Good news Trump sup...
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Good news Trump supporters! You are right, your man isn't a Fascist.

Posts: 1885
Noble Member

Maybe we can hijack this thread so we can talk about how Chipotle is the victim of "corporate sabotage" by Monsanto? This is a great example of why buying "local" isn't always the best option.

Posted : December 24, 2015 2:37 pm
Posts: 66
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Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Posted : January 5, 2016 12:19 pm
Posts: 490
Reputable Member

There are 75 guns per 100 people in the United States. (That the government knows of) There actual total amount of firearms in the hands of the American people is a lot higher than that. We have been given the right to own firearms since the founding of the United States. There is no way that will ever change. Even if the 2nd. Amendment were to be repealled. Few, if any would give up their firearms. The leadership in Washington D.C. already knows that is a fight they don't even want to start. (Even Hillary said that) So if anyone believes that a radical gun control and confiscation will ever become a reality.
"Dream On"

Posted : January 16, 2016 3:18 am
Posts: 8
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So he's not a fascist by the technical definition, but he's still a horrible human being.

Posted : March 31, 2016 8:26 pm
Posts: 97
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Topic starter

So he's not a fascist by the technical definition, but he's still a horrible human being.

(tu) No argument here!

Posted : April 1, 2016 12:16 am
Posts: 1937
Noble Member

So he's not a fascist by the technical definition, but he's still a horrible human being.

just like basically every politician, especially in this race...

Posted : April 2, 2016 10:04 pm
Posts: 955
Prominent Member

Well GOOD, I'm glad we have that cleared up.

mike aka: not a Trump supporter, but sure as hell not a Hillary supporter either.

Posted : May 6, 2016 8:25 pm
Posts: 2473
Famed Member

Good news, disgruntled Americans: As you ponder whether to vote for one of the two most-disliked, dishonest, and morally corrupt politicians ever to run for president — Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton — you just might have a third option. His name is Gary Johnson. He’s a popular two-term former governor of New Mexico. He’s the likely Libertarian party nominee. And he’s set to be on the ballot in the vast majority of states.

Posted : May 6, 2016 8:46 pm
Posts: 955
Prominent Member

Yes, rotor, but all he will serve to do is split the vote because a lot of libertarians vote conservative, so if the vote get split guess who will be your President? The first woman President in history, which is what the Dems are chomping at the bit to break that last glass ceiling come hook or crook. This reminds me of that old saying that rings so true in politics, "The ends justify the means". The country isn't ready for a third party quite yet, maybe in 20 years or after 4 years of Trump because if he does get elected, he will not make a second term I expect.


Posted : May 6, 2016 11:38 pm
Posts: 490
Reputable Member

I think trump will win, This government has major issues. Most people that can honestly look at our country see this. Yes we need to stop illegal immigration. We need to hold other countries accountable for living up to the trade deals. Rampet fraud and theivery in goverment needs to stop. The tax code needs to be simplified and enforced.
Those are just a few things that need to be addressed. I certainly know Hillary will not take on any issues like that.
Yes their are many people opposed to Trump that use ridiculous reasons to target his charactor. Many of them are concerned that their free ride will either end or be adjusted.
So from a middle aged, hard working tax payer, the choice is clear.
Geaux Trump!!!!

Posted : May 7, 2016 8:51 pm
Posts: 850
Prominent Member

I just can't get over it. Here's a guy who consistently lies over 90% of the time, often repeats those lies after being called out on them, and has no chance in hell of fulfilling the majority of his campaign promises (which, as a bright man, he knows). And people still trust him in the Commander in Chief position? Murika has dumbed down worse than I thought. Part of me hopes he wins the election, so maybe people will see that the emperor has no clothes. The worst that can happen is that we'll have another 4 years of Congressional gridlock.

I don't believe anybody has used ridiculous excuses to malign Trump's character. Just straight words out of the horse's mouth. Although, that's hard to do when he can't seem to string full sentences together without going off on unrelated tangents.

