boston bombings
so sick and tired of turning on the tv or computer and seeing these stories..
bombs, school shootings, mid east, syria, northern africa, gaza, and so much more i havnt touched on, soooo much more
it goes on and on..
what has happened to mankind ?
what has happened to us ?
what has happened to our world ?
we have peaked.. "we" meaning humans..
peaked and on the down slide as a whole
anarchy and marshall law is in our future
seems to me st croix is the safest place in the world as of now
thanx for reading my rant...
"When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me,"Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping." To this day, especially in times of ''disaster", I remember my mother's words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers-- so many caring people in this world." Mr. (Fred) Rogers
I understand how you feel stcroix2020. Hard to believe there are such evil people out there. Thank God for good and caring people rushing to help, maybe this evens things out a bit.
(quote borrowed from a friend's FB page)
150 years ago was a rough time. I see the world becoming a better place. Two steps forward and one step backwards.
Although the Boston event was sad, it certainly wasn't surprising or even shocking to me.
These so called terrorists need to come up with something new to get attention.
Terror isn't so terrorizing anymore.
Although the Boston event was sad, it certainly wasn't surprising or even shocking to me.
These so called terrorists need to come up with something new to get attention.
Terror isn't so terrorizing anymore.
Really? Kind of insensitive don't you think? You bored with bombings and planes used as missles? Looking for the terrorists to increase the "wow factor" for you? What happened yesterday in Boston was not some dog and pony show on "America's Got Talent". Innocent people died! Innocent people lost limbs! Lives were altered forever!
An act of terror is intended to create fear. The charcter of a people is revealed by how they react to that event. Will they cower, or will they put that fear aside, and carry on. What is traggic, in either case, are the injuries and loss of life. So, while this act of terror may not have been surprising or shocking, it is sad that you have so little empathy.
i dont know how a person who thinks and feels can become desensitized to this. the 8 year old hugged his father at the finish line moments before the bomb went off and killed the child.
Although the Boston event was sad, it certainly wasn't surprising or even shocking to me.
These so called terrorists need to come up with something new to get attention.
Terror isn't so terrorizing anymore.
Sad...but I'm not at all surprised nor terrorized.
Bombs just don't have the same emotional impact that they once did.
I don't want to make any assumptions so I'll ask you sunshinefun - have YOU ever been directly affected by a terrorist bomb?
Perhaps some people who have seen so much of it in the news over the years have become somewhat de-sensitized to it, but for many of us (myself included) who have been "in the wrong place, at the wrong time" the emotional impact of a terrorist bomb will never be diminished.

Never on US soil. But many over seas. It's not something you can just tune out after the first one. But if it doesn't directly effect you I suppose you can just tune it out.
-- moved topic --
Strange that there was a bomb drill going on at that exact location before and during the race, they had bomb sniffing dogs present at the start and finish lines... Officals were stating "it's just a drill, don't worry about the exersize".
Sounds like a very familiar story played out again.......
where are our critical thinikers these days?
Although the Boston event was sad, it certainly wasn't surprising or even shocking to me.
These so called terrorists need to come up with something new to get attention.
Terror isn't so terrorizing anymore.
Wow. Just wow.
If there was a bomb drill going on at that exact location and there was a bomb drill going on at Sandy Hook as reported by some it would seem that both are familiar. Then one would have to think, at what lengths would our government go to, to promote their own agenda. Scary thought. Though if one considers fema camps, the mass quantities of ammo being bought by homeland security, tanks being bought by homeland security, targets being bought by homeland security with pictures of children, pregnant women and seniors on them and soldiers being told that evangelical christians and jews are number one terrorist threats in America then some would think we are in a world of trouble. Government takeover? Fascist, Communist, evil dictator, the end of the world as we know it? Paranoia, conspiracy theorist, or crazy preppers. Who knows? Critical thinking?
dougtamjj has some good points. People need to wake up! visit and read drudge report Mainstream media is advertising. It is not the unbiased news it pretends to be. Advertising or advertizing[1][2][3] is a form of communication for marketing and used to encourage, persuade, or manipulate an audience (viewers, readers or listeners; sometimes a specific group) to continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering, although political and ideological advertising is also common. -from wikipedia
I'm not sure I would take as gospel information from the Drudge Report and Wikipedia.

