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Joined: August 21, 2013 2:22 pm
Topics: 0 / Replies: 18
Re: this should be interesting

Keep in mind, the money spent on the "war on drugs" will still be spent. There are other drugs out there that are much worse than pot, and the demand ...

11 years ago
Re: Beware of break-in's on the east end of STX

Although I have heard of people shaving their cats, I cannot fathom why a burglar would do so. Did he bring his own sheers? Or did he use a razor?

11 years ago
Re: Cost of living?

Tupperware makes a line of "fridge smart" containers that really work. Speee1dy, try traveling about an 1 1/2 north to the Mecca of gaming. Bet...

11 years ago
Re: Cost of living?

our electric is about 200-250. i am going to az the end of this month and going to safeway and other grocery stores and take photos of items that we n...

11 years ago
Re: Bottles of wine

I'm with Stxer1 on this one. We live in Vegas and are me bores of a wine club. They can only ship to us October-April due to heat. The cases are rath...

11 years ago
Re: And Obama Care...

I could have chosen a plan with a higher deductible and co-pays, but the deductibles were so high, I would actually end up paying MORE in the long run...

11 years ago
Re: And Obama Care...

The only real winners under Obamacare are the insurance companies! The losers are the younger people who are being forced to subsidize the cost of in...

11 years ago
Re: And Obama Care...

Just checked the exchange to see what it would cost for insurance. Let's just say that for my family it would be more than my mortgage payment.

11 years ago
Re: gas prices ??

Paid $3.49 in Vegas today.

11 years ago
Re: Barilla Pasta Boycott

I will say it once again. Just because someone disagrees with you is it is not hate. I'm pretty sure most Muslim men do not HATE women. Can religious ...

11 years ago
Re: Barilla Pasta Boycott

Speee1dy, I agree with you. When did disagreement become equated with hate? Just because I disagree with your lifestyle, does not mean I hate you. I s...

11 years ago
Re: Barilla Pasta Boycott

Mtdoramike, I'm jealous. Our nearest Chick-fil-a is 3 hours away and I miss it. My hubby is the official "Chick-fil-a Fairy" out here. He even posted ...

11 years ago
Re: Where do you go during a severe storm like a hurricane

One of the funniest things I have ever heard during a hurricane was from a man that checked into our hotel and the lights started to flicker in his ro...

11 years ago
Re: Damn horse thiefs...

Growing up in Texas you take Texas History in 7 th grade. At that time in my life, the law was still on the books, but other laws had made it unenforc...

11 years ago
Re: Help! Kindle, Apple IPad or Android tablet?

JulieKay, thanks, that is good to know. We do A LOT of streaming and if we end up on STX it is nice to know we will still have access.

11 years ago
Re: Help! Kindle, Apple IPad or Android tablet?

I thought I would put my two cents in since everyone seems against the iPad. We have iPads and Kindle fire HDs in this household. I can do everything ...

11 years ago
Re: Americas Cup

In 2011 we were lucky enough to catch one of the final races in San Diego from the flight deck of the USS Midway. Really COOL!

11 years ago
Re: What's up with the smileys?

Greetings, I've been trolling the boards for a while now and have wondered if I could not see the smileys because I use an iPad. Glad to know I'm not ...

11 years ago
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