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Joined: March 2, 2010 8:06 pm
Topics: 3 / Replies: 11
Replies: 1
Views: 1023
Re: We're Booked!!!

I have 94 days before I will finally be relocating to STT. I am patiently awaiting my departure, hoping the days fly right by, and before I know I wil...

14 years ago
Re: Moving to STT with no pre-move

Your situation sounds to be a carbon copy of mine.. I will be on Island in just 123 days... Thank goodness that time flies : ) Good luck to you planni...

14 years ago
Re: 0ne way ticket July 1st

I as well have a one way ticket to St. Thomas for Sept 11th. I am moving from Wisconsin, and am looking forward to starting my new life in September.....

14 years ago
Re: sprint

I will be flying with Spirit airlines, I am departing from O'Hare. My airfare was 158.00 including all taxes and fees ( one way ticket, of course ). T...

14 years ago
Re: Health Card

The process is much quicker than I anticipated, thought it would take a week or so, because here in Milwaukee anything like that takes time. usually h...

14 years ago
Re: Health Card

Pamela, Thanks for the info I greatly appreciate it, i will definately call there. Annie

14 years ago
Re: Tip the hair salon owner?

Also, take into consideration, shes paying all the expenses to keep the salon up and running. And, its your hair in her hands !!! LOL

14 years ago
Re: Tip the hair salon owner?

However, she is still doing a personal service for you, so yes indeed she should be tipped regardless as to whether she owns the shop or not.

14 years ago
Re: Health Card

oops, sorry, forgot the most important info. STT.

14 years ago
14 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 2196
Re: Looking for info

Good Evening Billd, Thank you so much for your advice. I greatly appreciate it. Any advice I receive is priceless. I will definately be taking you up ...

14 years ago
Re: Looking for info

Thank you Marty, I appreciate all of the valuable info. I will keep it all in mind. September 11th cannot arrive quick enough, really looking forward ...

14 years ago
14 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 1563
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