You all remember Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona , who painted the jail cells pink and made the inmates wear pink prison garb. Well..........
Oh, there's MUCH more to know about Sheriff Joe!
Maricopa County was spending approx. $18 million dollars a year on stray animals, like cats and dogs.. Sheriff Joe offered to take the department over, and the County Supervisors said okay.
The animal shelters are now all staffed and operated by prisoners. They feed and care for the strays. Every animal in his care is taken out and walked twice daily. He now has prisoners who are experts in animal nutrition and behavior. They give great classes for anyone who'd like to adopt an animal. He has literally taken stray dogs off the street, given them to the care of prisoners, and had them place in dog shows.
The best part? His budget for the entire department is now under $3 million. Teresa and I adopted a Weimaraner from a Maricopa County shelter two years ago. He was neutered, and current on all shots, in great health, and even had a microchip inserted the day we got him. Cost us $78.
The prisoners get the benefit of about $0.28 an hour for working, but most would work for free, just to be out of their cells for the day. Most of his budget is for utilities, building maintenance, etc. He pays the prisoners out of the fees collected for adopted animals.
I have long wondered when the rest of the country would take a look at the way he runs the jail system, and copy some of his ideas. He has a huge farm, donated to the county years ago, where inmates can work, and they grow most of their own fresh vegetables and food, doing all the work and harvesting by hand..
He has a pretty good sized hog farm, which provides meat, and fertilizer. It fertilizes the Christmas tree nursery, where prisoners work, and you can buy a living Christmas tree for $6 - $8 for the Holidays, and plant it later. We have six trees in our yard from the Prison.
Yup, he was reelected last year with 83% of the vote.
Now he's in trouble with the ACLU again. He painted all his buses and vehicles with a mural, that has a special hotline phone number painted on it, where you can call and report suspected illegal aliens. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement wasn't doing enough in his eyes, so he had 40 deputies trained specifically for enforcing immigration laws, started up his hotline, and bought 4 new buses just for hauling folks back to the border. He's kind of a 'Git-R Dun' kind of S heriff.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio (In Arizona ) who created the ' Tent City Jail':
He has jail meals down to 40 cents a serving and charges the inmates for them.
He stopped smoking and porno magazines in the jails. Took away their weights Cut off all but 'G' movies.
He started chain gangs so the inmates could do free work on county and city projects.
Then He Started Chain Gangs For Women So He Wouldn't Get Sued For Discrimination.
He took away cable TV Until he found out there was A Federal Court Order that Required Cable TV For Jails So He Hooked Up The Cable TV Again . Only Let In The Disney Channel And The Weather Channel.
When asked why the weather channel He Replied, So They Will Know How Hot It's Gonna Be While They Are Working ON My Chain Gangs.
He Cut Off Coffee Since It Has Zero Nutritional Value.
When the inmates complained, he told them, 'This Isn't The Ritz/Carlton...... If You Don't Like It, Don't Come Back.'
More On The Arizona Sheriff:
With Temperatures Being Even Hotter Than Usual In Phoenix (116 Degrees Just Set A New Record), the Associated Press Reports:
About 2,000 Inmates Living In A Barbed-Wire-Surrounded Tent Encampment At The Maricopa County Jail Have Been Given Permission To Strip Down To Their Government-Issued Pink Boxer Shorts.
On Wednesday, hundreds of men wearing boxers were either curled up on their bunk beds or chatted in the tents, which reached 138 Degrees Inside The Week Before.
Many Were Also Swathed In Wet, Pink Towels As Sweat Collected On Their Chests And Dripped Down To Their PINK SOCKS.
'It Feels Like We Are In A Furnace,' Said James Zanzot, An Inmate Who Has Lived In The TENTS for 1 year. 'It's Inhumane.'
Joe Arpaio, the tough-guy sheriff who created the tent city and long ago started making his prisoners wear pink, and eat bologna sandwiches, is not one bit sympathetic.. He said Wednesday that he told all of the inmates: 'It's 120 Degrees In Iraq And Our Soldiers Are Living In Tents Too, And They Have To Wear Full Battle Gear,
But They Didn't Commit Any Crimes,So Shut Your Mouths!'
Way To Go, Sheriff!
Maybe if all prisons were like this one there would be a lot less crime and/or repeat offenders. Criminals should be punished for their crimes - not live in luxury until it's time for their parole, only to go out and commit another crime so they can get back in to live on taxpayers money and enjoy things taxpayers can't afford to have for themselves.
i think sheriff joe is an amazing sheriff. more power to him.
Very nice!
Yep, Sheriff Joe has done some amazing things. The handcuffs are pink, too. 🙂 We see his inmates frequently at the hospital, and they don't appear to be terribly mistreated. They are taken to the hospital when they have a problem that the jail clinic can't handle, and they don't look obviously malnourished or dehydrated or anything. In fact, I don't hear any more complaints about the jail from them than I did in New Orleans, Atlanta, or Denver.
I've been watching "Locked up Abroad" online (a National Geographic show about people who have been arrested or kidnapped abroad), and it's interesting to see the conditions in some of the foreign jails... makes the U.S. system look very, very nice.
Sheriff Joe for President!
In Arizona, we LOVE Sheriff Joe (tu)(tu)
Thumbs up for Joe I've been watching what he has been doing for years and he runs a tight ship. It's ashame the rest of our government can't take a lesson from good ole Joe.
Lets have all of our elected (or should I say they elected them selves) go to Arizona and see first hand what they are up against. It is a sin that we let over 250,000 (twice the population of the VI) into the us each year just over the Arizona border each year. I lived in Southern California for five years and saw the problem that illegal immigration was causing. And of course Washington is trying to reverse the laws that Arizona passed that just restate the federal law. Why? federal government is NOT doing the job they are required to do. And no new people have been added to the problem as promised by the president.
