Caucasian Couple Shot in the Head in Exclusive Neighborhood
Agnes Fancy isn't an exclusive neighborhood.
Not that it makes a difference.
I drove by Mafolie and Sibs on my way home at 1:05 am.
I did not see anything unusual. So sad.
first thing I thought of was Neil Young's Tired Eyes:
"well he shot four men in a cocaine deal....."
ps. I don't know the victims.....not implying anything.....just trying to rationalize I've lost a friend to a coke deal gone bad....he made the front page of the Avis
first thing I thought of was Neil Young's Tired Eyes:"well he shot four men in a cocaine deal....."
ps. I've lost a friend to a coke deal gone bad....he made the front page of the Avis
Who knew buying a little blow was so dangerous?
I called a Thomian friend.....apparently the shooting victims were 2 of the 3 Meth Heads pictured here:
I called a Thomian friend.....apparently the shooting victims were 2 of the 3 Meth Heads pictured here:
Is it proven they were actual currently using Meth?
Does the islands even have Meth to be bought?
Excuse my ignorance. Sorry!
I called a Thomian friend.....apparently the shooting victims were 2 of the 3 Meth Heads pictured here:
These "meth heads" if they are the victims were someone's children, brother, sister, parent. Your callous disregard for any life is disturbing.
I called a Thomian friend.....apparently the shooting victims were 2 of the 3 Meth Heads pictured here: "meth heads" if they are the victims were someone's children, brother, sister, parent. Your callous disregard for any life is disturbing.
Agreed. I felt sick reading that post.
An aside-- how do these homeless statesiders end up in the VI? I see them all the time in C'sted and can't figure it out. Did they come down in such a state, or were they bartenders turned alcoholics turned hot mess?
Did they come down in such a state, or were they bartenders turned alcoholics turned hot mess?
All three of them were "hot mess" before they ended up in USVI. All three had served multiple sentences in stateside prisons.
The Virgin Islands...home to all of Santa's broken toys.
Deal drugs or deal with drug dealers,.....Deal with the consequences.....
Location and/or color of skin is irrelevant.
My husband and i are getting ready to move to Stx. We have been there and we are truly ready to make the move. We really need to get some information before we make the move. This info "Caucasian Couple Shot in the Head in Exclusive Neighborhood", makes us very concerned. I know that there are "bad" parts of town in every city. I hope that someone that lives there will reassure us that everything is okay.
My husband and i are getting ready to move to Stx. We have been there and we are truly ready to make the move. We really need to get some information before we make the move. This info "Caucasian Couple Shot in the Head in Exclusive Neighborhood", makes us very concerned. I know that there are "bad" parts of town in every city. I hope that someone that lives there will reassure us that everything is okay.
Unless your moving here to break into cars for a living I wouldn't worry about it.
Monogram's headline, while sensational, was of his/her own making.
Agnes Fancy is not an exclusive neighborhood. Monogram lives on St. Croix so doesn't know our STT neighborhoods.
As Gumbo mentioned, both of these people were recently arrested, along with a 3rd individual and have/had a criminal history.
If they were recently arrested for burglary why were they let go so soon? Harsh street justice prevailed.
There is a lot of violent crime that goes unreported or under reported here in STT. Most of it is domestic disputes, drug/gang/vendetta related. Perps/victims know each other well.
If they were recently arrested for burglary why were they let go so soon? Harsh street justice prevailed.
There is a lot of violent crime that goes unreported or under reported here in STT. Most of it is domestic disputes, drug/gang/vendetta related. Perps/victims know each other well.
They were released for the same reason people arrested all over the US are released - posting of bail, etc. pending trial.
Reported crimes are documented in the media here as everywhere else.
A lot of violent crimes don't make the media here or get very little attention. Like the guy who got kicked out of the night club by Pueblo 2 weeks ago. He went to his car for his gun and started spraying bullets into club goers and security. Eventually got shot dead by off duty cops. Two killed, two or 3 wounded.
This should be front page news on a small island. It would make front page of NYPost for sure. Here it is routine bizness getting mentioned in police blotter.
Guy gets his throat slashed from ear to ear in dispute.
Wife cuts throat of her husband over last beer bottle.
The person can live life not being affected by this violence if they keep their nose clean but when that reality hits, it is close to home. Too close to just brunch it aside.
Guess it depends on what news you read/watch. To get a comprehensive overview of what's going on you watch local TV news and read both the printed and online newspapers. The night club shooting you referenced was covered in detail between all. Then of course you can always come to this forum where being first to report the latest misery seems to be a competitive pursuit.
Wife cuts throat of her husband over last beer bottle.
That one was interesting.
and she has now died
and she has now died
sad 🙁
Deal drugs or deal with drug dealers,.....Deal with the consequences.....
Location and/or color of skin is irrelevant.
Thank you "war on drugs"!
I wonder how many deaths can be attributed to this crazy failed prohibition experiment.... hell I'm just tired of paying for people to live in cages after messing around with plants that other people clearly wanted.
Deal drugs or deal with drug dealers,.....Deal with the consequences.....
Location and/or color of skin is irrelevant.Thank you "war on drugs"!
I wonder how many deaths can be attributed to this crazy failed prohibition experiment.... hell I'm just tired of paying for people to live in cages after messing around with plants that other people clearly wanted.
Don't stop with just plants. Legalize all drugs. Now. Enough of this nonsense
So let's blame the war on drugs and not the "choices" people have made? People are responsible for their actions and choices, not the car, not the gun, not drugs. Please people, we need to take responsibility for our actions. Society as a whole blames everyone but themselves any more. Social media has made this more evident than ever.
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