As for that old "taker" position: it's the real ridiculous excuse. It's lame, and also has been proven to be untrue.

Feaux Trump!

Posted : May 9, 2016 1:23 pm
Posts: 36
Eminent Member

The real question is, can Trump beat Biden? I don't think he can. I think the FBI/DOJ will ramp up the indictment chatter after Bernie is "forced" out of the race. Then Biden can swoop in to be the hero of The Left. Trump has loads of ammo to go against Hillary but although, Biden might have a few skeletons in his closet, he is just more likeable than any of the three current candidates.
If this scenario does play out, do you think Uncle Joe will do anything to help the VI? He is a holiday-Crucian after all *-)

Posted : May 9, 2016 1:42 pm
Posts: 490
Reputable Member

Murika was dumbed down a long time ago or we wouldn't have our current Commander and Chief. The fact that anyone is willing too continue to even look at Hillary much less vote for her proves that.
Geaux Trump!

Posted : May 14, 2016 2:03 am
Posts: 850
Prominent Member

Under our current Commander in Chief's watch:

- the number of illegal immigrants entering this country dropped,
- unemployment dropped,
- average hourly earning increased,
- we had, as of January, broken a long standing record of consecutive monthly job growth,
- new unemployment claims dropped to their lowest level since the 70's,
- have had 74 consecutive months of private sector job growth,
- budget deficit has reduced by 2/3,
- Swiss banks now open their books to find tax evaders,
- major loopholes closed that allowed companies to move jobs overseas to avoid taxes,
- more consumer protection from new credit card disclosure and financing rules,
- have better food safety,
- tightened regulations to reduce and handle identity theft,
- lowest tax rate for most working families since the 50's,
- improved overtime regulations,
- No Child Left Behind is becoming a bad memory,
- have the Blue Alert law to help save/protect LEO's,
- no more Don't Ask, Don't Tell,
- combat troops have better body armor,
- largest spending increase for vets in 30 years, even though limited by Congress,
- more funds for more mental health professionals in the VA,
- no media blackout on fallen soldiers,
- useless F-22 aircraft program is dead,
- nearly all Iran nuclear material is no longer in Iran,
- eased relations with Cuba,
- Abu Khattala is sitting in a US jail, awaiting trial, and Bin Laden is dead,
- have new rules that will help prevent more Trump Universities,
- still have net neutrality,
- the Doughnut Hole is smashed,
- Medicare and Medicaid can now negotiate prices with drug companies,
- lowest health care inflation rate since the 60's,
- stricter power plant emissions and fuel efficiency standards,
- West Virginia did not loose a mountain,
- sick 9/11 first responders are getting the treatment they need, and
- Native Americans are getting lease royalties they were cheated out of for decades.

I've got lots more. But I think that's enough to show how awful things are under this Commander in Chief.

I always think it's a hoot that critical comments about Trump almost always deflect to Hillary, eventually, instead of countering those Trump comments.

Posted : May 14, 2016 6:20 pm
Posts: 465
Reputable Member

I always find it interesting when people parrot talking points as fact.

I realize that what one wants to believe trumps facts and nuance (doesn't fit in 140 characters or less) but the "facts" are neither as rosy or dire as some are wont to believe

The best thing about our system of government is that event with a grossly incompetent CinC (Bush, Obama and either Trump, Sanders or Clinton) we haven't been plunged into the Abyss

It could always be worse, Mapp could be President

Posted : May 14, 2016 11:34 pm
Posts: 490
Reputable Member

Under our current Commander in Chief's watch:

