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Joined: August 10, 2009 10:58 am
Topics: 2 / Replies: 52
Re: Michael Vick and Animal Abuse

Did Koontz ever release the final Frankenstein book? I know it was held off on because of Katrina but they said 2009/2010.

15 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

What place is yours TRW and where is it?

15 years ago
Re: Michael Vick and Animal Abuse

Tammy, Frankenstein? I think more Bionic man, All original parts on the outside, some foreign parts on the inside. There is a bad Borg jok...

15 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

We are coming down at the end of the month... what good Fish & Chip places are there to recommend?

15 years ago
Re: Best Neighborhoods in STT & STX

Dan, On STT, Peterborg and Mahogany Run are good bets. If you're doing a PMV or exploratory visit, perhaps renting a villa in one of those a...

15 years ago
Re: Michael Vick and Animal Abuse

You got me sockpuppet! Is there a MOD around?

15 years ago
Re: Best Neighborhoods in STT & STX

Right on. I was checking out the Restuarant guide, rather quite helpful. When we lived in Adeje (Canary Islands - near Los Chrstianos), there were s...

15 years ago
Re: Michael Vick and Animal Abuse

When I worked for the eagles. uh oh! Who would have thought someone living in Philly, might actually have worked for the Philadelphia Eagles. I ...

15 years ago
Re: Best Neighborhoods in STT & STX

From what I can tell on Coldwellbankerstt.com if we were to go to STX it would definately be the Eastern side of the island, in view of Buck Island. ...

15 years ago
Re: Michael Vick and Animal Abuse

Dan I could argue with you indefinitely about this subject, but will not. You have your opinion & I have mine. The NFL may have many redeeming quali...

15 years ago
Re: Michael Vick and Animal Abuse

Not only did he starve the dogs & put them in a ring to fight another dog, but the ones that didn't *ahem* preform........they were killed with MV's ...

15 years ago
Re: Michael Vick and Animal Abuse

Dan Your German Stinks! I said " You have been identified as a troll, Why don't you give it a rest for awhile" Your answer " Petty much" I then said...

15 years ago
Re: Best Neighborhoods in STT & STX

There are few neighborhoods here that don't have shacks just down the road from mansions or even next door. It's not like subdivisions here. On STT ...

15 years ago
Re: Feds/Police Drama in the Senate

[ I will be honest that the attitudes on here have been "odd" to say the least, but I have also chatted with some very nice and polite people as well....

15 years ago
Replies: 35
Views: 4392
Re: Grills for Humans

I always imagined humans would taste quite similar to pork. hmmmmm, bacon.

15 years ago
Re: st maarten or st thomas who will be the king of cruiseships

I'm not educated enough to determine whether or not more cruise ships would be a good thing but I would think that the added money would be beneficial...

15 years ago
Re: to anyone I may have offended

Good luck MIchael. I wish you the best for you and yours.

15 years ago
Re: Michael Vick and Animal Abuse

No i would not have supported the Bengals, Pats or now the Eagles. When i feel like i have wronged by someone, which michael did to all those poor d...

15 years ago
Re: Michael Vick and Animal Abuse

wahr, aber ich denke, die spater! If you think so unhighly of me, why don't you ignore my posts.

15 years ago
Re: Michael Vick and Animal Abuse

Lassen Sie uns zu gegenseitig freundlich sein. Thank you. This has gotten childish.

15 years ago
Re: Michael Vick and Animal Abuse

Herr Stutzam, Es ist offensichtlich, sir nicht deutsch lesen. Sie haben keine ahnung was ich daid. Sie sind lustig order unecht! I have...

15 years ago
Re: Feds/Police Drama in the Senate

Dan: I don't think you are one. But I do think you need to come to the Caribbean for a visit. The culture is different from where you live, from New Z...

15 years ago
Re: Michael Vick and Animal Abuse

Herr Stutzam, Sie wurden als ein troll identifiziert. Geben sie ihem rest fur eineweile. Petty much?

15 years ago
Re: Michael Vick and Animal Abuse

DIxie, if he had, would you have still supported the Pats? Dixie, are you aware that New England offered a contract to Vick? Three teams offe...

16 years ago
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