Tomorrow is the day, ya'll.
Try calling Discount Car Rental. They have some cars for Monthly Rentals. Call 340-776-4858. Hours are 8a.m. to 5:00p.m. Very Nice staff, too....
Best New Year wish I have heard/seen! Thanks, Lizard - this is great. Same wish for you and others!! 53jmoon
Happy New Year everyone!!! Avatar is awesome movie - saw it twice. But it is PG-13. Is JJ old enough? My suggestion - maybe see it first witho...
Great information [] Where can one find Geology information about St. Thomas? Thank you, 53jmoon
O.K. Leave it to my client to make me look like a dummy here. (I don't need any extra help) He was asking about Beef Island not Meet Island. Duhhh...
Hey Pamela: PapaTom might be interested in going - sent him e-mail about it. If he is interested in going, I am sure he will get in touch with you...
Captain Kangaroo is deceased. What about Rodney Dangerfield? Deceased - he was so funny!!! Red Foxx - deceased. So many great people has passed ...
O-OH!!! This means, I am still considered Tourist? Not I use my hands - don't use the horn. Is one honk is to go? and two honk is ...
Exit Zero: Great direction - as always. 53jmoon
Hello: This might sound bit odd, but Mandahl Market - has a deli. In the deli - they cook local dishes and menu changes daily. Food is wonderful...
Good morning: Since you are here on de island - go pick you up a copy of "St.Thomas/St. John - THIS WEEK" Sep't and Oct. copy. Page 46 and 47 - th...
What type of place are you looking for? How much for rent? What is your requirements? Send me PM and I will give you detailed information about ...
br1k It has been updated today. Hope you noticed? 53jmoon
As you can tell that Island Trader for this week is still not updated on their website for this week. Ugh!! Don't they know that there are people ...
And it is free!!! One of the best thing on "de island". 53jmoon
Here is an article about Airlines and Pets. Some might find it helpful! Great article – 53jmoon
Usually the update of Island Trader takes place Thursday afternoon. But once again, this is island thing - never know when they will get around to i...
Good morning: I have sent you PM. Have a great day! jmoon53
Thank you Trade - I have seen some here and there - but not in my apartment, thank goodness!!! I thought they were like water bugs? What is the ...
I was wondering that myself, Exit Zero! Also what is Mahogany Birds? What does it look like? 53jmoon
Good morning/evening Edward: I am sure you are excited as you wait for your departure on Saturday to STX. Have a safe journey, hope stewardess(es)...
Well, my nasty flying ants, gnats or whatever are gone. Extra protein in your coffee, hun? Hope they all go away soon - but please don't send it m...
Yes, flying ants - that is what it looked like. They didn't come back last night, so maybe it was just one of those fluke thing? I asked my landlo...
Hello: No, these are not termites. I found out what termites are. (has wings - brown color, right? and drops the wing or shed wings.) These are ...