- the number of illegal immigrants entering this country dropped,
- unemployment dropped,
- average hourly earning increased,
- we had, as of January, broken a long standing record of consecutive monthly job growth,
- new unemployment claims dropped to their lowest level since the 70's,
- have had 74 consecutive months of private sector job growth,
- budget deficit has reduced by 2/3,
- Swiss banks now open their books to find tax evaders,
- major loopholes closed that allowed companies to move jobs overseas to avoid taxes,
- more consumer protection from new credit card disclosure and financing rules,
- have better food safety,
- tightened regulations to reduce and handle identity theft,
- lowest tax rate for most working families since the 50's,
- improved overtime regulations,
- No Child Left Behind is becoming a bad memory,
- have the Blue Alert law to help save/protect LEO's,
- no more Don't Ask, Don't Tell,
- combat troops have better body armor,
- largest spending increase for vets in 30 years, even though limited by Congress,
- more funds for more mental health professionals in the VA,
- no media blackout on fallen soldiers,
- useless F-22 aircraft program is dead,
- nearly all Iran nuclear material is no longer in Iran,
- eased relations with Cuba,
- Abu Khattala is sitting in a US jail, awaiting trial, and Bin Laden is dead,
- have new rules that will help prevent more Trump Universities,
- still have net neutrality,
- the Doughnut Hole is smashed,
- Medicare and Medicaid can now negotiate prices with drug companies,
- lowest health care inflation rate since the 60's,
- stricter power plant emissions and fuel efficiency standards,
- West Virginia did not loose a mountain,
- sick 9/11 first responders are getting the treatment they need, and
- Native Americans are getting lease royalties they were cheated out of for decades.

I've got lots more. But I think that's enough to show how awful things are under this Commander in Chief.

I always think it's a hoot that critical comments about Trump almost always deflect to Hillary, eventually, instead of countering those Trump comments.

I'm glad you believe everything you say (tu)
Geaux Trump!!!

Posted : May 14, 2016 11:51 pm
Posts: 850
Prominent Member

I'm glad you believe everything you say (tu)
Geaux Trump!!!

I can support all those accomplishments with citations. But won't, because they are easily researched.

Posted : May 15, 2016 12:07 am
Posts: 490
Reputable Member

I can support all those accomplishments with citations. But won't, because they are easily researched.[/quote

Do what makes you feel better. It seems at this point many see them as opinons of people with their heads buried in the sand.
The fact is millions are intrested in something different and would rather take their chances on something else than more of what we know will be the same.

Posted : May 15, 2016 2:38 am
Posts: 850
Prominent Member

I can support all those accomplishments with citations. But won't, because they are easily researched.[/quote

Do what makes you feel better. It seems at this point many see them as opinons of people with their heads buried in the sand.
The fact is millions are intrested in something different and would rather take their chances on something else than more of what we know will be the same.

Proving only that "many" seem to prefer being willfully ignorant, when it comes to facing actual facts that warp their cognitive dissonance shield.

The current "same" has been good for us, as it lifted us out of a serious hole and improved more lives than "many" are willing to admit. It's not perfect. Better than the "same" is always preferred. But believing that placing a persistent liar and showman in such a high position of power will make things better? Maybe you have a point. I'll think about it more seriously this afternoon, when I go out riding over rainbows on my pet unicorn, and get back to you. .

Posted : May 15, 2016 1:02 pm
Posts: 2473
Famed Member

A few Obama accomplishments that you omitted.

1st president to oversee a downgrade in the U.S. Government's credit rating.

While the unemployment numbers are down, this only includes people who are actually looking for a job. A more meaningful number is "workforce participation". That is the number of people actually working. By increasing the number of people on welfare by 50% he has reduced the number of people looking for a job. Fewer people are working than when Obama took office.

Obama has damaged our relationships with our historically two closest foreign allies. Great Britain and Israel.

Obamacare is quickly falling apart. United Healthcare, the nations largest health insurer, is pulling out.

Race relations have declined under Obama. More rioting and racial violence under Obama than we have had in decades.

Doubled the U.S. federal debt. Increased by $7 Trillion. The largest increase of any president.

There are almost 6 million more people below the poverty level than when Obama took office.

He has certainly earned that Nobel Prize.

Posted : May 15, 2016 5:36 pm
Posts: 2473
Famed Member

BTW. Here are those labor force participation numbers. They show that since 2009 the number of people actually working has declined steadily.

Obama learned that if you give people enough free stuff until they stop looking for a job then the unemployment numbers go down and then you can brag about it.

