Work, Live, and Play questions.
Hello All!!
Been wanting to move to St.Croix for quite awhile now, and im think im ready to take the big leap here this December! Im young (26), single, no children, and highly motivated and looking for a change of pace.
Work: As far as working goes ive done alot, from Bartending/Resraunt work in Austin TX, landscaping/gardening, retail, street musician, 5+ years in shipping/receiving, warehouse unloading. Wondering how easy it is to get into any of these job feilds there? When it comes to work im definitely motivated to get out there and find a job. Even posted me full resume on the VI craigslist already. I dont really care what im doing as long as im making money doing something.
Living: Looking through the craigslist at various condos, apts, and rooms for rent. Just want to get a general consensus of how it is living there. I dont have many things so I dont mind sharing space or having roommates. Also wondering about sides of the island compared to industry. Wont be bringing a car when I first get there but seriously debating on getting a scooter wgile im there. Whats the licensing laws for that. Do yall have a 49cc law?
Fun: Im gonna be new there. I feel that coming from Texas, its gonna be completely different. I already looked up the firearms laws and its looking like a no-go on bringing my pistol. ( -__- ) wondering if there are any fishing licenses or restrictions on regular fishing and bowfishing. Also im a BIG fan of camping. How does that go there? Definitely more of a tent type over a bungalo type. Alsow with camping im wondering about outside grilling.
Thanks for taking the time to look and read this. Any kind of comments help. Thank you!!
Bartending/Resraunt work yes, more so in high season. Warehouse work, not so much. Scooters are highly not recommended for safety reasons. Lots said about that already in the forum archives. Not any camping that I can think of on STX apart from weekends on some of the beaches. Probably not the safest thing to be doing since no secured campgrounds. There are campgrounds on STJ in the park.
I would seriously consider St. Thomas. You'll find more work and more young - like things to do. I believe we've had the last cruise ship and things are slowing down it seems. STT is just getting started for their season.
EActually, STT season begins to drop off in May as many cruise ships that visit in winter head to Europe, the Mediterranean and Alaska and our hotel and vacation visitors decline.
If you're not going to have a car, it's going to make it extremely difficult to get back and forth to work or do anything else. The north and south sides of St. Thomas have no public transportation, whatsoever. Bus schedules are erratic, safari taxis have no set schedule and don't run after dark. You have to be waiting on a main road to catch them and walk or hitch (not advised) to get the rest of way to your destination.
Scooters are not advised on STT due to terrain consisting of steep hills, sharp corners and many other issues, like demented drivers, ill lit roads, potholes, etc.
STX is flatter than STT, so a scooter may be an option there but still wouldn't recommend it if you're new to driving one.
Do not advise camping.
St. John and Water Island have campgrounds but not aware of anyplace on STT
that is legal to do so. You can be arrested for trespassing. Think camping is allowed on Cramer Park in STX but only during Easter. Someone from STX can correct me if I'm wrong. You have to pay to camp at locations that allow camping in STJ and WI.
That being said, it's probably easier to find work in STT but be aware that summer is off season and things don't really pick back up, tourist wise, until October -November.
If without reliable transportation, you don't want to live too far from where you'll be working. East End, Red Hook area has lots of resorts, bars, restaurants, marinas, beaches, stores, and more safari taxi access so might be a better fit for finding jobs and a place to live. It's expensive to live here so bring lots of $$$ to get settled in until you can find work.
You can check the Virgin Island Daily News when here for job or rental leads or pick up the weekly Island Trader and continue to check on Craig's List.
I can't find link for Island Trader. It used to be on the Daily News site but found this.
Good luck.
I know you were inquiring about STX but these are options for STT.
STT is just getting started for their season.
I'm guessing that's a typo.
Tex: "Just want to get a general consensus of how it is living there." Have you gone through the mass of general information available in the drop-dopwn menus top of this page? It's an invaluable resource.
There is at least one commercial camp on St Croix (Mt Victory?). St Croix Hiking Association has a camping outing at least once a year, I think. You can check their website for activity schedule.
if you are not too picky you should have no problem getting a job somewhere.
stx is not impossible to do by scooter. i know people that do it, would i recommend it-not for me
you can bring your gun if you do it the right way-there are a few posts on that.
fishing and diving- no problem
lots of people in your age group here.
come and have fun while you are young
Once you are on island and can search around a little bit you can find tons of places to go camping on STX year round for free.
You need a car! A scooter is dangerous as the roads are very rough and narrow. IMHO
Jobs are there if you really want to work and will show up every day.
Beware of Craig's List postings!
I don't think there is many places you can camp legally on STX. Mount Victory does have a fee. Most of the rain forest is private property.
Work: As far as working goes ive done alot, from Bartending/Resraunt work in Austin TX, landscaping/gardening, retail, street musician, 5+ years in shipping/receiving, warehouse unloading. Wondering how easy it is to get into any of these job feilds there? When it comes to work im definitely motivated to get out there and find a job. Even posted me full resume on the VI craigslist already. I dont really care what im doing as long as im making money doing something.
Forget Street Musician and warehouse work is somewhat sparse but Bartending/Restaurant work, landscaping/guarding and retails jobs are available. How easy it will be for you to get hired depends on when you come to the island - Late October or early November are good times to find restaurant jobs as those types of establishments are gearing up for "High Season". By December many of the vacancies may already be filled but it's no impossible to find work.
Regardless of time of year your level of experience, how well you conduct yourself during the interview process and how you stack up against other candidates will greatly influence how "easy" finding a job will be. Telling us you are "definitely motivated to get out there and find a job" is all well and good but we are not the ones you have to convince. It's how the business owner/hiring manager views you.
Now for a dose of reality - while finding a job in those fields might not be too difficult there's no guarantee it will be a "good job", with a good boss, great salary and pleasant working conditions. Sometimes people go through a series of jobs before they find the right fit others have to work multiple jobs to earn enough to live on. Where you fall into that structure is something only YOU can determine. I'm not trying to spread doom & gloom but rather to let you know that finding employment in the islands is not that much different than finding employment anywhere else. If you were highly employable "back home" you'll probably do OK when it comes to finding employment in the USVI's. Likewise, if you had difficulty finding employment or keeping a job where you now live you may be in for a rough patch.
As a single person in their mid- 20's with no dependents relying on you you have "flexibility" so that's a big plus in your favor and will make your task seem easier. Make sure you come with enough of a nest egg to tide you over while you find employment, a place to live, adequate transportation, etc.
Good Luck following your dream!
Good luck
There's Easter camping at Cheynay Bay. And I saw two campsites set up there yesterday, although not sure if they were there legitimately. Sites are on St Croix Environmental Association managed land. So you can contact them for more info.
there is easter camping pretty much all over the island. thought the regulations had changed this year though?
... wondering if there are any fishing licenses or restrictions on regular fishing and bowfishing.
You might want to come over to St Thomas for the Texas Society Chili Cook Off in August.;)
Hahaha! Id be down for that!
Well there is nothing like two-steppin' on a beach...
You might want to come over to St Thomas for the Texas Society Chili Cook Off in August.;)
Its so fun.
Didn't the OP say he was coming in December? STT will be ramping up then. Whats the count for STX ships next year? 23 or something? Ouch.

