I belive the technical term for grout is the finish material used in tiling jobs. I think you're referring to "mortar", which is very different from ...
Hi William: I am also investigating the possibility of living aboard in STT. I paid my dues in sailboats and I'm only interested in motor yachts...
Yes, concrete block is generally filled with steel reinforced concrete. But generally speaking, DIY poured concrete of any kind is a bad idea, especi...
The book paints not-so-subtle stereotypes of islanders and gays. I wonder how accurate that is, or if it's Wouks own interpretation, or a sign of the...
Concrete block is not hard to work with if you're handy. Much easier to work for a DIY'er with than poured concrete, if it's available. If you can g...
Having grown up in a small town vacation area and lived most of my life in a "destination" place I can tell you from my experience that these areas te...
For those who have read it, how true to live is it? I understand "Amerigo" is a fake place but for all intents and purposes it may as well be STT or ...
People need to truly understand the terms properly before raising the alarm on such topics. Citing higher rate of new cases in such a small popul...
I read on USVI.net that boats brought down for charter/business purposes are exempt: Boats placed into charter service in the U.S. Virgin Island...
I would just throw my $.02 here - Your statement might be true for Texas or Idaho but from my research USVI housing costs don't hold a candle to where...
I looked into Cape Air for SJU to STT and their flights were comparable - $120, less if you book earlier. I was looking at a somewhat last minute tri...
Like I said, I don't mean any disrespect and I certainly don't intend to flame anyone. HIV is a serious topic and shouldn't be tossed around casually...
you may want to check the rank of HIV in the US... I think the VI is number 1. With all due respect, this is blatantly false and could be constru...
Thanks Ang - this was very helpful. $5/ft is nothing compared to up here. Ground tackle is not terribly expensive, although getting it dragged or du...
Well, it's too bad I haven't moved down yet because I do residential design-build work! Good luck with your project.
Thanks Marty 🙂 I imagine with a mooring ball the boats have to be at least a little bit apart to allow for wind/current shifts, but then again I've b...
I'll report back after my PMV next month... My impression is, on STT at least, lots of places to hang out and meet tourists, get hammered, etc. ...
Actually, the USVI would have to secede from the US, unless a govt. was willing to purchase them (unlikely). Anyone who wants a study in secession on...
Most people don't realize this but even with a high speed line like DSL, you do not have the same upload speed as download. Upload is always slower. ...
I didnt' read that as defensive at all - in fact I'd have been disappointed if you didn't pipe up! I wonder if you could get a job with one of the res...
I crewed on a sailboat in my youth. It was a private employer who paid a cash stipend and couldn't be bothered with things like drug screening. This...
My parents are going through a similar situation - they are a bit older than you but still young (mid-50s) They want to move to Florida and continue ...
I'm green with envy. Not at the gig, but with the boat 😀 I have been in, on, and about boats my entire life but I would not want the stress that co...
You might want to check this link before getting too excited about toking up in the USVI. Learning how to sail is as much art as it is science, a...
I've built smaller boats (30 foot) using cold-molded epoxy construction. For an experienced person with a helper and the proper tools, a small team c...