flying with small dog
I will be moving down at the beginning of October with my wife and our Italian greyhound (10lbs she is an adult) she is pretty small, but she is kind of tall. what I am wondering is if anyone has any suggestions on how to deal with this because it seems like most of the airline sites have dimentions for the pet carrier, which she would theoretically fit in, but she is taller then she is long and we are wondering just how tough she will be to get on the plane. (in cabin) What airline is most convenient? etc. thanks Lucas and luren
She is supposed to be able to stand up in the carrier and turn around. Is she taller than the carrier?
I just flew from STX to Portland with a dog, 16 lbs, and nobody...NOBODY seemed to care. I bought her a ticket, $100, but no one ever asked for it. No one asked for her health certificate. I had to take her out of the carrier to go through security, and they didn't ask for anything. Truly, it was just like a piece of carry on luggage. They never looked at her, weighed her. Nothing!
Maybe that was the exception. Be prepared anyway. Could be they are just a little more lax in STX that in the states.
Call your carrier and ask them. Then call back and ask again. The left hand doesn't always know what the right hand is doing, IMHO
we bought one which is within at least American airline standards, and she is taller then the one we bought, but we are going to return it. American airlines website says 23*14*9 which she is definitely less than 23 inches tall, but we think they want 9 to be the height. we are hoping we can turn it on its side maybe to qualify? what airline did you fly? the problem is she is a super model very long legged and skinny. thanks for any additional input.
The dog I travel with is a service animal & found Delta was better than AA.
AA needs to really better inform their staff about the rights of the disabled!!!
Alot of the smaller dogs I have noticed are traveling in pet luggage (looks like a carry on bag). They are "supposed" to fit under your seat. However, I have seen plenty that were slightly bigger.
Health certificate is required & although a service animal is exempt from them, I've been asked EVERY time via Delta, AA & US Air.
Be safe & make sure you have all records (it will also help when you decide on a vet here).
Most of all relax!!!! The airlines see small dogs all the time. If you remain relaxed so will your pet & the flight will be cake.
Be sure to check for rest area/potty breaks between flights. And fresh water, it could get warm in the carrier.
Good luck & welcome to STX
Why am I getting the visual of the Wicked Witch and Toto on the broom from the subject line???
if we could just travel by broom then this would not be nearly as stressful. 🙂
no charge for baggage on a broom
Now I have that stoopid song going thru me head....thnx E Ender
perhaps if my wife can find her ruby slippers....
Lizard where are you, you'd know the answer
When my last dog was getting old and frail, I started travelling with him as carry-on. I had a soft pet carrier, that was within the regulation size, but my dog was way taller than the carrier. The top of it would unzip, so whenever I got the opportunity I would unzip it so he could poke his head out. I mostly flew AA, different routes including MIA-STX a few times, and never had a problem. Maybe I was just lucky, but it wasn't like I was trying to hide him. The flight attendants always came by to talk to him, and were very helpful. Good luck!
I flew American, but I'm sure it was so easy for me because I was flying out of STX. Where are you coming from? The carrier does need to be able to go under the seat. All airlines are very strict about loose luggage during take off and landing. And, be sure you don't book a bulkhead, because there's no seat in front of you to put the carrier. Also, you are not allowed to have a pet in the exit row seat. The agent in STX cared so little about the dog, they put me in a bulkhead (I didn't ask for it.). The flight attendant said my "bag" had to go overhead. When I told her it was a dog, she started to change my seat, but the nice lady behind me didn't have a carry-on, so I was able to put her under my own seat, take her out during the flight, and put her back for landing. I mean I took the carrier out from under the seat, not that I took the dog out of the carrier.
Another thing I learned, if you are going to be unzipping the carrier to offer water, treats, etc. or just to pet , you might want to keep a lightweight leash on her. I had to really work at keeping my dog in the carrier. She was very excited, all the kids in the gate area wanted to pet her, and I was afraid she was going to get out and run around in the terminal before I could get it on her. We had a very long flight, from STX to Portland, OR. She slept most of the way. No tranquilizers. Depending on how far you are coming from, try to have at least one long layover so you can take her outside. It was extremely easy to do that in Dallas. I didn't feed her much, just small treats, and she chose not to drink much water, even when I took her out in Dallas. Dogs are so smart!
One good thing, you're flying in Oct., so if you get there and have a problem, she can go in baggage. At least I think the heat restrictions should be lifted by Oct. Better ask about that, too. I understand you probably don't want to do that, but it's better than not being able to fly at all. You might want to have a hard carrier with you, just in case. You could leave the tag on it, and whoever takes you to the airport could return it, if it's not needed.
I would be very careful about the turning around thing. Of coarse it all depends on who you get and what kind of mood they are in but they definitely can refuse to let your dog on the plane if it doesnt met their rules. It must be able to stand and turn around easily. I had friends that left stx last year that had to leave their lab with me because at check in they refused to let one of their dogs fly because even though he could turn around easily in his crate, his back touched the ceiling when he stood up. It was horrible and cruel of the airlines but they didnt care. I had to get their dog to stt to fly it out cargo in a bigger crate for them.
As an aside you can always get your pets in and out by flying them in on the cargo with AA even during the heat embargo.
My bad experiences have been leaving STX .............. RUDE RUDE RUDE!!!!
And Miami International...........grrrrrrrrrrr!
I see small dogs fly all the time & it's generally not a problem, however it does depend on the mood of the person you get at check in!