What a mess! I see no way out of this other than to say we give up. Open the borders up. Let them walk in. Soon we will be just like Mexico. I just don't see a solution to this other than to secure the borders and take a tough stand on illegal immigration..
I'm confused...
Are we talking about stray cats and dogs or illegal immigration?
Click here for another point of view.
He was re elected in 2008 with just over 55% of the vote, not 83. Gotta love the google.
I'm confused...
Are we talking about stray cats and dogs or illegal immigration?
Click here for another point of view.
I'm talking about convictions that fit the crime, keeping them locked up whether you have a cell available or not. and giving the prisoners something productive to do that helps support the prison system. They wanna eat? Here's a garden, take care of it.
Want TV? Don't come back.
Don't like pink? Too bad!!!
Taking care of stray cats and dogs should be a wonderful therapy towards a more positive way of life.
Go Joe!
I do see the other viewpoints Dave. I'm sure he's no angel. I just like some of his ways.
On you'll see who is most likely running the smear site against Joe.
As far as "convictions fitting the crime" I agree, except that the judge's job, not the sheriff's. Keeping them locked up or released early is also a judicial decision not the sheriff. Vegetable gardens? Really? Name a prison that doesn't have one.
So now that leaves us with basic TV and pink underwear.
Calling a website a "smear site" suggests that the site is spreading lies. What lies did you see on ?
There is no statistical evidence that his methods have reduced repeat offenders.
Lastly, Sheriff Joe did not "take over" the Maricopa County Animal Care and Control Dept. He did open a no-kill animal shelter in an old jail. He did not reduce the budget from $18 million to $3 million, the MCACC budget remained unchanged and Sheriff Joe ADDED
$3 million in costs due in part to redundant services. Add that to the nearly $50 million paid out in lawsuits and increased deductible
($1 million to $5 million) due to claims paid out under his leadership.
You may "like some of his ways", but I would suggest that in the future, really fact-check someone before you copy and paste a 2 year old email.
Go Truth!
Might be 2 years old but still a good read.:D

So, Dave. Which tree did you hug today?
So, Dave. Which tree did you hug today?
As many as I could. How 'bout you?
Stories written as fiction are often "a good read".
When fiction is passed off as reality, it is called propaganda.
Great news conference on the ecology of illegals crossing through the desert. Taken from today's new conference.

With respect to all, could we confine the topics on this forum to its purpose, i.e., " moving to and living in the USVI"?
I LOVE this guy and the way he runs things!! More people in our government need to do things the way he does. I lived in AZ for close to 10 years. The Sheriff gets A LOT of crap for the way he does things though. There are so many people that think he is being too hard on the inmates. These are people who have obviously never had anything happen to them or any of their loved ones before or they wouldn't feel that way. They are criminals or they are in this country illegally so why the hell should they get any special treatments??? And if you are here illegally, then you shouldn't be entitled to this country's freedoms and rights in the first place. I seriously wish their were more people in power just like this Sheriff!! He needs to be our next president!!
With respect to all, could we confine the topics on this forum to its purpose, i.e., " moving to and living in the USVI"?
With respect to Edward, The VIPD and court system could learn a thing or two from this. Maybe they read this board. Wouldn't that effect living here?
I'll just bet that the punks that robbed Off The Wall would NEVER have pulled that job if they knew that they would have to wear pink jumpsuits (although, getting your very own puppy might cancel out the pink jumpsuits...).
Sheriff Joe for President? How 'bout Sheriff Joe for dog catcher...... oh wait, he already has that job.
I would bet if the criminals here had to endure Joe's punishment they would think twice before robbing an establishment or even carrying a gun. Or anything else illegal for that matter.
Living in a hot 100 degree plus tent, only the weather and disney channel, no coffee, no cigs, no weed, no porn, pink jump suits:@), working a chain gang picking up the litter and cutting back the bush. After 10 or 12 hrs of working in the sun they get to come "home" to a 40 cent meal.
Sounds almost perfect!! They should also have Barry Manilow blaring loud 24/7 "Looks like we made it" might be appropriate.
and only the most compliant should be allowed the companionship of the dogs and puppies.
Seeing a Vacancy sign at the prison is also excellent! Our thugs seem to know they won't get caught or they will get off scott free.
I wonder what effect that would all have??*-)
I think the most effective of all that is being seen by your family and friends picking up trash every day for a few years in a pink jump suit. Brilliant!! LOL
Unfortunately we still have a lot of crime in AZ. It does seem to deter some of the more " honest " bad guys that do give it a second thought about not wanting to go back a second time.
He is having an effect on the ILLEGAL alien problem, not that they are afraid of being locked up in his jail but some are leaving AZ to other states before they are found and deported. They was a three page story in the Sunday newspaper about a couple who left the state and went to the North East, don't remember which state. They had been here 15 years and had two kids that were anchor babies, and how terrible it was that they were so afraid that they felt they had to leave.
Yes it is sad, but no sadder that a thief who finally gets caught after many years and has to leave his family and go to jail. His family didn't ask for him to rob or steal just like the kids didn't ask their parents to break the law and come into the US ILLEGALLY. And yes, if I was an Mexican citizen in the poverty level who could not get proper papers to come here, I would probably come here as well. But that doesn't make it right.
We do need to revamp our immigration laws.
Sheriff Joe does do a lot of other good things as well. His really goes after dead beat parents and is very hard on people who abuse animals by trying hard to track them down.
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