You are crazy to move pets during this time, in fact check with the airlines....they won't do it.
google BARF diet too.
Agreed, but it depends. If you buy the pre package BARF diet, yes it will be costly, if you learn how to cook for your pet (buying vegetables, brown r...
Put them on the B.A.R.F. Diet - real food. Then you don't have to worry. Cameron
Jules, Do you know who is behind this? We spent 3 weeks at The White Bay Villas last Christmas and New Years. John Klein is a personal friend o...
emily, sorry I am new on this "blog" thing. went on and didn't know where to go from there? cameron
Where in Texas are you from? I am from Houston and are planning the move to the island. Currently, I live in Maryland. cam
what is your company? What can you tell me? Do you have a website? Cameron
We havn't moved there yet, but I know I will miss the long, lazy days of summer. cam
dave, sorry I didn't call, it's been a long couple of months for me. Please email your # again and I will be sure to call. cameron
Thanks alot for your .02, it means alot. Cameron
Hi, I just met a lady from Malibu, Ca. She has Arabians. She told me to check out "jetpets" for shipping all animals. Just an FYI, Came...
Betty, We have been there many times. The property I was inquiring about only listed the neighborhood. Yes, I know the difference between F/C, ...
From what I have heard, be willing to spend alot - so you will have to make alot. My guess is $100,000 minimum a year.
Alexandra, exactly where is Estate Rust Op Twist? Frederiksted or Christiansted? Cameron
What will I do without Nordis and Mac lipsticks? To smack-face with whoever?
Dave, Thought I emailed you in response to your info., but don't see my post. Would love to talk with you! Our situation is similiar. 410279 ...
Alexandra we are planning our move in fall/winter. Can you keep me posted of rentals that allow pets. The one in May sounds perfect, but we won...
Which island are you on? Thinking about whether or not to buy linens here. Moving to St.Croix. cameron
Really, Can't you buy tupperware on the island? Cameron
Which island are you on? Did you buy/rent? Cameron
Hi, can you tell me more about "the stateside bank accts." We are planning our move in fall/winter. We have 2 dogs. I have lived in many p...
Gretchen, I have a MiniCooper I bought last year. Low miles and super gas mileage. I also, am stubborn about it and won't leave w/o it. My boy...
Wow, i was in the islands when all this "BLUBBERING" WENT ON. I just found this post. Can you tell me more about the position, still available...
Thanks, this was the place I was looking for. Do you know anything about it? Cameron