How's everyone doing with their tax refund check
Anyone received theirs yet ???
I haven't. But I turned mine in April 14th, lol. i'm sure i'll get my refund around Halloween.

Not yet
. filed 4/14
I got mine in March, but I live in the states. Turn around time 4-6 weeks, express direct deposit 1-2 weeks. 24 hour refund through H & R Block $100 extra. What do they row the money over from the states? (LOL)
Still waiting....the BIR stated in May that all would be mailed out by June 1st....hmmmm....maybe they are all stuck in PR?!?!

IRB told me that if they don't send them 45 days after the 15th of April that they have to pay interest on them. Hmmm anyone want to guess how likely that is?? filed 4/10, no check yet

I always get my refund very late, BUT it always includes interest!
really? i've never heard about this interest...i wonder what the percentage rate is. wish it would be direct deposited...would save a lot of money in stamps and tons of trees!
Just did the math - 45 week days from April 15th is June 17th. Wasn't sure if they counted weekends, but that is doubtful.
I mailed mine on April 15th after the post office had closed (duh)
What are my chances?
don't tell me :-X
you mailed yours? didn't go down to IRB and get a stamped copy?...i don't want to tell you your chances 🙁

Dntw8up is correct. They do pay interest. I haven't gotten a refund in a long time but the couple of times I did, they always had interest added on (not much, though.)

I figure when I get mine I'll turn around and buy Xmas gifts...since that's when I expect mine

Still waiting -- always file April 1st.

i got mine 2 weeks ago. filed in february.
it was not one of the ones processed on may 28 2009 so there were no problems.
Tax Refund??? what is that???? lol :$) never received stimulus check.
Thanks for the updates everyone - good to know I'm in good company 🙂 I'll let you know when we receive it - last year it was August but we didn't file until April, this year filed in Feb so hopefully..................soon come 🙂
ps: sorry about you not receiving your stimulus check 🙁 can you track it down - I had a friend who didn't receive hers until December I think - there is a loooong thread on this forum just type in "stimulus check" and search all dates - good luck
51 days and counting...
haven't received mine yet either but i did get a letter saying they made a correction and should be getting refund soon (not as much as i had expected) but means they have looked at mine. not sure if that is good or not.
has everyone received the stimulus check from last year??? i never did. know of others who didnt either.
can they just keep it???
i received my stimulus check in June of 2008. That amount, if you did not receive it last year, should have been added to this year's tax return.,,id=177937,00.html
got my stimulus check but no refund check yet...April7th....SURE COULD USE IT!!! (sorry)
sunshinecruzan - did you get a stimulus check this year for 2008 taxes?

I filed February 7th, am getting a couple grand back...nothing so far...
Filed in mid March and got one of those May 28th checks....Which was good, only IRB forgot to tell the banks that is was straightened out, so I had to do a bit of running around to get it cashed............
Now, as far as my stimulous check...NO!!!! Never received it!!! I had a very complicated return from "07", so I don't want them opening that up and looking through it for only $600.00 so I will keep quiet on this one, otherwise I would be sitting at some table for weeks trying to explain to some tax "expert" why these legitimate deductions were taken....Probably cost ten times that in legal fees....
sunshinecruzan - did you get a stimulus check this year for 2008 taxes?
I guess was before taxes since I had to say whether I'd gotten it to the IRS. STILL haven't gotten my refund yet!
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