Prices not good. Cherry tomatoes 8.XX! Stick with KMart/CostULess.
What we needed was a WalMart not a Walgreens.
Are their staff falling all over their feet attempting to help customers?
That will go away soon just like it did with K-Mart, Home Depot and Office Max.
Business as usual.
Maybe just a rumor but I heard walmart is breaking ground April on St Croix.
I've never liked Walmart.
Check this out - Walmart: The High Cost Of Low Prices
Walmart and Wallgreens are vampires. They are here to suck some of the already tight money from the islands economy and transfer it to a large wealthy corporation owned by a super rich jerk who could not even find St Thomas on a map. I'm not gonna set foot in there! I wish everyone would do the same and keep the local places in business. Buy local!
Yep, and we hate General Electric, Ford, Home Depot, Catepillar, Chevon , Bank of America, Wall Street, and the list goes on. All they provide are the much needed jobs that our economy requires to survive. Just look at the mess we are in now on STX which no relief in sight. Why, because 'some' people hated Hovensa! So maybe we should all just farm and cook on tan-tan fires.
If Walmart were to announce the construction of a new facility on STX, I would welcome it. That would likely mean another 300 jobs for this sick economy. Not jobs to raise a family on but entry level positions.
A few interesting statistics about Walmart. A very impressive AMERICAN success story!
Total amount of money spent at Wal-Mart every hour of every day $36,000,000
Total amount of profit Wal-Mart makes every minute $34,880
Total number of employees 2,000,000
Percentage of Americans that live within 15 minutes of Wal-Mart 90%
Amount per every U.S. dollar spent at Wal-Mart 8 Cents
Total number of customers per week 100,000,000
Percent of purchases made by families making less than $40,000 annually 42%
i do get tired of "shop locally" what exactly do you think we do when we visit the big box stores that we do have? do you not think that by us shopping there, we are actually paying someones salary who lives here? if we stopped shopping at home depot, kmart and office max, how many people would lose their jobs?
My big issue with Walmart is that it used to concentrate on American made products. It seems like that is no longer true. Sam Walton would not be happy!
i do get tired of "shop locally" what exactly do you think we do when we visit the big box stores that we do have? do you not think that by us shopping there, we are actually paying someones salary who lives here? if we stopped shopping at home depot, kmart and office max, how many people would lose their jobs?
The same thing when visitors decide to avoid the franchised rental car companies because they feel that using a "local" business better serves the community. Their intentions are laudable but these franchises are owned and operated by locals ...
I'd bet that a good proportion of the people who complain about "box stores" moving in wouldn't have enjoyed life here much when our grocery shopping was pretty much confined to the choice of Pueblo and Grand Union and the only "superstore" was Woolworth's!
i do get tired of "shop locally" what exactly do you think we do when we visit the big box stores that we do have? do you not think that by us shopping there, we are actually paying someones salary who lives here? if we stopped shopping at home depot, kmart and office max, how many people would lose their jobs?
The same thing when visitors decide to avoid the franchised rental car companies because they feel that using a "local" business better serves the community. Their intentions are laudable but these franchises are owned and operated by locals ...
I'd bet that a good proportion of the people who complain about "box stores" moving in wouldn't have enjoyed life here much when our grocery shopping was pretty much confined to the choice of Pueblo and Grand Union and the only "superstore" was Woolworth's!
Or before that when there was only Lucy's Market (canned Danish butter unless you made your own) and you ordered if you wanted clothing from Sears, they had a store on mainstreet which only placed and recieved catalog orders. Country was considered to start going up Raphune Hill, there were no (or very few) homes on the way to east end and there was nothing in Red Hook, to speak of, except the Ferry Dock (25 cents to go to STJ) and you waited at Mama Dohm's snack shop next to the dock on wooden chairs.
Life was a bit simpler then.
yep yep yep and yep
So is it Walgreens or Walmart?
Does Walgreen's Stt have a large photo department/center?
I've never liked Walmart.
