Active Member
Joined: January 7, 2008 9:20 pm
Topics: 4 / Replies: 12
Re: Should we buy a gun for protection ???

OK granted I don't live there, but what I have read on this board is great and the crime thing I believe it is anywhere people are there is always goi...

17 years ago
Re: Should we buy a gun for protection ???

Charlotte what do you mean with that statement I was just wondering and thought I'd ask.

17 years ago
Replies: 17
Views: 2037
Re: We're official we hope to be soon

Congrats on the move what kind of jobs do you guys have there? We we hoping that it won't take us to long to find something in our fields of compute...

17 years ago
Re: Hidden Valley

Uh maybe K-Mart in the Salad dressing isle. hee hee

17 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 5480
Re: Relocation Package Information

Im not usre of the name it is in St. Croix and all units may not be corporate. I'll know more this week.

17 years ago
Re: Gonna Give it a try

St. Croix is where we will be at and I'm not sure if all 60 units are corporate.

17 years ago
health care ?

I was ready this board and the health care kinda scared me when you implied not so good are there hospitals there? I found many doctors and some real...

17 years ago
Re: Pic (done! Thanks, Trade!)

Great picture I can hardly wait to be there it is so beautiful. Marty what do you do for a living there if you don't mind me asking. Sitting on the...

17 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 1159
Re: Relocation Package Information

Thanks for the information Linda, well here the deal my husband was there a few years ago with a friend that owned property there, so he went over to ...

17 years ago
Re: Suggestions for "Must do list" for second PMV to STX

My husband and I are thinking about relocating to St. Croix and I have been reading some on the message boards to kinda get a feel about island life. ...

17 years ago
Re: needing a car

You wouldn't happen to be the Polly that knows Andy R.

17 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 1601
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