Mac tech he's simply the best and I'm more than happy to pass on his name and number to anyone needing the info.
My trusty '98 Explorer is for sale and I'll put an ad in the classified section tomorrow once I've got everything else updated. I was going to sell the car anyway but the dying Mac hastened the issue. One door closes and another opens for true!
Many thanks to all for the good wishes and I'll respond soon to the private messages while my tart comments will also resume in due course ... :@)
Glad you're back! Just in time for Thanksgiving. Your return gives us one more thing to be thankful for.
(tu) (tu) 🙂
Glad you are ok!
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