Shore fishing/lobstering on STX?
Now that you know the secret, we'll have to kill you. LOL
I was not aware that St Croix did not have a decompression chamber. Does anyone know why not and if there is any move to get one in the future?
I assume because of expense and the lack of staff to operate it. I've lived here almost 5 years and this is the first time I've seen the subject mentioned. I suppose people are flown to STT or Puerto Rico. Does STT has one?

I'm pretty sure STT does. I think Dr. Boaz used to handle it.
we just had the lobster guys bring in a load of fresh live lobsters and i was watching the cooks toss them in boiling water and at least 2 of them were about 8 inchers, is'nt that kinda small?
Min legal size for the spiny Lobster is 3.5" carapace measured (that's from the shoulder to where the tail begins). At that length they should be at least 1lb.
ok thanks lizard, they just looked so small, i personally would have left them alone, they looked more like appetizers
Schneider Regional does have a chamber. It is run by several folks, I think Dr Weisher is now the head honcho.
maybe the little ones were Spotties rather than Spineys. Spotties don't get very big but they are very sweet and tasty and are awesome in omelets with parmesan cheese. 🙂
You mean spotted spineys, that reach maturity at 5'to 8" but grow to 18".
that article in the VI Daily News spawned some concerned letters to the St Croix Source about the subject of overfishing etc. It seems to be quite a complex and fairly serious subject. One letter states that there are no parrot fish left. Can someone who snorkels/ dives throw some light on that. I seem to remember seeing parrotfish when I used to dive there.
I see them all the time. Buck Island has to many, they eat coral not good to have to many. That means not enough Barracuda.
Thanks - I thought that was a bit out of left field.
there are multiple kinds of parrotfish and some varieties are rarities these days. Some were pretty much wiped out in the aftermath of hurricanes when the coral was damaged and they had less habitat and a diminished food supply for a long time. The locals on Saba talk about parrotfish from their youth that were in the 50 pound range and are no longer to be found.

Which Saba, the one in the Netherlands Antilles?
50lb Parrott fish? Sounds like a fish story to me!
Tried the mop today- it does not work.... at all.
Talonz82 .... nice plug for your company.. lol (td)
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