Chucky Deemed Ineli...
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Chucky Deemed Ineligible

Posts: 130
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The VI Supreme Court has just barred Chucky from running for office again.

Posted : August 28, 2014 6:46 pm
Posts: 1037
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Posted : August 28, 2014 6:51 pm
Posts: 8871
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wow, imagine that

Posted : August 28, 2014 6:53 pm
Posts: 6523
Illustrious Member

No doubt her strident caterwauling protests will be loudly heard in the next few weeks ... have the earplugs handy if you're in sight of her.

Posted : August 28, 2014 6:55 pm
Posts: 8871
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her voice is one of the few that i absolutely can not stand, makes me cringe

Posted : August 28, 2014 7:00 pm
Posts: 1914
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For those that don't know her.

Posted : August 28, 2014 7:09 pm
Posts: 1914
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Time to take her signs down.

Posted : August 28, 2014 7:10 pm
Posts: 2938
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Bryan might have just ignited a war. Chucky won't go down easy.

Posted : August 28, 2014 8:09 pm
Posts: 130
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she was convicted of local crimes, so the governor could pardon her by tomorrow so that she would be eligible.

Posted : August 28, 2014 8:12 pm
Posts: 12366
Illustrious Member

Thank Goodness. Now if we can get her to pay back her salaries for all the years she was illegally sitting in Legislature plus rescind all the bills she had a hand in creating and supporting, it would be another step in the right direction. What indeed about all those laws and monies?

This is the only time I can applaud Bert Bryan. EVER!

Posted : August 28, 2014 8:25 pm
Posts: 2938
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Then it would go to the Third Circuit Court and embarrass us further.

Posted : August 28, 2014 9:13 pm
Posts: 130
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after jan 2012, appeals from the vi supreme court are by writ to the us supreme court. federal cases go directly to the third circuit.

Posted : August 28, 2014 10:12 pm
Posts: 1495
Noble Member

Talk about the lesser of two evils...

Don't forget that Bryan shot his son in the back and looted tens of thousands of dollars during Hugo.

Posted : August 28, 2014 10:36 pm
Posts: 12366
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One down, lots more to go!

Posted : August 28, 2014 10:49 pm
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

hip hip hooray!!

Posted : August 29, 2014 12:15 am
Posts: 280
Reputable Member

They say there's no recycling in the VIs. Not true. The corrupt, criminal politicians get recycled every election. Chucky is a perfect example.

She should have been in prison these past years. Can you even imagine you or I not paying our taxes?!! And, she's supposedly a public servant. Right.

Posted : August 29, 2014 3:45 am
Posts: 929
Prominent Member

I have little doubt Chucky was one of the ones who pissed off the Chinese - ain't karma a b***h.

Posted : August 29, 2014 11:30 am
Posts: 508
Honorable Member

Next Step:

Time to put the aiding board of elections members out to pasture. Raymond Williams and Rupert Ross were complacent with her eligibility, and did all they could to validate her candidacies over the years. They need to be voted out this term, and any term following.

Posted : August 29, 2014 11:30 am
Posts: 8871
Illustrious Member

noOne, i was wondering how killing your son is NOT deemed moral turpitude, but i guess it is a selective thing down here

Posted : August 29, 2014 12:16 pm
Posts: 681
Honorable Member

Does anyone have a link to the decision? (I know I can look it up, but I'm lazy.)

Overheard in a restaurant the other day:

Bartender: "Yeah, have you seen her signs? 'I'M for Chucky!"

Tourist: "Oh, right."

Bartender: "Right. Who's for Chucky? Chucky's for Chucky. Otherwise it would say 'WE'RE for Chucky!'"

Best. Birthday Present. Ever.

Sometimes the VI Supremes do something useful.


Posted : August 29, 2014 12:33 pm
Posts: 688
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Posts: 681
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Second one down

Thank you!

From the opinion:

"Addressing the merits, and notwithstanding the Supervisor’s resolution of the question, pursuant to binding United States Supreme Court precedent construing and applying a nearly identical federal statute, 26 U.S.C. § 7203, Hansen’s prior misdemeanor conviction for willful failure to file tax returns under 33 V.I.C. § 1524 is a “crime involving moral turpitude” that renders her ineligible to serve in the 31st Legislature by operation of section 6(b) of the Revised Organic Act of 1954, 48 U.S.C. § 1572(b). Accordingly, the Superior Court’s July 30, 2014 Order is reversed, and the Superior Court is directed on remand to grant the petition, set aside the Supervisor’s decision to place Hansen on the general election ballot as a candidate for membership to the 31st Legislature pursuant to 18 V.I.C. § 412, and remove Hansen from the general election ballot."

I don't often say this about the VI Supremes (cuz I've gotten some sh!tty decisions from them), but this is not only well-written, but CORRECT.


Posted : August 29, 2014 12:45 pm
Posts: 681
Honorable Member

Second one down

Thank you!

From the opinion:

"Addressing the merits, and notwithstanding the Supervisor’s resolution of the question, pursuant to binding United States Supreme Court precedent construing and applying a nearly identical federal statute, 26 U.S.C. § 7203, Hansen’s prior misdemeanor conviction for willful failure to file tax returns under 33 V.I.C. § 1524 is a “crime involving moral turpitude” that renders her ineligible to serve in the 31st Legislature by operation of section 6(b) of the Revised Organic Act of 1954, 48 U.S.C. § 1572(b). Accordingly, the Superior Court’s July 30, 2014 Order is reversed, and the Superior Court is directed on remand to grant the petition, set aside the Supervisor’s decision to place Hansen on the general election ballot as a candidate for membership to the 31st Legislature pursuant to 18 V.I.C. § 412, and remove Hansen from the general election ballot."

I don't often say this about the VI Supremes (cuz I've gotten some sh!tty decisions from them), but this is not only well-written, but CORRECT.


OMFG! And it's a Lee Rohn loss! It's like the heavens opened up and rained gold bullion!


Posted : August 29, 2014 12:49 pm
Posts: 508
Honorable Member

You are a funny lady Iris! 🙂

Posted : August 29, 2014 1:16 pm
Posts: 2552
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about time

Posted : August 29, 2014 1:21 pm
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