Has anyone seen the Walmart documentary? You'll be screaming at your t.v. and want to kill someone. They were also featured in the Michael Moore film: Capitalism: A Love Story. They take out life insurance policies on their full time employees and name themselves the beneficiary. Then if one of them comes down with a life threatening disease their insurance claims are mysteriously denied. They support the economy of the lowest bidder for their products. Like China.
I refused to go to their stores.

It has seemed to me that national chain stores that open in the USVI either close [ mostly restaurant chains] or evolve to a unique VI Version of a stateside operation. National chain stores are compared on a corporate basis weekly for same store sales and cost analysis and unless the company is experienced in offshore or foreign operations the comparisons generally make the VI store look less than competitive. Time will certainly tell how Walgreens evolves here in both products and services.
On another topic a great book about Walmart I recommend:
Does Walgreen's Stt have a large photo department/center?
According to one of the Daily News articles they have just "an instant photo processing kiosk".
Here's the Source article on Walgreen's Opening:
"The 18,000-square-foot store features the company’s new “Well Experience” format, where every aspect of the store focuses on the idea of making people well. At its core is the pharmacy where the pharmacist is made more accessible to provide counseling to patients and answer questions, according to Woods."
"The new store offers express pickup for prescription medications ordered ahead of time and a two-lane drive-thru pharmacy window."
"Fresh and healthy food offerings including fruit, vegetables, sandwiches and dairy will be sold."
"And because people feel better when they look better, the store features an enhanced beauty and cosmetics selection including a nail bar with a wide selection of nail polishes and related products, according to the company."
"Customers can take advantage of photo services along with convenient kiosks for printing. The store will also carry beer, wine, spirits, duty-free jewelry and V.I. souvenirs. Aside for the corner store itself, customers can order prescription refills online at Walgreens.com or through its mobile app."
IMO: Unless their prices are substantially less than other places I normally shop, I can't possibly see the need for this store in
the VI as it really has no products that very much interests me. Guess I will check it out at some point, just to be in a new, clean,
shopping environment and bring back memories of when Home Depot, K-Mart, etc. first opened and staff was extremely helpful
and available. Note: Nowhere in the article does the word AFFORDABLE appear.
OldTart and Alana33, thank you for the information.
Guess I will check it out at some point, just to be in a new, clean,
shopping environment and bring back memories of when Home Depot, K-Mart, etc. first opened and staff was extremely helpful
and available. Note: Nowhere in the article does the word AFFORDABLE appear.
One of the Daily News articles quoted the management on affordability. One thing I haven't yet experienced is any lack of customer service at particularly Home Depot. I shop there often, pretty much always need help of some kind or another and have never had a problem finding it. Sales staff without fail actually walk me to exactly where I can find a particular doofangle, frackenbuckle or whirliwhatsit and one of the reasons I enjoy shopping there is because I don't have to wander around aimlessly looking in all the wrong places! Even if I'm in the right section and am just mulling over exactly, for instance, what length of screw I need for a particular project, it's almost without fail that someone on the floor will pass by and nicely ask if I need any help ...
I loved the Old San Juan Walgreens when I was there last year, and was hoping for something similar here. The OSJ Walgreens had better spice variety and better wine selection. Prices were much lower, too. I see little difference between the Walgreens here and KMART.
I only priced one item there that I just purchased ta KMart. It was $8.49 at KMart and $6.99 at Walgreen's. I guess after things settle down I will check things more thorough. To me availability sure beats out everything. As long as I don't have to go 6 places to get 3 items I am a happy camper.
I've heard the Walmart opening on St. Croix rumor every year since I moved here.
Holy expensive batman!! I stopped in today to check it out, pretty store, all the medicine fixtures are back lit and everything's so clean. I looked about and there were some reasonable priced items but overall too expensive IMO. I was thirsty and decided to to grab a drink so I got a medium Perrier and wait in the giant line to find out it was $7.99?!?!?!? HOLY ****. Said forget it and went to Total , where it was $3.99 and $2 for a slice of pizza lol. I don't really know why they came here either. Kmart offeres the same product. ???? Maybe the prescriptions are better? At least it created a bunch of new jobs.
They created mostly part time jobs, I think. Would love to know true numbers of how many full and part timers they hired.
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