Reputable Member
Joined: February 14, 2011 8:10 pm
Topics: 24 / Replies: 256
Re: Stainless steel cable and accessories for porch

Hey Daveb722, A few days ago I private messaged you information about the cable company in the States we used to repair our cables. I wonder if y...

7 years ago
Re: Stainless steel cable and accessories for porch

Skysthelimit, check your account here for a PM. If you didn't get it please let me know and I'll resend.

7 years ago
Re: Stainless steel cable and accessories for porch

Hi Daveb722, I sent you a private message just now which you can see by clicking on the PM button up above. Check it out and let me know if you'r...

7 years ago
Re: Dog grooming business license

Hi Vicanuck, I know I shouldn't have been amused and smiled by your reply, but I found it spot on. Rarely is a victim hidden out of sight here, b...

7 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

We also dined at the Buc one night after Kendrick took over the kitchen. Haven't been back after that experience. The dinner menu prices were way...

7 years ago
Re: Virgin Islands Restaurant Guides - What's Open, Closed & Rebuilding!

What's the status of Duggans? I didn't see it mentioned on any list. Thanks.

7 years ago
Re: Best way to give donations

Absolutely. People please, donate to you local Animal Shelters. These poor animals have nothing and need your help. They're all alone in the world.

7 years ago
Re: Cardiologists

If you have a serious cardiac problem and your doctor won't be back on Island for 1, or even worse, 3 months, what good is that?! To accept that ...

7 years ago
Re: moving dog w/ health issues

Hello Maskedcat, Please check for a private message here I sent you by clicking on the "private message" button on top of the page.

8 years ago
Re: moving dog w/ health issues

My best advice is to call Dr. Michelle Mehelic at the St. Croix Animal Welfare Center at (340) 778-1650. Call her today and it may relax you! She...

8 years ago
Re: STX Yacht Center - Gallows Bay Boatyard

I, like many others, had horrible experiences with the former St. Croix Marine operation. Without a track record of some sort, I would stay away from ...

8 years ago
Re: Trying to get my dog from St. Thomas to St Croix...

We flew our large dog over to St. Croix from St. Thomas with a plane and pilot from St. Croix. Unfortunately, he's left island but there are others st...

8 years ago
Re: need info. on dr. pedersen on stx ASAP! thanks!

We've gone to Dr. Pederson on and off and have had a few things taken care of successfully. Please check on this if its a major surgery, but I don't t...

8 years ago
Re: Got any info on the new Counseling Licensing Board ?

Hi Maja, I just sent you a private message (PM). If you didn't get it, let me know!

8 years ago
Re: Need good Electrician on St Croix

Yes, his full name is Bravely Joseph, (340) 643-0141. We've had him out numerous times. He and his assistant are very good but a bit slow so the bill ...

9 years ago
Re: Stuck on health insurance and freaking out

Hi Justin. I just sent you a private message about the insurance issue. Check for it.

9 years ago
Re: Dog needs a new home or a foster home after owner passes away

Hello again. I resent you the PM just now. Please let me know it arrived - if not, I'll email it. Thx.

9 years ago
Re: Dog needs a new home or a foster home after owner passes away

Hi Alana... I wrote you a PM just now regarding the poor dog with the deceased owner. I got back a note saying your PM box is full!!!!! I don't w...

9 years ago
Re: Transporting my dog

The main charter company on St. Croix can fly you and your dogs to St. Thomas but it is costly. If you can get a one way flight with them, that cuts t...

9 years ago
Re: Moving to STX in March, need to get a 119 lb Great Dane down with me...

Hello! Please check your private messages (PM). I just sent you one regarding your trip and the Dane! Please let me know it arrived and you saw it. Th...

9 years ago
Re: Getting a Great Dane to St. John

Mikaela, I just sent you a PM on here. Please check it when you have time.

9 years ago
Re: Out of water - Delivery recommendations??? - STX

We've used Mario's for years. Ask for Reuben - extremely reliable and fair prices.

9 years ago
Re: Does anyone know someone that services Generators.

Try calling Alan Meyer. He serviced our generator for years and was honest and knew his business. Good man. Please let me know here if can reach him. ...

9 years ago
Re: Dentist on STX

I do understand about fear of the dentist. I was the same way as you are. But, the wisdom tooth incident taught me a huge lesson. Putting off dea...

9 years ago
Re: Dentist on STX

I had the same issues! First, go see Dr. Kurt Buska in Gallows Bay, an excellent dentist with decades of experience and trained in the States. He'll t...

9 years ago
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