You might want to come over to St Thomas for the Texas Society Chili Cook Off in August.;)
Its so fun.
Didn't the OP say he was coming in December? STT will be ramping up then. Whats the count for STX ships next year? 23 or something? Ouch.
Twenty six ships are scheduled for STT in December.
Six ships are scheduled for STX in December.
Quote Swans: "Twenty six ships are scheduled for STT in December.
Six ships are scheduled for STX in December."
One of the many reasons I love STX!!!!

Quote Swans: "Twenty six ships are scheduled for STT in December.
Six ships are scheduled for STX in December."One of the many reasons I love STX!!!!
In Dec. 2017, 19 ships are scheduled for STT;
In Dec. 2017, 2 ships are scheduled for STX
(Not considered a tentative schedule - listing is in advance)
That's not very many visiting STT.
That's not even 1 a day.
50 ships currently scheduled for December 2016 St Thomas:
December 2017 is a very long way off and those figures are indeed very tentative.

50 ships currently scheduled for December 2016 St Thomas: 2017 is a very long way off and those figures are indeed very tentative.
Thank you OT! I inadvertently failed to take into consideration the multiple ships at ports on STT on any given day when perusing the Cruisetimetables schedules, therefore my total was incorrect. Many thanks and much appreciated!
One of the many reasons I love STX!!!!
Putting things in perspective, that's also why STT has a better economy and it's easier to find jobs.
50 ships in December still works out overall to less than 2 per day.
Some days will have more and some will have none.
It helps fuel the economy.
Summer's pretty dead with very limited cruise ship activity here.
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