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Joined: September 17, 2012 10:40 am
Topics: 15 / Replies: 58
Re: Federal Judge rules against Customs Officers lawful authority to search US Mail

This is what 19 CFR 145.2 says: § 145.2 Mail subject to Customs examination. (a)Restrictions. Customs examination of mail as provided in paragr...

6 years ago
Re: Federal Judge rules against Customs Officers lawful authority to search US Mail

stxsailor wrote: Anything that goes on commercial aircraft is x rayed or ETD explosive trace detection by TSA or authorized agency. Explosives and ...

6 years ago
Re: Federal Judge rules against Customs Officers lawful authority to search US Mail

How do you know? X-rayed by whom? And what are they looking for, contraband or explosives? And even if they were x-rayed (by whoever) t...

6 years ago
Re: Another Murder at a Popular STX Eatery

And now the moron federal judge Gomez just ruled against customs officers using their lawful authority to search US Mail from the USA to the VI, where...

6 years ago
Re: VING allowed to seize private guns and ammo?!?!

Why have guns when you have the VIPD........

7 years ago
Re: Question about legal gun owner ship on STX

The VI is NOT gun friendly. Probably as bad if not worse than the likes of NY, CA, Chicago etc etc

7 years ago
Re: Small Claims for Plaintiff off island

Gee never thought of THAT thanks sooooo much....

7 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 1387
Re: Small claims court

How long does it usually take to process a lien? Immediately or a few weeks "processing time?" Thanks

7 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 1190
8 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 948
Re: Member of Governor's security detail nabbed with cocaine at airport

Suprised the local government hasnt yet done what they usually do to delfect responsibility: blame the "feds" for not keeping the coke out of the ter...

8 years ago
Re: Arrest in officer murders

Next thing they'll be blaming the "feds" for not keepng the coke from coming into the territory...

8 years ago
Re: Member of Governor's security detail nabbed with cocaine at airport

HE DINDU NUH-TING. DEM FEDS BE HARASSING DA LOCAL MAN DEM! But in all seriousness, it wouldnt suprise me at all if some higher-ups than him are ...

8 years ago
Re: Member of Governor's security detail nabbed with cocaine at airport

How on earth do you get on a commercial flight with 40 pounds of coke and $15,000? "Uh, I don't know where that came from. It isn't mine." Im g...

8 years ago
Re: Property Values?

It's clear that you didn't like living in the islands and are quite bitter about the time you spent here . Oh no, I loved it! Especially never r...

8 years ago
8 years ago
Replies: 19
Views: 1877
8 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 629
Re: What do you love about the Virgin Islands?

Work transfer that I put in for. Was there for 6 years and the only reason I still pay attention to what happens there is because I still own propert...

8 years ago
Re: What do you love about the Virgin Islands?

What do I love about the Virgin Islands? Not living there anymore.

8 years ago
8 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 1062
Re: prices

I guess all the complaints I've heard from locals over the years about "da Arab dem" and Puerto Ricans in regards to stores must all be a myth......

9 years ago
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