our last wapa bill for one month was 447.00,so needless to say i've turned off the small window ac in the computer room
So Cory,
Want to tell us about this solar water heater program talked about on the radio today? It was difficult for me to follow, but here is what I think is going on:
- bottom line: anyone in USVI will be able to get solar water heating system and will cost nothing upfront; and the monthly power bills should also decrease (but only slightly) for the first 3-4 years. Then the power bill should go down more.
he detailed story:
- you sign up for this program through WAPA
- you select any solar water heating system you want (actually I think it has to be from an approved list of suppliers)
- you don't pay them anything, but I guess tell them this is part of the "program"
- they install the solar water heater and someone let's WAPA know
- the installer gets paid either from WAPA or the financing company associated with this program
- WAPA charges you a monthly payment that is smaller than the savings you are realizing from reduced power load
- WAPA takes that money and pays off the loan for your equipment and keeps a bit for their expenses
- once the loan is paid off, you own the water heater and the payments to WAPA stop
Have I got this right?
Yep, thats about it. At this point this is very much a "draft" but the principle is solid. I think its a win-win for all people of the USVI. Its a program that takes no money down and doesnt depend on your economic status. When 35% live below the poverty line and another 30% close to it, this program can make a real difference. However...outside investors, both branches of government, WAPA, and the VI Energy Office all need to come together for something like this to happen. Like Senator Redfield said. "The sun, moon and stars have to align".
our last wapa bill for one month was 447.00,so needless to say i've turned off the small window ac in the computer room
didn't you just run your well pump most of a day that uses a lot of power?
No A/c, 2 fridges, pool pump that runs 4 hrs a day, solar water heater. Electric dryer that we use for some items. Cook with gas. Power save 1200 unit. (jury is out on the power save, just installed last month) Averaging 950 kWhrs and $325 a month.
I welcome Cory's enthusiasm. The competition will be good for the solar market. As solar prices come down and WAPA rates go up it's a no brainer!!
Get off his back!
Cory, could you PM me with some info on your products please. Or do you have a website?
What be the powersave 1200? Me freind tell me don't work.
Our bill last month was $94. I don't understand it, but I'm not questioning or complaining. Guy comes every month and reads. No a/c, no washer/dryer or dishwasher. 2 adults working outside the home full time. We have 2 fans on 24/7, electric stove.
Two fans 24/7 = 60.00month
yes Michael,to fill the cistern and thats not too often,the ac unit runs full time,the bill before the last one was 349,they generally are about 270
You say you have no washer/dryer, is there a laundromat on island if I rent a place without washer/dryer?
"What be the powersave 1200? Me freind tell me don't work."
The powersave can work, but i suspect only in certain situations. My understanding is that it is a power conditioner. It conditions the power and controls any spike in the power coming in. The unit has a capacitor and helps to control this spike by storing the energy temporarily. It only works for inductive loads, ie motors, not for lights. Some people have told me it hasnt done a darn thing, while others claim to see a generous savings (15%). If anyone is interested i can supply names of suppliers/installers that know alot more about it than me.
There are several. We used to do our own clothes, but now we take ours to Prince Street Laundry and have it done. About 3 loads a week, drop it off on the way to work on Tuesday, pick it up after work, same day. It's about $20 a week. So I guess we could add $100 to the WAPA bill.
When me google power save scam me get 1.4 million hits. Don't save kwh only amps between meter and box. If usin kwh meter no savings can be had. Me have a freind uses someting called ultra. Him gettin he say 15-17% savins all te time. Don't know much about that either.
Now they are calling for a state of emergency: http://www.onepaper.com/stthomasvi/?v=d&i=&s=News:Local&p=1212899490
Wow! I'm not sure what that means. Does that imply that they will end up subsidizing homeowners to implement alternative energy? Or.maybe that they're seriously considering OTEC as a replacement or aid to current WAPA production.
No! It means they can enter into contracts without going through all the processes. Now Senator Joe's brother, etc. can get a contract to provide energy with no safeguards.

Exactly what I was thinking, Jim.
Yeah it will be interesting to see who gets the multi million dollar contract to generate energy using goat turds or some other scheme and then two years latter we find it was a big scam (surprise ) when the Feds start inditing people. Another repeat of the sewer emergency scam which happened when that contract was awarded on an "emergency " basis.
Bummer. There is opportunity in all adversity... let's hope that the opportunity doesn't get wasted on the corrupt...
Our bill last month was $94. I don't understand it, but I'm not questioning or complaining. Guy comes every month and reads. No a/c, no washer/dryer or dishwasher. 2 adults working outside the home full time. We have 2 fans on 24/7, electric stove.
Look at your monthly bills and make sure they are being read EVERY month. Many utilities are only reading every other month. So if they over estimate the previous month, the next ACTUAL reading maybe lower than their estimated useage.
When me google power save scam me get 1.4 million hits. Don't save kwh only amps between meter and box. If usin kwh meter no savings can be had. Me have a freind uses someting called ultra. Him gettin he say 15-17% savins all te time. Don't know much about that either.
You can't just save amps.
It takes amps times volts to get watts.
Everything runs on watts and if the device can not suck enough watts from the wire, it won't work.
If the amps are reduced, it will need more volts in order to get the same watts.
And the meter is measuring watt consumption, not volts nor amps.
Me know V x A = W. Te amps are lowered between meter an powersave cause of te capacitors storin energy. Me just check me freinds house that has powersave. We did a test. Powersave has a breaker so we put in and out of curcit. We pluged kill-a-watt meter in differant items. Refridge, wash, wall fan,ect. Quess what? They all used same watts wit or witout powersave. Kill-a-watt show we power factor also. It moved up only little bit. Biggest move was washer, from .84 to .89. but still used same watts. Nodder test we do is hook amp meter to powersave inside te panel. when me turn off everyting powersave still drew amps. From me research on web its cause powersave be install before switches that turn on/off. That mean caps all te time draw power and drain trough resistors witin powersave. Te best decussions on powersave on web that made most sence was a forum by mike holt. Goggle mike holt powersave and see much information. Me also see powersave on net for $299. Me freind pay $700 and change. He had installed for two month now and said no change in kwh use. He say will try to get back money. It has 60 day warr. less $350 from install price. Somebody makin money. Do anybody have one that work?
Me know V x A = W. Te amps are lowered between meter an powersave cause of te capacitors storin energy. Me just check me freinds house that has powersave. We did a test. Powersave has a breaker so we put in and out of curcit. We pluged kill-a-watt meter in differant items. Refridge, wash, wall fan,ect. Quess what? They all used same watts wit or witout powersave. Kill-a-watt show we power factor also. It moved up only little bit. Biggest move was washer, from .84 to .89. but still used same watts. Nodder test we do is hook amp meter to powersave inside te panel. when me turn off everyting powersave still drew amps. From me research on web its cause powersave be install before switches that turn on/off. That mean caps all te time draw power and drain trough resistors witin powersave. Te best decussions on powersave on web that made most sence was a forum by mike holt. Goggle mike holt powersave and see much information. Me also see powersave on net for $299. Me freind pay $700 and change. He had installed for two month now and said no change in kwh use. He say will try to get back money. It has 60 day warr. less $350 from install price. Somebody makin money. Do anybody have one that work?
And if the device is producing heat, even if it is doing nothing but sitting there with nothing turned on downstream it is consuming or wasting watts.
Go feel the case of your television when it is off. That warmth is watts being consumed while it stands in qwik turn-on mode.
Check this out: www.solarbluelink.com/1408852.html
A simple solar system, that's easy to install and much more affordable than most.
If they could only sell them down here!!! Maybe someone will become a distributor.
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