Where to buy a refrigerator - STT
Good afternoon everyone,
We are in need of a new refrigerator and was wondering where are my options to buy on STT.
As you know, we live on STJ and our only store has almost nothing (they are going out of business over here) so I thought I would ask about stores on STT - Home Depot and Appliance Plus I know of but are there any others.
Thanks in advance

Western Auto at the Tutu mall also carries some major appliances. The phone book has these places listed under Appliances - Household - Major - Dealers, so you could call and see who has what in stock. If you don't have a current copy of the phone book it can be found here: www.viphonebook.com

Cost-u less --- Kmart - Appliance Plus - Western Auto- Home Depot-Price Smart
At Home Depot you MUST make sure it is 'in stock'
Western Auto often makes you pick up at the Bolongo warehouse
You need to be a member at Price Smart or it is +10%
Kmart has the biggest selection -[Sears] - but again make sure it is 'in stock'
Appliance Plus says they deliver on STT - not sure if there is a charge
All of the places often have a scratched model they will sell at a discount.
Have fun shopping!!
Thanks everyone - not my favorite way to spend $$$ but we think it must be done 🙁
Thanks for the link dntw8up, my problem is, in the yellow page section of the phone book alot of ad's do not say what island they are on - especially the single line entries - I know, I know 4 + years and I still don't know areas (except those on STJ) so I never know where I am calling - embarrassing at times 🙂
Pia: There is a place at Four Winds that carries Frigidaire. The name is something furniture-ish (The Bedding Store or something), but they have a big Frigidaire sign out front.
Beware of those furniture-ish type stores as they sell close outs that could be many years old.
Membership at Pricesmart is only $10.
Beware of Western Auto. We had an okay experience with our stove and a disaster with our washer and dryer! They only deliver to the ferry dock- you have to get it from there. And you never are sure when they will just send it and then leave it at the dock.
If you have to order from Home Depot it can take weeks or....MONTHS! Buy only if they have it in stock!
So is the appliance store on St. John (in the Lumberyard) going out of business? Is their store in St. Thomas still open? We had very good experience with them. We ordered our washer and dryer (after the 3 months of HELL dealing with Western Auto) and in about 10 days it was here- they delivered, installed AND took the time to show me the tricks of making them work. Very professional. It was a little bit more expensive than Home Depot and K-Mart but worth it in the long run.

It's a shame that Western Auto has gone downhill since Nick, the old manager left. Used to be great service there. Not so much now.
I use Appliances Plus as well and they deliver to STJ, plus service is there when you need it! Worth the difference to me.
Thanks everyone
AP is the store closing their STJ location 🙁 We checked with them yesterday and they only have 1 white for a cost of $1900 - errrr no thank you 🙂
We will probably be over in the next week or two and it will either be HD, CUL or Pricemart (we already have a membership) HD has 2 available - don't know if they still will be or not - in the $1300 range - still more than I want to spend as I found one in HD FL for $829 (25 cu ft) much more my price range so I need to find out about shipping costs as we could go that way I guess.
Thanks again - and thanks Ronnie for the heads up re: old stock
DONT FORGET to buy it from an approved vendor for the rebate through the energy office!!
rebate bar at top shows appliances and vendors

I don't know how desperate you are for a new refer, but I saw the following and thought it might be of interest to you: http://www.onepaper.com/stthomasvi/?v=d&i=&s=News:Local&p=1243829598
"...June 18, 2009 -- While the V.I. Energy Office is running its rebate program for solar water heaters, solar and wind energy systems, Energy Star appliances, and other items aimed at reducing energy consumption, Director Bevan Smith suggested that residents shopping for these items wait a bit.
Thanks to an anticipated infusion of federal stimulus funds, the amount returned in the rebates is expected to increase, Smith said.
"The program is going to be ramped up," he said..."
2 years ago, We ordered thru ajmadison.com in ny - if your order is over $2000, they ship free to tropical in Florida - the cost for shipping and insurance was less than 10% of the order. It took about 2 1/2 weeks from order to arrival. The total was almost 50% less than buying on island, but we will have to deal with service issues without a local "representatives" - as a dollars and sense issue, fixing a problem will cost less..
I have also been told you can order from Home Depot in Miami and have them ship it to tropical - again, more reliable and cheaper. Someone else I know ordered thru GE on line, had them ship to Tropical and received the appliance in a very short period of time, reliably.
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