I've probably talked to Karl before, but last time I called (this last week) I didn't get the option to leave a message. I'll try again Tuesday and se...
the STX email doesn't seem to work at all... mine has been slow to next-to-nothing for a week now but I'm not home long during office hours to call i...
one of the owner/managers is usually there during the day I've noticed, but they're throwing in working like the rest of them so you may not notice wh...
hehe.. yeah, let's hope I drive into the correct road yes? 8) (OldTart is quite correct)...
...found it... it's over on the cross-street by the Golden Grove penal country club...
Yup... you'll find that pretty much a common situation, especially now that you can do the photo/mobile deposit route to go right into that stateside ...
Part of that equation (a big part) is your choice of installer. Any brand, no matter how good, can be a problem if your installer isn't professio...
I asked BB.VI about that specifically before I switched back to them and they said no to throttling/caps.
STX: The annual C.L.E.A.N (Crucian Litter Elimination Action Now) is happening this coming weekend, 4/26 & 4/27 in advance of the Ironman compet...
I've successfully use JoMax as _divinggirl_ posted, but your success rate may depend on the surface and reading the directions so it's used properly. ...
to effectively answer that question depends on your depth of knowledge in PING time, hops, backbone and other sundry references. I would suggest ...
Mailboxes and more is what I use too... easy in, easy out... they sign for everything and I can mail out whatever. Not all residences get home deliver...
None of the meters at my place (we have nine) are capable of being read online. I remember the electric company where I lived previously in Kentucky g...
Just heard on the station that Tibbar is coming in on Thursday, not today...
They should be streaming online... search on Virgin Island Radio Stations... I've done that on occasion. 8) I'm sure you'll see some posting aft...
I've been paying my bill online for a long time now... I paid my last bill online. I also handle the landlord's meters online as well. ...althoug...
What about that new STX Direct over in the old Bingo hall building? (next to AZ Academy)... they're shipping in dry goods, tires, and working on a re...
sold... 8)
how long have you been using it? Did you get it online or locally?
They've opened up the new building, so surely this will be close behind now that all the brass will be there. 8)
Last time I was over there was when they were closing it down, but I had heard then that it would be re-opened... just haven't dragged myself back out...
I've never been closer than the highway but I know where it is... I'll try to swing by there tom'w after I get done at work. 8) thanks
I'll have to swing by and check that out... what time do they get going and/or quit?