East Ender..thanks for the info. Do you happen to know the name of the CMS facility on STT?
What is the name of the LTC facility on STX? Is there a LTC facility or Rehab center on STT?
Jealous....let me know how the zumba class works out..it is fun!!
East Ender..Shopping and working out in one trip, what more could a girl ask for 😉 Seriously though, I will check out the fitness centers. I can w...
Thanks anyway Hiya!
fdr, I will most likely be on STT. The only feasible way for me to work and live on STJ would be if I worked at the community clinic. I did ge...
Great tips! I need to brush up on cisterns and water pumps :-). I was given a tip about mail and told that connections was a good service. Hi...
Great advice Linda!
CheerNurse... Welcome to the boards! I am also an RN hoping to go down in Aug/Sept for a travel contract and if all goes well, stay! At the ver...
I'm sure there are going to be things that I don't like, things that I have to get used to, but, that will happen whether I'm in NC, USVI, or Timbuktu...
First of all, a big THANK YOU, to all the posters! Like Hiya said 'anyone with sight can see the positive". My grandfather always said, 'don't ask ...
Hey there.. You said you were 'medically trained' but didn't specify. If you are an RN, I would love to hear if you ever made the move and how i...
Can you tell me more details..I am a travel nurse and Sapphire Village is one of the places companies use to house travelers? I hadn't heard any rumb...
If you need a private duty nurse let me know..
I recall a travel nurse on the Delphi Forum I subscribe to mentioning a guy named "Barry" who has some good rental deals. I will look at the old po...
Yes, that is my plan. I have done travel nursing before and am talking with a recruiter now. I figure doing a 13-26 week contract would give me a go...
I'm on it...so much info! So ready to be there 😎
I'm guessing that using CL is a nightmare at best. How reliable are the apts/condos posted on this site?
What can you tell me about the hospital on STX vs STT? I am an RN looking to make permanent move to either USVI or HI. I'm 45, active and don't ne...
Lol...I love reading all the great advice and funny anecdotes (the rats have a better tan). I can't wait to arrive. Anyone know what the need for R...
No worries..any particular reason you went to STX instead of STT?
Lol..I thought I for sure I would be handing out band-aids in my bikini 😎 . I drive a VW beetle and even those with mechanical skills find working ...
I am totally fine with "Island-ramshackle-Chique" I did check out the average salary for RN's and I can live with it. Is there a USVI license or c...
Hey guys..I just found this site so bear with me. I am an RN currently living and working in Raleigh, NC. I have been seriously considering making a...