Last seen: August 5, 2019 3:36 pm
Great attitude and story. Sorry for your losses! You are getting great advice here. Come down, check it out, go home, give it some thought, and Do It...
Satellite Internet is secure. The military relies on it.....As well as oil field and off shore rigs.
We have a tenant that just moved into our downstairs apartment. He was in Man Camp out at Limetree. He says man camp is full, with a waiting list. ...
Steve, I suggest if you NEED internet you have a back up redundant service. We represent Hughes Gen5 Business Internet. Super Reliable! 25 down/3...
The people, the pace, and the weather.
2 years
Prices will rise even more with the start up of Limetree Bay Refinery...
Those that kicked out a good tenant for higher rent. Shame on you! I disagree with this. As a former landlord myself, let me tell you that land...
Asphalt is only as good as it's base, shoulders, and drainage. But it's encouraging. Got a pothole? "Call Marco!"
The way to help control the place getting trashed is insist on including weekly housekeeping. Then you get a report before it's too late. Hopefully. ...
To be clear. Those that kicked out a good tenant for higher rent. Shame on you! Those that took the opportunity to get rid of a bad tenant. Lucky...
Friend of ours got stung with $10,000 of unpaid rent, damage, WAPA bill….. They strung him along saying the "Voucher" is turned in and the check is ...
2013 we had a sizable return owed to us from our Solar Rebate. They audited us and have not paid yet. 5 years later still waiting!! They do however...
Being from Iowa I can relate to Corntocaribbean...haha
If you see them in the morning probably wood slave. Harmless and eats bugs all night. The more poop it produces the more bugs it's eating. Bat gua...
Here is my thought: If you haven't lived here long enough to know that answer yourself, then now is not the time to buy. Solid advice.
Personally I did not enjoy my time in STX based on the locals vs transplants mentality. Again that’s just me. I felt it was racially divided compared ...
With your skills you would have plenty of offers right now.
"Construction project management " Apply at Limetree Bay Terminals, Good pay and housing in a brand new man camp. I know man camp are just modu...
You should consider posting this on the Relocation forum instead of the classifieds. You'll get more responses...
With your skills you would have plenty of offers right now. Once the Man Camp opens places will open up. Being here and word of mouth is best. Com...
AansA2VI It took me awhile to review this entire thread and compile that list. I was hoping it would enlighten you, and some others, of how over-the...
BOOM! Here ya have it! Too friggin funny!:@) So just to get things straight, according to our usual discontented posters: - We’re all ...
Don't believe tourists come to the islands to tour oil refineries but to enjoy the natural beauty on land and below our waters. Boom! Ships ...