Whole Lotta Shakin ...
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Whole Lotta Shakin Goin On?

Posts: 285
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I noticed on the USGS website that apparently the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico had several small earthquakes today. Could anyone feel them? Eight somewhere around the Virgin Islands (could have been the BVI's) that registered from 2.7 with the strongest being 3.6. Puerto Rico had two today registering 3.0 and 3.6. I was just curious if they could be felt. I remember being a teenager living on St Croix back in the 70's and a small one happened that made me extremely nauseated and disoriented-- and nothing even shook. Except me after I realized what it was! 😮 My first (and only so far thank goodness)!

Posted : March 22, 2009 1:17 am
Exit Zero
Posts: 2460
Famed Member

There ia always activity in about the 2.5-3.5 range everyday - these are not usually felt or noticeable -- we do have bigger quakes occasionally - I think the last big one about 6.o was felt in Oct.
Being on the edge of the Caribbean and Atlantic plates there is almost not a day that goes by without some minor shifting.

Posted : March 22, 2009 9:52 am
Posts: 8871
Illustrious Member

only felt an earthquake once, my bf thought i was shaking his chair and i thought i was just having one of my dizzy spells. finally realized what it was. lived in mill harbour and that was about 4 years ago. have not felt one since. kinda wouldnt mind another small one like that as long as nothing was damaged and no one was injured

Posted : March 22, 2009 10:57 am
Posts: 988
Prominent Member

There was a 4.7 this morning just after 8 am Sunday March 22.
Yesterday's March 21 earthquake was 3.3 and happened just after sunset. Didn't feel either, but...

I wonder if it explains something I noticed while fishing after sunset yesterday. I was standing in about 3 feet of relatively calm water and calm winds on the northshore of the East End of Stx -- when for about 5 minutes the waves and tide acted noticeably odd. At the time, I didn't know what to make of it.

Where I fish I can easily see the main reef between our place and Buck Island, and there's a shallow shoreline reef behind me that I walk across to get to my fishing spot. At that spot there's a post in the water I hang my tackle on. As I fish, I often watch the play of waves and tide. Sometime after the sun went down, for about 5 minutes the waves kicked up, and water strangely ebbed and flowed exposing the reef behind me. Then it was over. I saw no storm clouds or wind in the distance -which can often bring small surges. I was fishing with a bobber and squid jig, and usually the undercurrent takes it west -the direction of the flow here, but during that odd time the jig floated a bit east. I've only been fishing this spot for two months, so many it's just some odd tidal action, but underwater earthquakes do displace water, so now I'm thinking maybe it was the result of the quake north of Csted last evening.

Anyone care to comment?

Posted : March 22, 2009 1:19 pm
Posts: 3904
Famed Member

I felt the one this AM.

Posted : March 22, 2009 1:31 pm
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