We flew with 3 chihuahua's...2 are is a Deer Chihuahua who has long legs we were worried be cause he could not turn around very well...We got him a tall soft carrier that was 19 inches but could be pushed down to make the required 9 under the seat. When we checked in we kept him out of sight of the rep and when we got to security we made sure we had him out of his cage and in our hand waiting to walk him through the "puff" machine...we made it down here with no probs.
Okay, a Deer Chihuahua- now I've got this vision of the Grinch and Max, when he stuck the tree limb on his head to make him look like a reindeer.
Sing it: "You're a mean one, Mr Grinch..." 😛
All good suggestions, but one thing I'd add is to find an Italian Greyhound breeder and ask what he/she does. Many breeders show their dogs internationally, or at least across the country, and they deal with this all the time.
I have a Chihuahua, too.... an apple head rather than a deer head. (East Ender, continue with your visions... 🙂 ) She flies without a problem, and I think it has a lot to do with the fact that she's used to the carrier. Get the carrier well in advance, and give your dog time to get used to it. Make it a fun place by tossing a treat in there when she isn't looking once in a while, or play fetch and toss the toy into the carrier. When you fly, put a piece of your clothing (unwashed) in it so she can smell you. I put an old pillowcase on my pillow for a few nights beforehand and then put the pillowcase in the dog carrier.
Okay, so I'm a dog nut. 🙂
Actually Roadrunner that is VERY good advise!
His socks are filled with spiders................Mr Grinch!

The long-legged Chihuahuas are deer Chihuahuas? Is that the actual name?
Juanita made a good point - if the worst comes to the worst, at least at that time of year you could fly your dog cargo. Also, AA can sell you a carrier right there at the airport, if necessary, and their prices are quite reasonable. Which airport are you flying out of?
Yearasta, please will you post a picture of your Deer Chihuahua? I have never seen one, but it sounds interesting. Maybe like a Chinese Crested without the fluffy bits?
If the Dog only weighs 10LBS you will not have a problem on any of the Airlines bringing them in the cabin with you. However each Airline has a limit to how many animals they will allow in the cabin, you can't make a reservation for them it's a first come first serve basis, when they hit the allowable limit the dog must go in cargo. You have to have a Health certificate within 10 day's of your departure from your Vet. This is a requirement for the Airlines and the USVI Government, that same certificate is valid for the return trip. In the 15 years I have traveled with my service dog no Airline or Govt official has asked to see the Health Certificate. Service Dogs or Service Animals are exempt from the "quota of number of animals allowed in the cabin" However they must have a current Health certificate, no exemption there. Identification for the service animal is also required, could be cape. license,certificate from a service animal school, that determination is done by the ticket agent. You are going to connect in Miami or PR. Miami has an area for Dogs outside the secured area, so you have to go Thur TSA again, PR has no dog area and the maintenance people get upset with you, just tell them you don't speak Spanish and smile. go Thur TSA again. I Think the limit is 20lbs for a dog not sure check the Airline.

He's cute! Mine is only 10 lbs but is black with even longer legs. I thought she might have been a cross between a Chihuahua & a Min Pin.

We always joked that he was part chihuahua part deer, because is is so much taller than our other two and pretty much most chihuahua's we see...we thought the breeder took us for a ride, Until we took him to the vet one day and the doc told us that he was a deer chihuahua.

Mine gallops when she runs, almost like an elk or a deer. Very dainty.
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