Why not? Bigots are a huge demographic anywhere. Appealing to the bigot vote means you have to sound like one... while constantly denying that you are. It's a formula that has worked for plenty of politicians in the past. Right off the top of my head Jesse Helms comes to mind... here in Arizona there's Sheriff Joe Arpaio...

I guess when Swaab, Allen and Levay did their tests and concluded that the hypothalamus was also significantly larger in the homosexual subjects than that of the heterosexuals they neglected to take into account how much tv they watched.
I don't know about that Yearasta. Better to know what you're getting before you vote for him. If he just said what we wanted to hear, we could be duped into voting for him. Maybe this way, he won't stand a chance. And, as unpopular as this statement will be, if he continues to spew forth as he is, and he still does get elected, well the people have spoken.
In my opinion, most intelligent people realize that homosexuality is not a choice, and those that still believe it is probably can't be convinced, at this point, so no harm, no foul there.
As to TV causing gangsters, I don't think we can blame TV shows. I do think TV is a factor in much of what we perceive to be wrong with today's youth. TV has been a babysitter for the last 30-40 years, and it continues to get more and more outrageous. If that is the major contributor to a child's education, without parental and community involvement to create a balance, well, you're not going to get a new generation of rocket scientists.
Anyway, it always adds a little spice to an election to have at least one outspoken bigot in the bunch.

Very well put Juanita...You are correct, good that he said it so we can see what's in store. But (Disclaimer: IN MY OPINION) the ones that would vote to keep him out because of those comments will probably be in the minority. 🙁
The possibilities boggle the mind, Yearasta. For example, I'm straight, but I have a hypothalamus that is larger than an almond. It's embarrassing, really... people stare at the beach. 🙂
And ironically, I watched "The Partridge Family" and "The Brady Bunch" as a kid and had perverse dreams involving Shirley Jones or Florence Henderson as my mother and even more perverse daytime fantasies in which Susan Dey or Maureen McCormick is my sister. So maybe S, A & L missed an important control group... what if large hypothalami are a direct result of watching bubblegum television rather than sexual orientation? 😉
Had to say that... my reptilian brain made me do it...

It's as dumb as the people who sued McDonald's because their kids got fat from eating there every day.
How does he explain the centuries of gays who existed eons before TV was thought of?
hey all slow at work and the other 2 waiters were starting to stare at me,lol, so i said "i've worked with you 2 guys off and on for years i will take the cut tonight but not again until you have each taken yours"well they agreed to that so i left,but anyway on my way to work i heard the coolest version of the song "summertime"on 104.3 it was like a combo of raegae,hiphop and rap. and Juanita i agree with everything you said,i can remember liking guys as far back as the 1st or 2nd grade and you know i never once agonized over it because it made me "different",i welcomed it because it did indeed make me different so i never fought it or hid it,oh i've never been the flamboyant type,i've been a jeans and tshirt kinda guy my whole life,it's not really how i define myself it's part of who i am.a cook i worked with tonight was carrying about "this faggot" he used to worked with and how much he disliked the guy and the other waiters and the bartender were looking at me like are you going to take this,and when he left i told them i'm here for a total of 7 shifts he will figure it out by the time i'm gone,lol so i'm sure they told him the minute i was out the door,but while i was there he was nice to me and explained any menu questions i had,so we'll see what tomorrow's like hahahaha
well my new batch of mice must have figured out dcon was a bad thing,only one has died so far and the other 2 are being quite brazen running around the livingroom while the lights are on the tv's blaring away and i'm on the couch with the dogs reading harry potter,sigh
Now, Now Sailor boy. Sheriff Joe would get my vote if I could from Los Angeles. But unfortunately I can't. He done did good.
And to all this talk about hyperthalamus or whatever it's called. You can forget about that theory. There was a study done about 10 years ago amongst mothers that played Barbara Streisand music while pregnant with a male child.....and yep you guessed it. And I know it's true because I saw it on the internet.
Her ( Wonder Woman, Linda Carter)brother is a friend of mine, looks just like her - but bald.:@)
premier of "generation kill"just started on hbo it's about the first 40 days of the iraq war from a soldiers perspective,it's really good and really raw
and since it's based on the writings of a Rolling Stone journalist........probably being told very evenly across the political sphere so that no particular agenda is represented.
honestly promo,i have not picked up on anything like that yet,just some really cynical and kinda funny scared young guys,but so far no politics about the right or wrong of it and i think thats what the producers were looking for a non political soldiers story,thats what i got from all the promo stuff anyway and thats the only reason i turned it on because it sounded unbiased politically
"And I know it's true because I saw it on the internet."
ROFLMA!!!! I love it!!! 😀
You know Sheriff Joe is facing a lawsuit from human rights groups for checking the immigration status of people that get pulled over for minor traffic violations, etc., based on racial profiling.
Sheriff Joe's response that there is no racial profiling going on in his department.
He's right. That accusation is stupid.
His officers never check peoples' status because they look Hispanic. They check because they look like they might be from Mexico.
yup it was good,even the part about the iraqi Fa##ot that was part of a group of iraqis trying to get away from the war, you know in iran and saudi arabia they are still hanging men and boys suspected of being gay, iran hung 2 15 year olds a few months back on the suspicion that they were gay and then posted the whole thing online,iraq and the rest of the sultantates never really cared that much,iraq was actually almost at the front of the pack in rights for women at the time of the US takeover
Well we don't have too many illegal aliens from Canada in AZ.:D
It is interesting that here in Mesa they are reporting that many Illegals are leaving the area. then in another report the local police are saying what a good job they have been doing since crime is down. They don't seem to see the connection. DUH:S
Hooray for Sheriff Joe. I just wish they would hire him on STX.
and ok lol i'm asking for an end to the ploitics on this thread,i never meant for it too happen,it's just supposed to be daily life on stx and thats it,ok so the bigot in the paper set me off, i should have remembered that there will always be bigots,there will always be slavery,there will always be women and children murdered every 30 seconds somewhere in the world and people will always be murdered because of their sexual orientation,so honestly who's suffering is greater,the women,the children,the slaves or the sexual orienation people,do we ever reach a point when it just does'nt matter anymore,enough is enough and no one group is more important than the other,do we ever reach the point where we realiize that we ALL have the ability to be victims and then do we ever stop trying to out victimize the next group,(oh i'm more of a victim than you are)i mean does the victim shit ever end?
Sorry, TRW. I wrote and posted my reply to terry before I read your post. I edited out the content. Bigots are bigots. Let's leave it at that.
Hello again,
Posted on page 45, but didn't get any responses yet, and you guys seem to have veered off on another thread.....
Can anyone give me some input on whether there is a real "down side" to the islands. We hear "paradise" all the time, and maybe "terrible drivers", but we are planning a move there and wonder if we need to know anything that is not "paradise". Any comments?
You guys posting on this thread seem to be pretty down-to-earth and any insight anyone could provide would be appreciated.

