Reputable Member
Joined: March 12, 2011 10:18 pm
Topics: 46 / Replies: 255
Re: Broadband VI unusable lately

Ran ping via command prompt to, packet loss was 4%! Kept hearing it was my router, but after 3 hours of pinging my router once per second ...

8 years ago
Re: Broadband VI unusable lately

Past 2 messages to BBVI customer service have gone unreturned. I can't stream movies or play games literally half the time. Innovative is coming ou...

8 years ago
Re: Broadband VI unusable lately

I would kill someone if I was getting 1-3mb lol especially since my business relies on the internet. Im paying $99 for 1.5 MB and 150ms ping real...

8 years ago
Replies: 41
Views: 4814
Re: Dentist on STX

you can visit Newport Center Smile Design at Newport Beach, CA, They have most experienced and well qualified team. Did you just make an account ...

8 years ago
Re: How to become involved with local politics

So whats the status on medical marijuana? Saw that it won by 54% or something.

9 years ago
Re: How to become involved with local politics

Can you throw a good fish fry? That is more important than anything qualification / platform-wise.

9 years ago
Re: The Governor deposes Judge Dunston ...

Dunston has always struck me as a good guy. One of the judges no-showed in small claims court, and this guy came and spent his day presiding over the...

9 years ago
Re: Dental Hygiene Jobs

Hi- PM me and I'll give you my email address / where to send a resume. Whit

9 years ago
Re: Friends looking for missing man on STT

I cant find any confirmation anywhere about the body.

9 years ago
Re: St. Croix Company Builds One of Fastest Boats in World

Cant tell if thats racist or not.... haha jk 🙂

9 years ago
Re: Dr. Guy Garman

Alana, Nitrogen Narcosis is not going to be the cause of death here- much more complex forces are at work under those pressures. That scuba phill...

9 years ago
Re: Dr. Guy Garman

So sad- really a tragic loss for the entire stx community. It said he disappeared between 200 and 360 ft- he was planning on going three times t...

10 years ago
Re: Landlord tenant laws

I took my old realtor to small claims court after she stole my deposit. Was actually pretty easy to get it back plus court costs.

10 years ago
Re: Dental Hygiene Jobs

Hygienists are always needed. We get no-shows, but not much more than happens in the states. It all depends on the office. PM me your resume.

10 years ago
Re: Chances of being kidnapped?

What ever happened to the woman who disappeared after the ferry at gallows bay? Whats the "word on the street"?

10 years ago
Re: My first run in with VIPD

Sounds like you're actually upset about her shitty attitude, not her citing you. Your post makes it sound like you're pissed off that she gave yo...

10 years ago
Re: St. Thomas life safe/dangerous

The biggest difference is the violence will hit much closer to home. When was the last time somewhere you went had a shooting? Outside of your g...

10 years ago
Re: BBVI outage?

Beeski, what's up with your customer service? 2/3 numbers were constantly busy, the one that I could connect to put me through to a robot with a faul...

10 years ago
Re: St John Female on Today Show

My first thought after reading these replies:

10 years ago
Re: Save the date 4/20/15 Innovative

Bbvi could offer 1/4 of the speed and I would still go with them due to reliability, competence, ACTUALLY SHOWING UP TO INSTALLATION APPOINTMENTS, the...

10 years ago
10 years ago
Replies: 14
Views: 1664
Re: Growing Tomatoes- Help!

Great, thanks. As for seed variety, VF100? Gardeners delight? Cherry? Which strain particularly? Germination isn't an issue. Also, they ...

10 years ago
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