I've been deeply involved in the healthcare field for decades and I'm with you MsInformation.
I turned-up my 8.9kw system in mid-December and just passed the 4Mw mark in power production. I use more power than I produce (need 24/7 AC because of...
@Dareo: don't know yet. I just reprinted the roof a couple of months ago. My understanding is that it would take. Very high-impact hit by a solid obje...
My whole house PV system is putting out an average of over 1,000 kWh per month. At that rate, if it continues, the system payoff will be on the order ...
I sent you a PM. Richard
I got my Kindlefire HD 8.9' from Amazon and I love it. But I had to have it shipped to my son stateside. Island life ...
I went on-line and the old bill is still the latest.
I apologize to LiquidFloride. I let my to tongue get loose because I was dismayed that my family might be jeopardized by a good person exacerbating an...
I've been twice. The fish and bush puppies were fantastic. The sauces are amazing. They have to improve on some things but I'll be back
I used to wear suits and ties every day. Now, formal wear means a tee shirt without writing or pictures. If I really really feel a need to look "dress...
Sounds like they need to relax gun laws & allow citizens to arm themselves for protection. We have something like 8.5 guns per person in Alaska a...
Hard to figure. This is my third year living on STX 24/7 and I haven't had any of those experiences. Robbed by WAPA? Sure. Bad service from Innovative...
If you think America has a spending problem or that America is broke, think again.
OK -- try: I blame Fox because they persist in lying, obfuscating, and encouraging cognitive dissonance. And, sadly, some people pay attention to ...
I've been here for iover two years and my Innovative landline is completely useless. I never give out the number unless someone insists on having a VI...
Wood slave?
We are only broke if you believe Fox News. Jeesh. If you want no taxes, move to Somalia.
Sorry but the end of a novel is not instructive in any way. May be fun to read but it has a predictive value of ZERO. Everybody has a lens through whi...
We installed a whole house PV system and turned-it-up two weeks ago. We paid about $4 per installed watt and it looks like the payback period will be ...
There is a large class on the island that thrive on bad news. It is part of their culture. A lot of it seems to be alcohol driven. They seem to take j...
Anybody know when we're going to get Les Mis on STX?
I think this is great for the island! (And I contributed to two Biden presidential bids.)
Best massage on STX or anywhere: Corey Mills at Warm bamboo rods.......
Wow! OK ... I'm a Medicare-eligible white male who has lived on STX for about two years. Top tax bracket. In other words, a perfect GOP demographic. B...
We're 700 feet up and small tree limbs are breaking off. LOVE the Christmas winds!