Enfield Green.... w...
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Enfield Green.... what is wrong with it?

Posts: 74
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There have been quite a few properties for sale out there for the past year, but lately (even before the BIG news) there are more than ever. I have had a few people tell me that it is not somewhere I would want to live, but never gave me a good reason. Can anyone on here enlighten me to the drawbacks of Enfield Green? I see it lists restrictions... anyone know what they are? Thank you for any help you can offer.

Posted : February 2, 2012 2:17 am
Posts: 475
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It's within nose shot of the dump, I think.

Posted : February 2, 2012 12:00 pm
Posts: 8873
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i heard it has to do with the actual land it sits on but can not remember what

Posted : February 2, 2012 12:01 pm
Posts: 887
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It is at the approach end of the runway.

Posted : February 2, 2012 12:50 pm
Posts: 2937
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Noisy aircraft flyovers all day and evening, smelly.

Posted : February 2, 2012 1:00 pm
Posts: 681
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Noisy aircraft flyovers all day and evening, smelly.

Well that'll stop when there's no more jet fuel, right? Bonus!

Posted : February 2, 2012 2:27 pm
Posts: 83
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Hi, I have been living. in Enfield Green for nearly a year and can't wait to get out! The problems there - where does one start?
First of all the EPA came around with an outreach program because of smell and possible contamination there. You smell them burning crap at night frequently- really stinky and hard to sleep. My landlord - who is a cop - falsely said there was no problem. Now my daughter is getting asthma. The beach is filthy - I had asked the cop landlord several times to help me do a beach cleanup - nothing. I even called the home owner association head - no call back. The main street is impassable - looking worse than remote Guatemala roads I've been on. It's been like that - filled with deep potholes. Lots of drug activity on the beach - right under the noses of these cops. The airplanes don't bother me that much. I know when friends are driving and jump in the car to get them! The gate is a REAL hassle. Dumbest thing ever. Anybody can get in if they just wait and drive in after, plus people can wander in off the beach. I think people should audit the WAPA ratings on these houses, as some owners burn bright, bright, bright lights all night long, every night. They are either paying thousands in WAPA or have some kind of subsidy to be so wasteful. Also being so close to the beach lots of centipedes and rats. These suburban wastelands will just be reclaimed by the bush. With gas prices going to skyrocket you really want to get near civilization for sure.

Posted : February 2, 2012 4:18 pm
Posts: 74
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SydSol ~ Thank you for your candid reply. That is the kind of information I was looking for. I had heard rumor about the drug activity on the beaches out there, particularly out at the old Carlton Beach Club. One would think if so many non-official people know about it that the officials would know about it too, and do something about it.
I could deal with the airplanes, can't be any worse than a main highway with big rigs hitting their Jake brakes in front of the house all night. Now the smell is something I would not want to put up with. It is a shame there are so many problems out there as there are some really beautiful properties.
I will stick to looking on the west end. Thanks everyone for your replies.

Posted : February 3, 2012 3:09 pm
Posts: 338
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I disagree with many of SydSol comments. I have lived in Enfield Green a number of years and I find it to be a very nice place to live. Most of the homes here are very nice and the area has a nice rural/woody atmosphere to it. Lets be honest, there is so little airport traffic that you don't even notice the occasional flight that comes through, its not as if you are living near the runway of LAX or DFW. The beaches should be cleaner however I've never seen any drug selling going on at the beach, in fact when I go to the beach 95% of the time I am the only one at the beach. I feel like I have the whole place to myself. My biggest complaint about Enfield Green is that some people have very large dogs that are often not kept on their property. I can't comment on people's WAPA bills, I just know mine aren't subsidized. You could call the evening radio host on 1620, she lives in Enfield Green and she is also a police officer, she will be more able to address any drug activity at the beach. Once again I haven't seen any

Posted : February 3, 2012 3:52 pm
Posts: 83
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In all fairness I should say that Enfield Green SHOULD be a nice place, if you llike suburbia. The houses are cute, but I would really grill the owner and insist on full disclosure, as people like to exploit the disadvantaged worker around here to save a buck, but then the house ends up with serious electrical and plumbing problems. It's nice to walk to the beach, and Enfield Green SHOULD be one of the nicest beaches, but it's got rum factory waste on its shores, scores of filthy plastic washing up on the beach, and I've seen not just the blighted sight of Hovensa on the shores, but oil stains as well. A large red plastic kid's car has been washed up on the private side for months now, sitting like an eyesore, and lots other stuff, tires, used condoms, old boats. Like I said, nobody seems to give a damn or they never visit the beach! Also I've stepped in waste from people dumping their septic tank waste out in the bush and it runs off to the beach. It's such a beautiful beach if only you could motivate the neighborhood to remotely think about cleaning it up. Why the severe road damage is not repaired God only knows.
The drug dealers come in little boats at dusk, usually on Thursdays and Fridays. Some shady guy drives in, paces around out on the edge with his cell phone for a while until they meet. I started taking license plates and told the cop landlord - no avail. There was an article in the Puerto Rican newspaper about the drug highways up through VI and Puerto Rico beaches. I stopped going down there at dusk and only with four dogs, cell phone, camera and binoculars. The racehorse guys take their horses out to swim there too. Interesting to observe.
The location IS super convenient to the airport and again, I don't mind the air traffic, it's fun to spot your house from the air coming in and you know when to leave for the airport to pickup friends because you heard the plane overhead. It is quick to get to Sunny Isle, if you LIKE highways. It's half hour to Christiansted and is super quick to Frederiksted.
There have been several attempts to build a gas station there. It was defeated once and came up again last year and I think it was defeated again - I tried to find out from the neighborhood association but again, nobody called me back.
The restrictions I think are on no chickens or goats. Maybe with Hovensa shutting down the stench will stop, but they seem to have cranked things up of late due to the shutdown. It is really creepy they release stuff at night, as if we don't notice. The EPA is supposed to be through here again in March to maybe sample some cisterns, they told me. I'd suggest doing some soil tests. Good luck!