"soldiers being told that evangelical christians and jews are number one terrorist threats in America"
I haven't heard one word of this. I have been in over 10 years and that's news to me. We have plenty of Jews and Evangelical Christians in our ranks. If you think the Drudge report and Wiki don't have their own agenda.......
"soldiers being told that evangelical christians and jews are number one terrorist threats in America"
I haven't heard one word of this. I have been in over 10 years and that's news to me. We have plenty of Jews and Evangelical Christians in our ranks. If you think the Drudge report and Wiki don't have their own agenda.......
I don't know anything about it either. Another poster posted a link to a report about soldiers being briefed on domestic terrorist.

I'll have to search for it because that just sounds off. Not that certain Christian movements shouldn't be tracked however. There are plenty of whacks out there. The one thing we have been hearing things about are patriot groups. Militias etc....
I'm just sayin' folks should not blindly believe everything they are spoon fed. Look at different sides of the fence and use your brain to determine what you believe to be true based on facts and history. I know people who will not see the facts because they don't want to. One source spins one way to meet someones agenda, another spins it the other way. Your own brain needs to work a little or you will be a sheeple just following along buying everything you are told/sold.

I don't bother with anything but local news now. And even that is getting worse. I do like NPR though, at least they allow equal time to all sides of the argument.
I'm just sayin' folks should not blindly believe everything they are spoon fed. Look at different sides of the fence and use your brain to determine what you believe to be true based on facts and history. I know people who will not see the facts because they don't want to. One source spins one way to meet someones agenda, another spins it the other way. Your own brain needs to work a little or you will be a sheeple just following along buying everything you are told/sold.
Agreed. I also think Doug has some valid point. Lets take a poll and see who's not fed up with our government? (USA.... I think everyone's fed up with the VI government lol). It's doesn't take too much though to think that maybe they create this panic because they want citizens to look to the government for help and rescue. Mending the wounds they've created. Personally I wouldn't put it past them, they see an entire country up in arms.... Literally now and they need to do something to restore the balance of our "powerful government".
This is totally not to mention our level of forensics in this country. Do you REALLY think they don't know who did this!? REALLY? That's total BS. I'm not really a big conspiracy theorist but I can (sadly) say that I wouldn't put it past our government to start enciting fear from terrorists to get us to cozy back up to them for protection. In this case.... Stop and think about it... There was two hospital tents or whatever their called for the runners nearby. There was also a bomb drill which trained people would be at. A small bombing by the government to entice some fear with all the nessessary medical and bomb squad close nearby? Perhaps this was done only to scare us and casualties weren't planned? Just saying. Seems awfully odd to me.
STX-OP: I agree, it's so sad that humans with such intelegence will be what leads to our own demise. I too think marshal law is not that far off. Scary times.
I'd believe it was someone like Timothy McVeigh.
.... A small bombing by the government to entice some fear with all the nessessary medical and bomb squad close nearby? Perhaps this was done only to scare us and casualties weren't planned? Just saying. Seems awfully odd to me....
I see you have decided to reject "club snarky" and instead apply for membership in "conspiracy nut-jobs united front against common sense".
(please feel free to correct me as I'm uncertain if nut-jobs should be hyphenated or not?).
The Boston Bombings were a terribly depraved cowardly act done by who or what type animal. I feel great sorrow and pray for the families and friends of these innocent victims. Also the innuendos by participants on this forum that the United States Government had something to do with the bombing is not only disrespectful but irrational and on the brink of insanity.
.... A small bombing by the government to entice some fear with all the nessessary medical and bomb squad close nearby? Perhaps this was done only to scare us and casualties weren't planned? Just saying. Seems awfully odd to me....
I see you have decided to reject "club snarky" and instead apply for membership in "conspiracy nut-jobs united front against common sense".
(please feel free to correct me as I'm uncertain if nut-jobs should be hyphenated or not?).
I'm pretty sure it's not hyphenated, I think it's spelled "r e a l i s t i c t h i n k e r" or perhaps "h i s t o r y o b s e r v e r" ? one of the two definately.
AandA, what you describe is refered to as a "False Flag" operation, much like the Bay of pigs, the Gulf of Tonkin, operatin northwood etc etc etc... we have a strange history, should you choose to study it.
I find it incredible that someone who has to wear the uniform of our countries military, so flagrantly spreads and supports subversive material on the internet. This is a New World Order that's for sure.
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