Governor Vetoes Pot Decriminalization
I wonder where the anti-GMO people are when it comes to marijuana? There has definitely been serious GMing going on in that industry!

OT, since the concentration of cannabinoids in a baked product cannot be directly correlated to the weight of the weed used in a manufactured product, you cannot calculate the weight of the weed used to make said product. That is the point of my comments. I'm not advocating any particular political position.

I wonder where the anti-GMO people are when it comes to marijuana? There has definitely been serious GMing going on in that industry!
Are you referring to GMO done in a lab or GMO done through a natural organic process?
I'm not advocating any particular political position.
And neither am I. Simply stirring the levity pot.
I wonder where the anti-GMO people are when it comes to marijuana? There has definitely been serious GMing going on in that industry!
Are you referring to GMO done in a lab or GMO done through a natural organic process?
We used to clone and cross pollinate to breed the best plants which is a natural process. We didn't create plants that had Roundup built in like they do with corn and soybeans.
I wonder where the anti-GMO people are when it comes to marijuana? There has definitely been serious GMing going on in that industry!
cant happen.
Cannabis is special in that every single breeding produces it's own strain (even between two plants every seed will be a "crap shoot") the plant does not "breed true".
This is why cloning is so popular.

Marijuana legalization, like alcohol, will eventually become legal and regulated, with appropriate workplace and driving bans. Period. Are we going to be late to the party, importing marijuana from a frozen state like Colorado, or are we going to be on the right side of history?

The wording of the bill was not drafted by " the morons in the senate". The wording of the bill came from looking at other states' decriminalization statutes and adapting the wording for use here in the VI. USVI NORML helped supply information to the senator's office from the other states.
The bill states very simply this AND only this. If you are an adult and get caught with 2 oz. or less you pay a $100.00 fine and lose the pot. If you are under the age of 18, you lose the pot, get fined, and have to attend a drug awareness program. That is IT, PERIOD. It doesn't make marijuana legal, it just lessens the penalties for minor possession.
Driving while stoned and get caught ? The bill addresses this : " However, nothing contained herein shall be construed to repeal or modify existing laws, ordinances or bylaws, regulations, personnel practices, or policies concerning the operation of motor vehicles or other actions taken while under the influence of marijuana".
People need to stop reading more into the bill than what it actually states, which IS NOT across the board legalization of Marijuana Across the board legalization is something being talked about, but the proposed bill's wording has not been finalized nor has it even been introduced to the Senate yet. The wording as it currently stands for legalization is WAY WAY different than 30-0018 which was the decrim. I can also say this which I have gotten from the "horse's mouth". Just because a senator agrees with decrim doesn't mean that they support the idea of Marijuana being legal in the VI at this time. In being a part of hearing over this bill it had to constantly be clarified what the difference was between decrim and legalization to the senators.
As has been pointed out, the VI (as usual) will hardly be on the cutting edge of this issue if decrim happens. Right now 20 states have a decrim provision on the books and several more states are addressing this issue on the November ballot. Nevada is a great state to look at in a way. Nevada's laws used to be so extreme that there were penalties in the past that called for up to 20 yrs for simple possession of 1 joint. Currently Nevada has decrim and also a provision for medical cannabis.
Another thing to keep in mind is that the bill passed with only 2 senators voting Ney ( Rivera and Millen-Young being the 2 if I remember right ). I do not see where DeJongh's reasons for the veto are inline with the actual wording of the bill, nor do I see his veto standing with regards to the issue.
I believe the Governor vetoed because the bill included a completely unrelated amendment unacceptable to the Governor. Whether that amendement was tagged on deliberately to force the veto or not is a different question.
This happened.because these people were growing an insane amount and it was to check all the licensing you still need a state license to provide to dispensaries but personal amount i believe is still 6 plants a person
Eleven countries studied, one inescapable conclusion – the drug laws don’t work
Slowly we are learning truth.....
Are we going to be late to the party, importing marijuana from a frozen state like Colorado, or are we going to be on the right side of history?
The rumblings of the legalization avalanche have begun.. it is not too late still, though it's starting to look like it may end up that way.
Washington (CNN) -- Voters in Oregon and Washington, D.C., have voted to approve sweeping pro-marijuana legalization, according to a CNN projection.
In Oregon, the law legalizes personal possession, manufacture and sale of marijuana for people 21 years of age and older. Mimicking similar plans in Washington State and Colorado, the Oregon law will also create a commercial regulatory system for the production, distribution and sale of marijuana.
Washington, D.C.'s proposal, while scaled back compared to the Oregon proposal, allows for a person over 21 years old to posses up to two ounces of marijuana for personal use and grow up to six cannabis plants in their home. It also allows people to transfer up to one ounce of marijuana to another person, but not sell it.
Alaska Becomes Fourth State To Legalize Recreational Marijuana
Alaska legalized recreational marijuana for adult use on Tuesday, becoming the fourth state in the nation to do so.The state joined Oregon and Washington, D.C., both of which also voted Tuesday to legalize the drug for recreational use. Colorado and Washington state legalized recreational cannabis use in 2012.
Guam Legalizes Medical Marijuana
Voters in Guam approved a ballot initiative Tuesday that would legalize marijuana for "debilitating medical conditions" such as epilepsy, HIV, cancer and glaucoma. The bill, which passed by more than 56 percent, makes Guam the first U.S. territory to legalize medical pot.
The taxation estimates are undeniable, the money saved from cessation of Cannabis related conviction almost equal them and the Jobs + industry that springs up around the cultivation of this plant are what would really benefit this local.
If I were to support anything political it would be this simple measure, to STOP ruining the lives of our neighbors and to HELP employ and grow an industry that is less harmful than our current recreational drug industries.

The Huff Post quote hurts in a way since we just did yesterday as well.......
Nothing was legalized or decriminalized yesterday. It was simply a question on the ballot. Non binding. Don't expect anything progressive to happen here in the VI.

The way the question was posed was leading and presented an unbalanced question, therefore it can easily be argued that the question was improperly posed and the public was not fully aware what they were voting on.
The way the question was posed was leading and presented an unbalanced question, therefore it can easily be argued that the question was improperly posed and the public was not fully aware what they were voting on.
do you remember the wording?

Modern medical research has
discovered many beneficial uses
for marijuana, also known as
cannabis, in treating numerous
symptoms associated with certain
medical conditions.
Should the Legislature of the Virgin
Islands consider legislation to allow
for the cultivation and use of
cannabis (commonly known as
marijuana) for medical and
research purposes?
Modern medical research has
discovered many beneficial uses
for marijuana, also known as
cannabis, in treating numerous
symptoms associated with certain
medical conditions.Should the Legislature of the Virgin
Islands consider legislation to allow
for the cultivation and use of
cannabis (commonly known as
marijuana) for medical and
research purposes?
I don't see any issue with the question, how would you have liked to see it worded?
Senate decriminalizes marijuana???

When can we start growing it for our own use?
That's another bill that needs to be drafted and approved. The new law only covers possession of a small amount.
That's another bill that needs to be drafted and approved. The new law only covers possession of a small amount.
"Small amount" is defined as "less than" 1 ounce.
which, is quite a bit really...
Thanks. I was too lazy to look up the details! There's a Rasta on STT who I used to call the Johnny Appleseed of Weed. He used to always carry a burlap sack. He would give me bushes of the basil that he carried as a decoy, because he knew I wouldn't be buying his weed.
I helped him find the lawyer's office that defended him on a pot growing charge. Such a funny, sweet guy.
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