Which is more important, unemployment or workforce participation? Do we want more people looking for jobs and working or collecting welfare and not being unemployed?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics is a trusted source I hope.

Posted : May 15, 2016 10:57 pm
Posts: 850
Prominent Member

A few Obama accomplishments that you omitted.

1st president to oversee a downgrade in the U.S. Government's credit rating.

Yes, that Republican temper tantrum did happen under his watch.

While the unemployment numbers are down, this only includes people who are actually looking for a job. A more meaningful number is "workforce participation". That is the number of people actually working. By increasing the number of people on welfare by 50% he has reduced the number of people looking for a job. Fewer people are working than when Obama took office.

I'm quite aware of the participation rate. It's been reported since before I was born. More than one reason for the rate changing. My husband and I are recent adds to the "non participating" sector. Because we retired, as millions of baby boomers are doing. Not because we became "welfare" recipients.

The rate reached a peak in 2000, and was projected to fall anyway, through 2020. Mostly due to aging workforce, rate of working women drop that is not expected to go back up, and more 18 to 24 year olds in higher education.

Fewer people working? Nope. Under Obama, net jobs increased .25% (1st term) and 1.98% (2nd). Don't know where you got your numbers. But mine came from BLS.

Obama has damaged our relationships with our historically two closest foreign allies. Great Britain and Israel.

Ignoring. Opinion, not fact.

Obamacare is quickly falling apart. United Healthcare, the nations largest health insurer, is pulling out.

UHC is pulling out of the individual segment. While they overcharged premiums in some markets, and had to refund the overages, they aggressively deflated premium prices in others to gain market share, and paid the price.
"Falling apart" = a rather hyperbolic opinion.

Race relations have declined under Obama. More rioting and racial violence under Obama than we have had in decades.

I agree. Although I'm certain we disagree on the causes and who's to blame.

Doubled the U.S. federal debt. Increased by $7 Trillion. The largest increase of any president.

That's the budget deficit figure. Included in that are large chunks of mandatory and predetermined spending. (like when you obtain a mortgage and know you have to budget the payments every year). ie - while it did increase, you can't truthfully say Obama doubled it. His initiatives and policies are responsible for contributing about 1 trillion. And a huge chunk of that was for military and "war on terror" funding, something his predecessor didn't add to his budgets.

There are almost 6 million more people below the poverty level than when Obama took office.

Yeah, bad recessions will do that. Good thing the rate leveled out and is now dropping during his tenure. Otherwise, it would make him look bad.

He has certainly earned that Nobel Prize.

Posted : May 16, 2016 12:41 am
Posts: 490
Reputable Member

Wow! that was incredible! like I said
"I'm glad you believe everything you say"(tu)

Posted : May 16, 2016 1:43 am
Posts: 850
Prominent Member

Wow! that was incredible! like I said
"I'm glad you believe everything you say"(tu)

I'm not all that interested in getting into nitpicking Obama's accomplishments, beyond the facts I stated. But maybe you'd like to set me straight on what I said that was not true? Or would you just prefer to repeat your vacuous statement?

Posted : May 16, 2016 12:20 pm
Posts: 465
Reputable Member

I'm quite aware of the participation rate. It's been reported since before I was born. More than one reason for the rate changing. My husband and I are recent adds to the "non participating" sector. Because we retired, as millions of baby boomers are doing. Not because we became "welfare" recipients.

The rate reached a peak in 2000, and was projected to fall anyway, through 2020. Mostly due to aging workforce, rate of working women drop that is not expected to go back up, and more 18 to 24 year olds in higher education.

The aging factor is responsible for somewhere between 0-50% of the drop in labor rate participation. I think you'd be hard pressed to find an economist that would stake his reputation on the sole reason.

If you strip Boomers and <25 out of the numbers we're still well below 07.

We also didn't have QE pumping billions into the economy driving mal-investment. Unfortunately those bills will be coming due

Posted : May 16, 2016 1:33 pm
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