True...don't need these fools with anymore guns...also EBAY is good for cameras....I'll help install them if needed
Oh, if I go through the hassle of getting setup I'm not worried about donating guns to cons. They won't be able to take mine as I have some pretty sure means of locking them up (including biometric safe.) I just don't want to go through the hassle of trying to get a concealed carry permit since I don't have a business license which makes it much easier as I understand.
try amazon .com for good deal on security cameras. i got a set of 4 and monitor for around 250 .
good to go don,t get a gun and leave it at home they well break in when your gone and steal it your just giving them another gun
if your going to get one get a concealed weapon permits and keep it with you at all times .

Yea GoodtoGo it's rough getting a CCW here....nice safe!

Or attempted home invasion. Slaps on the wrist though.

"...get a concealed weapon permits and keep it with you at all times ."
How long have you lived on island Jerry, and what do you do for a living? I'm asking because if you have such a permit here and aren't employed in an industry here that requires you to have such a permit, I'd be interested to hear how you got the permit.

Speaking of guns....what's everyone thing about the legislation today to ban semi-automatic/automatic weapons...like AK's and AR's?

Speaking of guns....what's everyone thing about the legislation today to ban semi-automatic/automatic weapons...like AK's and AR's?
The lawbreakers will continue to break the law & get them if they want them.

I think it would be better to ban the use of AK's and AR's in a crime.....oh, wait, they already did. Instead lets make the punishment for holding such a weapon during a crime severe, non-negotiable, and swift. Those weapons are no more dangerous to humans than knives, hammers or baseball bats. Criminals with such weapons are quite a bit more dangerous and I don't want those folks on the street until they are 70 years old.

Hey! I wanted to show my wife the pictures....and they're gone! Is it me or did the police protect their cousins?
Shucks, they are gone. Did everyone get a good look. I did. I remember gold teeth with the work boots on. I have seen him many times on the east end.

VIPD wanted it down because they didn't want them to flee

"VIPD wanted it down because they didn't want them to flee"
That's difficult to believe. The criminals are on a small rock in the middle of a big ocean, and if Tami recognized one of them you can be certain VIPD officers know them, so if the PD doesn't want them to flee all they have to do is arrest them.
Assault weapons are not the weapons of choice among drug dealers, gang members or criminals in general. Assault weapons are used in about one-fifth of one percent (.20%) of all violent crimes and about one percent in gun crimes. It is estimated that from one to seven percent of all homicides are committed with assault weapons (rifles of any type are involved in three to four percent of all homicides). However a higher percentage are used in police homicides, roughly ten percent. (There has been no consistent trend in this rate from 1978 through 1996.) Between 1992 and 1996 less than 4% of mass murders, committed with guns, involved assault weapons. (Our deadliest mass murders have either involved arson or bombs.)
I think it would be better to ban the use of AK's and AR's in a crime.....oh, wait, they already did. Instead lets make the punishment for holding such a weapon during a crime severe, non-negotiable, and swift. Those weapons are no more dangerous to humans than knives, hammers or baseball bats. Criminals with such weapons are quite a bit more dangerous and I don't want those folks on the street until they are 70 years old.
Yeah thats why the BTK killer preferred to strangle his victims, right?

noOne: yup. so nice and quiet is strangling. And so much more personal. Also a lot more sick.

Just finished installing my security systems - I have gone from loving the peace and solitude of my beautiful home in STX, to being afraid to be there after several break ins. Thanks to all you a**hole criminals for making me afraid, hope you got some good smoke after stealing my stuff and selling it. I can never feel safe there again after the last one.....
I too think it is odd that the pictures were removed. I feel more like they should be posted all over the island. Then people could call the police when they saw them. To me they would be less likely to be able to flee if the public knew what they looked like. I tend to believe that they are maybe being protected. So now if I see them and call the police, what do I say? Officer you know those two young men caught on camera trying to break into a house in grapetree. You know, sir. Their pictures were posted on the usvi relocation message board for a few hours and then removed by the VIPD because you guys were afraid that if the two suspects happened to see themselves on the usvi relocation message board they would get scared and flee before you could arrest them. Really??????
The photos are being emailed independently to people all over the Island. There is no reason these guys should no be caught.
I think thier picture should be on the front page of the AVIS.
VIPD wanted it down because they didn't want them to flee
Let them flee...the next town they live in won't have their family to protect them
i agree about putting their pic on the front page of avis and daily news. i think also copies should be put up at smokeys gas station on east end. schooner bay and other places of business. at least they will know that they are being looked for. could be good warning for other would be criminals. sort of a vigilante action without kicking their ........
Anything come of the guys? Anybody know if they were brought in for questioning?
Today we had workers here in cotton valley putting up power poles and I hear hubby yelling for me. He is in JJs room looking out the window. He points to one of the workers and says doesn't like look like one of the guys in the pictures. I said let's go outside and say hi to see if he has gold teeth. lol. We didn't. I wanted too. But he didn't.
Didn't have gold teeth or didn't go say hi?
Pics are available by email. They're floating around.
Didn't go say hi.
i heard they caught one of the guys. anyone hear this? the pics should come back. i wanted to study the faces.
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