Reputable Member
Joined: September 29, 2006 12:45 am
Topics: 46 / Replies: 375
Re: AT&T???

My friends who have Sprint got a $50.00 credit this month for their outage ... I for one, am calling AT&T to see about a credit. Now if we could ...

13 years ago
Re: AT&T tower still down in STX?

still no AT& T service - STT - Northside Had about an hour UP today - otherwise, no calls and no messages ...

13 years ago
Re: Ferris wheel question

That is half price ? Holy smokes !!!

13 years ago
Re: Which web sites do you like to shop online?

One question maybe someone knows the answer to...if a company ships via USPS why will they not ship to a P.O. box? I would love to know the answe...

13 years ago
Re: What's up with this?

LOVE your post Sean !!! Thanks !!!

13 years ago
Re: What's up with this?

I remember Mel ... I wonder too where she went off to. I've been here for over 4 years now (I can't believe it sometimes) and I LOVE it here.

13 years ago

What caught my eye was the thread subject .... UVSI :S

13 years ago
Re: International Space Station (ISS) - Sightings over the Virgin Islands

That was GREAT ! Perfect night for it ! Thanks Swan !!!!!!!

13 years ago
Re: International Space Station (ISS) - Sightings over the Virgin Islands

I put it in my calendar ! On my iPhone - with a very unsettling alarm tone. I hope I don't fall off the deck and realize it is my ISS alarm ! A...

13 years ago
Re: Thank you Islander!

oh noooooo..... I wasn't done reading those yet !!! 😀 Thanks Islander !

13 years ago
Re: Nice experiences

Went to a little grocery store yesterday --- when I came out the parking area was full, and because people were getting home from work the traffic on ...

13 years ago
Re: Tree - leaves turn white/pink - what is it ?

That link has an awesome picture of this - and of course a half dozen or so other names for it.

13 years ago
Re: Tree - leaves turn white/pink - what is it ?

Found it ! Snowbush – Breynia nivosa is a rounded tropical shrub that is 5 to 8 feet tall and 4 to 7 feet wide. It has highly colored foliage t...

13 years ago
Re: Tree - leaves turn white/pink - what is it ?

It just GREW ... It was a scraggily looking tree thing so every year we just chopped it down ... got busy this year and didn't cut stuff down, and th...

13 years ago
Re: Tree - leaves turn white/pink - what is it ?

Nobody knows ? Bummer. Guess I'll just have to take some down to the local nursery and hope they can identify it. IF I find out, I'll post the ...

13 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 2979
Re: any whale reports?

Saw one north of outter brass yesterday. I didn't actually see it, but my husband did... Then a friend who lives out on the West end posted on FB t...

13 years ago
Re: International Space Station (ISS) - Sightings over the Virgin Islands

Thanks a million Swan !!! AGAIN, that was really AWESOME !!! It was the clearest we've ever seen it, as it was the perfect sky last night. Kee...

13 years ago
Re: Read any good books lately?

Anyone else interested in the Book Club ? It's BOOK Club, not FIGHT Club - we CAN talk about this 🙂

13 years ago
Re: I know this is really off the subject of the VI...

I'm "passing around" this link ! 🙂

13 years ago
Re: I know this is really off the subject of the VI...

OH MY GOODNESS !!!!! That is tooooooo much ! LOLOLOL !

13 years ago
Re: Read any good books lately?

I am ! I am ! Pick me Pick me !!! Count me in Cathy !!!

13 years ago
Re: Your biggest obstacle to overcome...

Driving. Staying on the left. In parking lots I OFTEN heard "Lady, WRONG SIDE !!!" I came to realize ... that was ME. I'm getting better, but...

14 years ago
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