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Joined: February 23, 2011 3:02 pm
Topics: 25 / Replies: 49
Replies: 5
Views: 1243
Re: Senators e-mail addresses

I found these... if anyone knows a better one for any of them, or if you know Chucky's, please add. Thanks BLYDEN, MARVIN A.- DE...

7 years ago
Re: Senators e-mail addresses

Does anyone have a current list?

7 years ago
Re: what happened to the Whim?

I'm sure there was dancing and music back in the days that the Whim was a working plantation. Horses were not. While horses might interest some, the...

8 years ago
Re: Is American still allowing 6 bottles of rum as free checked luggage????

Thank you Jumbie!!! My brother is coming to visit and I wanted to know what he can take back with him. (tu)

8 years ago
Re: Election Results

I think it's a shame that while this was a huge voter turn out, that only 53.79% of registered voters did vote. Where's the rest of them? " ...

10 years ago
Re: Washer & Dryer For Sale - STX

How old? Condition? Thank you.

10 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 1098
Replies: 0
Views: 829
Re: Power out west end STX

Thanks for the update... I went off to read and forgot to care. lol That is only the feeder for the airport, rum factories, all of Frederiksted. lol...

11 years ago
Re: Power out west end STX

Went on roof... west end all dark. Friend says Dorsch beach is out. There is a glow to the east like maybe Whim area has power.

11 years ago
Replies: 11
Views: 1375
Replies: 2
Views: 836
Re: Stolen! Wet tile saw. Did you buy one recently?? STX

I brought my cameras with me... they are Foscam night vision. I run them through a wbsite Used them when I was in the states and was very happy with ...

11 years ago
Re: Stolen! Wet tile saw. Did you buy one recently?? STX

Appreciate the offers! I found one to use. I know I will never see mine again. Just want everyone to know if you are offered this saw, or bought it...

11 years ago
Re: trying to get my dog here (STX)

At this point you will most likely have to wait until fall unless you use a private company or know someone with own plane. 😉 Both AA and Delta fly ...

11 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 796
Re: By pass

Nice little pull-off over look spot too!

11 years ago
Re: Desert Rose Adenium Seeds or Cuttings STX

STX I was looking at house for 2 years, so I have been on just about every road in every neighborhood from mid-island west. lol Can not remember whe...

11 years ago
Re: Desert Rose Adenium Seeds or Cuttings STX

I have seen about 4 colors while driving around. Seeds will not reproduce the parent plant exactly, so every seed has the potential to be a little di...

11 years ago
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