Posted : February 4, 2012 12:20 am
Posts: 681
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Anything down-current from an industrial area should be suspect. I still have red marks on my ankles from the year I used to wade in the waters along condo row.

Posted : February 4, 2012 2:22 am
Posts: 8873
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iris, are you serious? not being mean just in shock

Posted : February 4, 2012 11:03 am
Posts: 644
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SydSol, sadly every beach in the VI has trash wash up on it.
When I lived in Judiths Fancy, I used to clean it myself....filling up plastic trash bags and taking it to the dumpster.
Cleaned up tires, lots of plastic bottles with French writing, plastic oil containers, boat parts, etc.
Give it a try, you'll feel good after your done.

Posted : February 4, 2012 12:43 pm
Posts: 1341
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We always take garbage bags when we go to the beach. It does feel good to haul away a few bags of stuff that's washed ashore, as well as island garbage. 🙂

Posted : February 4, 2012 12:59 pm
Posts: 681
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iris, are you serious? not being mean just in shock

VERY serious. I wouldn't go in that water in that area again. WAPA dumps untreated sewage over Long Reef.

ETA: I think it's VIWMA, not WAPA, but not sure. Not that it necessarily matters. It's still disgusting.

Posted : February 4, 2012 8:24 pm
Posts: 681
Honorable Member

SydSol, sadly every beach in the VI has trash wash up on it.
When I lived in Judiths Fancy, I used to clean it myself....filling up plastic trash bags and taking it to the dumpster.
Cleaned up tires, lots of plastic bottles with French writing, plastic oil containers, boat parts, etc.
Give it a try, you'll feel good after your done.

It's not just "washed up" trash, but trash left behind by tourists and locals. NAKED GUY WHO LEAVES HIS CIGARETTE BUTTS AT THE SHELTER AT ISAAC'S I'M LOOKING AT YOU!

Posted : February 4, 2012 8:32 pm
Posts: 8873
Illustrious Member

iris, seriously disgusting.

Posted : February 4, 2012 11:46 pm
Posts: 2552
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The raw sewage dumping while bad and should not be allowed does not happen all of the time. Yes it happens too much but only when they have a pump problem or line breakage.
EPA should fine them so heavy that they fine another fix to the problem. They should fine the people who run whichever company or government entity it is PERSONLY and that would stop it.

Posted : February 6, 2012 12:05 pm
Posts: 83
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Two nights ago the Hovensa smell was really bad. Burned my nose. I almost called 911. I woke up sick and filed a report with the EPA. My daughter later in the evening couldn't breathe and I took her to the ER. Doc said lots of asthma cases since Sunday. West end generally has more asthma. Terrible! There is a bad smell post on this forum too. I am stepping up efforts to get out quick down wind of anything on island. I'm sure Hovensa doesn't give a damn and is violating left and right just to shut down. EPA is watching again. Call Jeff garrison at 787-671-8101 with EPA if you've been sick from the recent smell.

Posted : February 9, 2012 3:51 pm
Posts: 4
New Member

So ... Let's revisit this.  Since the bridge went out 9 or so years ago, have they improved the streets/roads? With the possible closure of Anguilla (dump) looming, is there any thoughts to relocating a waste disposal CLOSER to EG? How about the refinery? It seems lots of this should have been addressed in the last few years. Thoughts?

Posted : February 21, 2021 9:24 am
Posts: 1300
Noble Member

Prevailing wind blows from the east to the west. That can't be changed.

Industry and commerce upwind always will be a factor. 

Airport isn't that busy - you might be able to see Air Force One land sometime.

Also could be hot because it's low lying.

I haven't been in the neighborhood since Maria so I can't comment on safety, maintenance and general condition of homes.

Everything has workarounds if the price is right.

Posted : February 21, 2021 3:06 pm
Posts: 338
Reputable Member

I am curious. Why did this thread re-open its from 9 years ago.

Posted : February 22, 2021 6:44 pm
Posts: 4
New Member


re: "re-opened thread"

Perhaps it confuses one that the homes are quite affordable (compared to most Caribbean price points) and interest in Enfield Green has piqued once again.  It is clear that it is close to the airport and downwind from the solid waste facility.  But what remains unclear is the quality of the actual land (permeability of the lot ground, cistern contaminant, etc.) the underlying lack of purchasing of half and three quarter acre lots, and other issues that remain "unspoken"

There was a murder 12 years ago, but since then, only mention of speculative "drug activity on the beach" ... the roads being fairly poorly maintained (is this an HOA thing, or a government thing, or is it "nobody's thing")

I guess it was "re-opened" because someone is interested in the area and wants first hand answers, but cannot get them.



Posted : February 23, 2021 10:30 pm
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