At the risk of being accused of being negative & since you asked:
You work much harder here for every nickel you get.
Everything is much more expensive, if you can even find it locally.
Electricity is stunningly expensive so don't live anywhere where you must have A/C. Breezes are your friend.
If on STT, traffic can be bad in rush hour depending where you're going,
Mahogany birds bigger than hummingbirds can invade, as well as flying termites after a heavy rainstorm.
If you run out of water, buying water is very expensive.
Sometimes you just want to flush, flush, flush. 😉
A long hot shower is a memory.
Slow service & at times, surly. I realize that can be everywhere but in some areas of business it's common here.
Ants, ants, ants.
You get really, really tired of tourists asking you in your work setting if you live here. (No, my private jet brings me in every morning.)
If you ever have a problem with the IRB..... 😮
Most of the Senate.
You'll be going to work while most government workers are enjoying one of their 25-26 paid holidays.
Rotten roads since only the numbered routes get any attention due to federal funds. The road you live on will probably be rough.
If having dinner guests, I can guarantee you'll have to go to a minimum of 3 stores to find all the ingredients you'll need.
Fruit & vegetables are expensive & go bad very quickly since a lot is shipped in.
You'll probably work most holidays if your job involves the tourist industry.
Kids are not a high priority for all the talk bandied about about the "youth" by the government & that's really sad.
The economy takes much longer to bounce back down here compared to the mainland.
Judge Kendall.
The police are undertrained, underpaid & in a few cases corrupt.
Now if anyone asks what I like, I'll be happy to give the positives but will be accused of being in the cheerleader, smiley brigade. 🙂
Great Post! LOL
the tooth sucking is the worstlol but you know they're really made when lip pushing goes along with tooth sucking,one of my old hr directors over here called it sucking and pushing
well turning off the small window unit AC in the office and by not running the well pump alot our wapa bill was 176 this month thats 300 bucks less than last months bill
Negative (AND positive) effect of cruise ship tourists here is much less than STT. I think we locals are friendlier and more tolerant of tourists, maybe because they are here for a week or more and therefore represent repeat business.
What ever happened to Tammy? Haven't seen a post from her in a long time.
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