Eminent Member
Joined: August 8, 2007 2:21 pm
Topics: 3 / Replies: 23
Re: Free Shipping For Holidays thru Dec. 20

If it sounds too good to be true... I sent an email to Walmart regarding their "Free Shipping" promotion. Here's the reply I received: Thank...

14 years ago
Re: STX For Sale: 2004 Dodge Neon / Price Lowered!

Bumping this up with a lowered price! Vehicle is now available for $3,900. For Sale: White 2004 Dodge Neon White 2004 Dodge Neon ...

14 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1383
Re: Seeking Avid New York Football Giants Fan(s) on STX

What's a credit tag? And what does it have to do with Bill Simmons? Jim ...not sure Mangini's The Guy for much longer. Hey Jim,...

16 years ago
Re: Renewable Energy Now...Not Later!

Reminder: The Coal Consortium prefers that you immediately change all references of coal to "Clean Coal!®"

16 years ago
Re: Renewable Energy Now...Not Later!

Hello - There was an amazing article in the NY Times Sunday Magazine yesterday about a successful battle to allow the construction of a 200-megaw...

16 years ago
Re: Broadband VI and Vista

Hi Again EngRMP - Yes...been on StX for a year now and managed to secure some consulting projects from the stateside company I worked with prior ...

16 years ago
Re: Broadband VI and Vista

Slight snip... Also, the one problem that I might see for an "average person" using a Mac is if a VPN connection is required. My company uses a S...

16 years ago
Re: Seeking Avid New York Football Giants Fan(s) on STX

Norman - There are some of us New England Patriots fans on STX that are still moving through the five classic stages of Grief: Denial: "Th...

16 years ago
Re: Taking My Laptop to the States-Temp.Internet?

Juanita - If all else fails, here's a link to free wireless hotspots in Oregon: Jim

17 years ago
Re: What is a good way for our son to meet children

Sunshine Cruzan - Your aunt runs this karate school?! It is the MOST beautiful building - I have seen it transformed since I've arrived and love it! ...

17 years ago
Re: Buying TVs on STT: KMart or Cost U Less

Snipping most of Marty's quote except this: "I think I saw a 32" Olevia for $799 last time I was in..." If you're looking to buy an Olevia TV, be...

17 years ago
Re: I'm throwing in the Choice towel!

Hi Juanita - I use BroadbandVI in a rental condo. Wireless signal is pulled in via a small (about 8 sq inches) antennae mounted on the roof and p...

17 years ago
Re: Job Boards with Open Positions in USVI

Sugarlander - I've been checking this job board a lot...it's updated daily and has an "Advanced Search" that allows you to target an individual i...

17 years ago
Re: House ,Apartments, Condo for rent

Hi Fitzroy - How much is the monthly rent on the Coral Princess condo? What would a "handyman" be allowed to do in a rental unit? Thank...

17 years ago
Re: Definitive list of online retailers who ship to USVI

Re: Definitive List These are notes from my recent Amazon.com shopping research - Amazon lists the VI as a US Protectorate . U.S. Prote...

17 years ago
Re: I'M Calling My Attorney!

Lizard - Ouch. Shame about the perfect season, but good to see the Giants get theirs. Man, did they earn it. Jim 8 (

17 years ago
Re: I'M Calling My Attorney!

Thank you...thank you. I'll be here all week. Don't forget to try the veal.

17 years ago
Re: I'M Calling My Attorney!

Lizard - The Patriots didn't even exist until late 1959. Prior to that, a LOT of New England football fans followed and rooted for the Giant...

17 years ago
Re: I'M Calling My Attorney!

Lizard - Please don't be too hard on yourself. You both raised your oldest daughter well and sent her off to finish her education. She went ...

17 years ago
Re: STX Rentals

Hello - I'm looking for a two-bedroom. I arrived on island at the end of August and am in a short-term rental. The unit will be occupied by me an...

17 years ago
Re: NFL in STX

Jay - I'm on St. Croix...just got here from Massachusetts...great to see the Pats win with the passing game! Finally - some weapons for Brady. ...

17 years ago
Re: St Croix - 1 Bdr Needed - Mid Island

MegC - Yes...I noticed that ad and jumped on it. Unfortunately, it's a true efficiency apartment: all one room. I'm looking for an actual one-bed...

17 years ago
Re: St Croix - 1 Bdr Needed - Mid Island

Marlene - Thanks for the help. I will contact your landlord. Happy Labor Day! Jim

17 years ago
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